Beauty, Hair
Why do hair dry up, sekutsya, badly grow?
Thick and shiny head of hair - that's what thousands of women all over the world dream of. But what if the hair dries up, splits, grows poorly and does not have a natural shine? The answer to this question you will find in our article.
Hair dry up, split, grow poorly - what's the reason?
Often, even the owners of luxurious curls begin to notice that the hair is no longer the same and lose its former beauty. Seeding ends appear , and the scalp becomes dry. Due to this, the hair becomes brittle and poorly treatable. But what are the causes of these unpleasant changes?
- Lack of vitamins and microelements . Very often, hair is cut and broken in the period of vitamin deficiency, when the body lacks vital nutrients. This condition directly affects our skin, nails and hair.
- Dehydration . Surprisingly, even insufficient water intake has a detrimental effect on our hair. That's why you should not disregard the advice of specialists who recommend using at least 2.5 liters of clean water daily.
- Dysbacteriosis and taking antibiotics . It is proved that the disturbed intestinal microflora interferes with the proper assimilation of such useful substances as iron and calcium. In addition, the synthesis of vitamins and microelements is deteriorating. Therefore, hair is split and grows poorly. Doctors in this case recommend eating more dairy products.
- Non-compliance with the rules of basic care . If you do not carry out additional procedures for hair care, not counting washing, you can also get split ends and dry scalp. It is very important to properly dry, comb and nourish the hair. Then they will thank you with health and excellent shine.
Dry and dry hair - how to restore?
If your hair is already damaged, then do not think that their treatment is impossible. After all, everything depends on your desire to find the head of your dream. Every woman has ever wondered if her hair is cut and grow poorly - how to treat and how to restore them? In fact, everything is quite simple.
- It is worth reviewing your diet. A large amount of oily, salty and sweet food does not benefit the body. But fresh fruits and vegetables, white meat and fish very well affect the condition of the hair. And if there are no contraindications, then start taking dietary supplements that help restore the balance of vitamins and trace elements. However, you should always consult your doctor before taking.
- Provide hair with additional cosmetic care. Regular application of masks, balms and various serums will help in the shortest possible time to restore the water-lipid balance of scalp and hair. This is why you should not neglect these procedures.
- Change your hair. It is known that the most split ends are formed on long hair. This is due to the fact that the natural lubricant, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands, is not enough for the entire length. Therefore, the worst suffer from the fact that the hair is split and broken, women with short and medium haircuts.
What can not be done if the hair is overdried?
If you are faced with the problem of split ends, and your hair is very dry, then remember the following:
- Discard any thermal treatment of hair. This applies to the usual dryer for drying, as well as various ironing, plaque and other stowage devices.
- Hair dry up, split, grow poorly even from stressful situations. So do not worry about trifles and adjust yourself to a positive mood.
- Do not dye your hair with chemical dyes based on ammonia. In addition, you should permanently abandon household paints, which are sold in supermarkets. Use only professional hair cosmetics.
- Take the rule of wearing a hat in any weather. Hats and scarves today in a trend, so you can always find the perfect accessory for yourself. After all, this will not only complement your image, but also save curls from the effects of ultraviolet radiation. It has long been proven that hair dries up, splits, grows poorly and loses its shine even from weather conditions.
Ensure proper care
Why do hair dry and cut? In most cases, they simply do not have the proper care. If you can afford the money, then visit the store of professional cosmetics, which is used in their practice hairdressers. There you will find the best means to restore your hair. However, be prepared for the fact that even the most inexpensive mask or balm will cost you 2-3 thousand rubles per bottle.
But there is also a more affordable option - home masks, which will help to cope with the fact that the hair dry and dry all the time. For their preparation, the simplest and most accessible ingredients will be needed. And efficiency is often not inferior to many expensive tools from the store.
Professional remedies for dry hair
Hairdressers often recommend their customers to do hair lamination. They argue that this helps to give the hair a well-groomed and healthy appearance. But in practice it often turns out that hair is dried out even more if not supported by special means without silicone.
Very well proven manufacturers such as Estel, Matrix, L'Oreal, Kara and many others. In their range you can find moisturizing serums, balms, creams and shampoos for dry hair. A distinctive feature of professional cosmetics is not only high cost, but also the absence of harmful chemical components. As a rule, a positive result can be noticed after 2-3 weeks of regular use.
Home recipes for hair restoration
Natural remedies that can be cooked by hand, are characterized by availability and the ability to independently choose components. So, effectively moisturize dry hair helps with various oils, which can be purchased both in the pharmacy and in the supermarket. Olive and coconut oil is especially appreciated. According to users, with their help you can restore even the most lifeless hair.
Help eliminate the dryness of the scalp with masks based on egg yolk and honey. And added to the mixture of castor oil will accelerate the growth of hair and give them additional shine.
Special strengthening properties are possessed by yeast. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to dilute them in kefir and apply on the entire length of the hair. Such a mask not only eliminates brittleness, but also helps restore the water-lipid balance of the skin.
Prevention of split ends
If you do not want to part with the length of the hair, then there is an excellent folk remedy that allows you to quickly restore the split ends and prevent them from reappearing. To do this, it is enough to rub any vegetable oil daily into the tips. For this purpose, you can use almond, linseed, burdock and any other oil. And while washing your head, try not to let soap and shampoo get on the tips. This will avoid their overdrying.
How to increase the density of damaged hair?
If the fragility of the hair has led to the fact that the hair lost the former volume, then you can use the following recipes:
- 2-3 hours before washing the head, rub the warmed burdock oil into the skin. It will help stimulate the growth of new hair follicles.
- If you do not have allergies, then try rubbing the pepper tincture instead of oil. But be careful. Pepper should not get on face or mucous.
- The mustard mask is very popular. To make it you need to mix 1 tablespoon of dry mustard powder with 1 teaspoon of sugar and water to the consistency of sour cream. The resulting mixture should be applied to the roots of hair and wrapped with a towel. Such a mask will promote better circulation of blood, due to which the hair will begin to grow faster.
Remember that each of these masks should be thoroughly washed off with warm water and shampoo. And if during the procedure there are unpleasant sensations or discomfort, you need to abandon its use and find a more sparing recipe.
Dry hair coloring with split ends
Rejection of chemical dyes does not mean that now you have to walk with untidy gray locks. After all, you can fully use natural dyes. For example, henna and basma are popular , thanks to which you can get a wide range of shades from copper red to blue-black. But remember that vegetable powders have the property of drying your hair. Therefore, it is better to insist on kefir.
If your hair dries up, splits, grows poorly, then you can turn to a professional for help. In modern beauty salons they offer sparing staining and toning, which does not damage the structure of the hair. In addition, you can order a special restoring complex, which will help to bring your head of hair in order. The main thing is to eliminate the problem in time and monitor the condition of your hair.
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