Sports and Fitness, Fishing
Wobblers "Tsueki" (TsuYoki): description, reviews
The common practice in spinning is the use of baits. In comparison with a jig-head or spoon-bait they have increased capabilities and a wide range of applications. Special attention deserves the wobblers "Tsueki." Their popularity they won thanks to the good quality of products and low price.
About the company "Tsueki"
Young company "Tsueki" not only successfully copies world brands, but also creates its products, embodying original solutions in them. Occupying a leading position in the market of fishing gear, wobblers "Tsueki" are a budget alternative to expensive "Japanese".
TsuYoki is not completely a Chinese company. The owner of this brand is the Russian firm "Goldriver". And the production itself is located in the territory of the People's Republic of China. Experts of the company pay great attention to the development of new types of baits and their testing.
Review of wobblers "Tsueki"
Wobblers TsuYoki very well established themselves among professionals and amateur anglers. The assortment of products of the brand "Tsueki" is represented by various models. In the piggy bank there are clones of baits of famous brands, as well as unusual models of own production.
- Fats or "fat people", having the form of a body in the form of a drop;
- Minnow or "stick", a feature of them is an elongated body, tapering to the tail;
- Sheds, which resemble a herring in form of body;
- Krenki, whose body shape is flattened from the sides.
Wobblers without a blade:
- Poppers - make a squelching sound when posting;
- Rattliny - the bait has a very flat body, inside of which is a "rattle";
- Walkers - volumetric baits that have a specific way of posting;
- Stick - universal bait.
In the collection of the brand "Tsueki" are also represented Jointed, which consist of several mobile segments connected together. By the degree of buoyancy, there are three variants of wobblers: suspenders, sinking and floating.
Watson 110/130
The main difference between a copy of Watson and the original is a slow rise from the water, which allows you to attract more fish.
Wobblers "Tsueki Watson 110/130" refers to a variety of large Minnow and has a lot of weight. Due to its wide color range, large eyes (3D) and gill covers, it perfectly copies live fish. The bait is equipped with a small blade. On the hook of the wobblers "Tsueki Watson 110/130" there are power rings and powerful tees, which are necessary to hold a large fish.
The balls are securely fixed by the built-in magnet and during the jerk wiring the Watson 110/130 does not make a noise. When catching predatory fish in pressurized water bodies and in clean water, this is especially important. Basically, this bait is used for jerk wiring.
The name Swing represents a wide range of floating wobblers, having a different degree of penetration. The colors of the bait are different. There are also classic natural, and acid, as well as dark "chub" coloring, which allows you to pick up bait for any conditions of fishing.
Thanks to the balancing system, which consists of balls placed in special capsules, Swing bait does not create noise. It can be used for long casting, especially in pressed reservoirs.
Color Solutions
The different colors of TsuYoki wobblers distinguish the company's products from other manufacturers of fishing gear. The color palette of wobblers has about 150 colors, which makes it possible to use them for catching any kind of fish.
Advantages of TsuYoki
The company makes copies of high quality, which can hardly be distinguished from the original. It should be noted and higher strength coating, which have Chinese wobblers.
The company uses acidic shades in the manufacture of bait, unlike Japanese products, where marine mirror colors are preferred. In the latest models, fairly strong hooks are used, which undoubtedly pleased the spinners. In addition, it should be noted a wide range of bait at affordable prices and for every taste.
Wobblers "Tsueki": reviews
Many spinners have already tried out various models of wobblers brand TsuYoki. Basically, all the reviews are positive. Experienced anglers and amateurs note the following points:
- A wide range of models;
- affordable price;
- A lot of colors, including acid and natural colors;
- Effect of holography;
- Pleasant to the touch;
- Strong plastic;
- The strength of the coating;
- With small breakages easily repaired;
- Excellent work for any kind of wiring;
- The assortment of the constant is replenished with models of own production and copies of world brands.
Of the shortcomings fishermen note the following:
- Tees not sharp enough;
- Poor quality winding rings;
- Wireframe;
- Weak hooks.
- Chance is a clone of OSP bait from Rudra. For a number of characteristics, it is much better than the original. Widely demanded wobbler among amateur anglers and professionals.
- Gera has a system of balls identical to the bait Tackle House.
- Draga is a copy of Balisong. The long-throw system and the color scheme are made in exact accordance with the original.
- Mover is a copy of the Pointer 100 from Lucky Craft. However, thanks to Owner's tees and high-quality coatings, it differs significantly from the original.
- Rodger visually similar to Orbit, but made in the size of 130 mm.
- TsuYoki Dron - a successful copy of YuZuri / Duel Dolce. They are united by a hump on a body of a bait thanks to which it is easy to distinguish a copy.
Thus, wobblers "Tsueki" are in demand models of good quality at reasonable prices.
In conclusion, I would like to note that, of course, brand bait models are a good choice, but there are also high-quality copies at an affordable price. What brands to replenish their collection - the choice remains for fans of spinning.
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