
Word formation in Russian is the process of development

Word formation in Russian is the formation of derivatists (new words) from single-root words. What happens as a result of this process? Then a formal-semantic relationship arises between the neoplasm and its derivative.

Let us consider the structure of this phenomenon. Word formation in Russian often goes along the morphological path. It can be affixation, which includes the prefix way of birth of derivators. Examples of this can serve as verbal pairs: pay - overpayment, the tropics - subtropics, sweet - unsweetened. The morphological method is sometimes based on the suffixal word formation. Here are examples: love - love, mystery - mysterious, luxury - luxuries.

Word formation in Russian can be combined morphologically by both of the above options: taste - tasteless, homestead - homestead, work - unemployment, sewing - sew. There is a suffix-prefix way of derivation.

Today, there is a separate way for the appearance of words, such as zero suffixation: quiet - quiet, blue - blue, tell - story.

Sometimes the word formation in Russian has the form of a postfix method. In this case, the words are obtained with the help of particles. They are added after the whole word, for example, in the verbs with "Xia": bathing - bathed, looked - looked, kissed - kissed. Other particles may participate in this process: why - for some reason, when - ever.

It is impossible not to mention such ways of word formation in the Russian language, as the addition and fusion of words in the phrase. Examples of addition can serve as the following derivators: forest-steppe, oil tank farm, vegetable store.

A lexico-syntactic method is close to it, in which there is a fusion of words from the word combination without the participation of any connecting vowels and without changing the forms of the folded words. Here, as examples, it is appropriate to present such derivators: evergreen, instantly soluble, difficult to solve.

Abbreviation is the birth of new words derived from the first letters of names. Such are, for example, HEI, HPP, OTC, NEP. The excessive tendency to create new terimins in this way leads to the appearance of rather discordant abbreviations. Jokers try to "solve" them in their own way. Sometimes it happens quite witty and funny, especially when it comes to such witticisms with which KVN teams are full. Here, by the way, and one more abbreviation, which took root in the Russian language is quite strong. It even has its own derivatists, for example, the adjective "cavaene".

The word formation of the Russian language includes such a method as the transition of words from one part of speech to another - substantivation. For example: a bathroom, a dining room, a worker, a military one. These words turned into nouns from adjectives. Can pass into nouns and participles. Examples of this type of education are the words of the commander, students, living room, ice cream. And the participle "brilliant" in the context of the noun "ability" is defined as an adjective, just as "refined" in conjunction with the word taste.

Thus, the derivation of the Russian language is extremely diverse, has many ways and is in constant development.

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