
Does the drug "Dufaston" side effects

Hormones, along with enzymes, control the human body. The hormone of the female body is not an exception to this rule of progesterone. However, in our days not all women have a normal hormonal background. Often there are situations when there is not enough natural progesterone. But modern medicine has learned to cope with this situation. To solve this problem, women are prescribed medications containing progesterone. One of them is the drug "Dyufaston".

But, before taking any medicine, it is advisable to get acquainted with it. So let's see if the drug "Dufaston" has side effects? Being a synthetic analogue of natural progesterone, this drug is used to form secretory endometrium in patients. Most often, it is prescribed after a course of taking medications containing estrogen. In this case, the woman's ovulation is preserved, that is, her suppression does not occur.

The active substance of this drug is dydrogesterone. Already two hours after taking the pill inside the body, the maximum concentration of this component is noted in the blood. Passing the metabolism in the cells of the liver, it in the form of metabolites is derived from the body of a woman along with the urine. Complete elimination of the drug is observed already three days after the last reception.

Before deciphering what Dufaston has side effects, let's find out under what conditions it is prescribed. As should be clear from the foregoing, the main purpose of taking the drug is to replace the woman's body with a deficiency of progesterone. This situation can occur with the habitual termination of pregnancy; Infertility, the cause of which is luteal insufficiency; With endometriosis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstrual cycle; With dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Does the drug Dufaston have contraindications? As a hormonal drug, it certainly has limitations on the use. So, it is impossible to prescribe it for malignant tumorous diseases, gross violations of the liver. In addition, it is contraindicated in the syndrome of Rotor, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, individual hypersensitivity. At pregnancy it is necessary to accept only if there is a probability of a miscarriage.

In order for Dufaston to not take any side effects, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination before the beginning of treatment, including a gynecological examination. In addition, you need to conduct a regular mammogram. Precautions are prescribed for cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, migraine, impaired elimination function, diabetes mellitus.

When taking the drug "Dufaston" side effects are rare. However, nausea and diarrhea can occur, rarely - profuse uterine bleeding. All these undesirable effects can be quenched by increasing the dose of the drug. In isolated cases, hemolytic anemia, migraine or migraine-like headache, peripheral edema, and some liver function disorders are noted. But these states are extremely rare.

The delay in receiving "Dufaston" usually does not happen. In contrast, if a woman has a delay in menstruation, you can take this drug one tablet in the morning and evening. In this case, approximately on the second day of the month, most likely, will begin. However, the medication should be taken only after examination of the gynecologist, when the cause of the delay will be revealed . The drug "Dyufaston" is appropriate to appoint if the reason for the above condition is the lack of natural progesterone in the body of a woman.

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