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Why do you need a book for a modern person?

The book is an inexhaustible source of knowledge, useful advice, interesting stories and other valuable information. It accompanies us throughout life, from early childhood to old age. Why do you need a book for a person? Of course, the answer is obvious for many. Nevertheless, we will try to understand this issue in detail and in detail.

History of the development of books

Before the creation of the first books, information was transmitted from person to person only through speech. The ancestors of the writing were petroglyphic drawings, which were left on the walls of primitive people. Over time, they began to turn into real stories in pictures. Then began to appear Egyptian hieroglyphs, Babylonian cuneiforms, etc. The ancestors of the letter were the Semites. Over time, it spread throughout the world, undergoing changes in various countries. The first books were created from various materials: wax, clay, papyrus, leather. However, paper was the most convenient of them. Since the first book appeared on paper, a person had no need to look for more practical material, since paper variants are very convenient and durable enough.

Why did people need books? With the advent of books, humanity has entered a new stage of its development. Obviously, without writing, people would not have made such progress in their development.

Modern technologies

At present, most often in the production of books, the method of offset printing is used. Pages in this case can be printed out both on roll paper and on separate sheets. The technology of digital printing is also widespread. It is used mainly for small editions of publications.

With technical progress, a new type of books has come to us - electronic. Information in this book is presented in digital form, and it is placed on an electronic medium. Why do we need a book in this format? Electronic books can greatly facilitate the storage of a huge amount of information, and provide it with wide access through the World Wide Web. There are also audiobooks that allow you to hear information by ear.

Why do I need a book?

People who like to read can be seen right away. They have a richer vocabulary, they are able to express their thoughts beautifully and freely. They are more literate and produce a very pleasant overall impression. After all, human speech is the main tool of communication, and from how you can use it, much depends on life. Well-read and educated people find it easier to find a common language with colleagues, it's easier to get a job, they are more valued as employees, they are wonderful interlocutors, and therefore attract others to them like a magnet.

Why do we need art books? Reading such literature develops thinking and imagining. The reader is immersed in a new world, full of mysteries and adventures. With the help of books, you can mentally make a trip to distant lands, experience the history of your favorite literary hero and even move to the past or the future.

Why is it important to teach children to love books?

Children are our future, therefore it is necessary to instill in them all the best from childhood. Why do children need books? They are necessary in order to help children grow up to be literate and successful people. The book develops the imagination, teaches empathy and empathy, enriches the vocabulary and allows you to spend an interesting time. The first books for kids are full of colorful pictures with pictures of animals and other interesting things. The older the child becomes, the fewer pictures and more text is contained in the book. It is important to explain to the child from childhood how much fun it is to read, and then the child will be happy and useful to spend free time.

The most amazing books

There are books that have gone down in history due to their unusualness. The smallest, for example, has a size of only 0.07 x 0.1 mm. Created it by Canadian physicists. The material for this book is ceramics, and the text is printed with a beam of helium ions. You can read this book only under a microscope. There is also the world's largest book, which weighs almost five quintals. It is designed for children, and is made in paper format. The most famous and readable book is the Bible. The texts of the Holy Scripture have come down to us, despite the fact that in their time they were mercilessly tried to destroy.

Why do you need a book for a modern person?

In the modern world, people have less time to read books. They are replaced by television, computers, radio, etc. And it's really sad. Since the book in fact nothing can outshine. No matter how many new achievements of science and technology, it is the book that will always remain a true friend and assistant. The one who takes the book in his hands, feels some energy that can not be given by "soulless" mechanical objects. This invention of man will not lose its importance and relevance. And let the modern man take up the book less - however, at any time there will be true connoisseurs of reading who will not trade this occupation for anything else.

The choice of books for the modern reader is huge, everyone can find something for himself. Why do you need bad books? What is bad for a certain circle of readers, for others will be just right. You need to choose the book that will taste to you, and then its reading will bring only benefit and pleasure.

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