Business, Agriculture
Mixed fodder for rabbits: composition, varieties and reviews. Composition of full-feed fodder for rabbits at home
Cultivation of rabbits is a very profitable and promising direction of animal husbandry. With modern methods of intensive cultivation, the fodder base occupies a special place. Mixed fodder for rabbits (the composition depends on the age and sex group) for large animal farms produce modern feed mills. Small farms and amateur rabbit breeders are quite able not only to choose the right composition of mixed fodders for rabbits at home, but also to produce it for their own needs.
Mixed feed
A mixture of vegetable raw materials, which contains a necessary set of trace elements and vitamins for a particular animal species, is called compound feed. Inclusion of such a universal food in the diet provides not only a full and proper feeding, but also significantly affects the volume of final products (weight gain or milk yield).
It does not do without such an assistant in rabbit breeding. Mixed fodder for rabbits, whose composition can be different, is widely used by fur farms, farmers and private owners. This significantly reduces the cost per unit of output, helping the farms to operate profitably.
The composition of granulated fodder for rabbits may be different, but the main ingredients are:
- hay;
- Herbal flour;
- Cake (sunflower);
- corn;
- Fodder yeast ;
- Meat-and-bone and fish meal ;
- Table salt;
- Mineral-vitamin complex.
As a percentage, the mixture looks like this:
- Cereals account for approximately 30-45% of the total volume of the mixture. As a rule, it is corn, wheat, oats, barley.
- On the second place are components rich in protein. They include sunflower meal, wheat bran, soybean meal, yeast, meat and bone meal.
- Mineral and vitamin complexes. They can be different in composition. The most popular include tricalcium phosphate, chalk, salt, premixes (special for each type of animal supplement enriches the diet with minerals, biologically active substances, vitamins).
The percentage can vary. It depends on the needs for which feed is used.
The table below shows the percentage of feed components used for different purposes.
Ingredients | Nursing females (%) | Fattening for meat (%) |
Flour | thirty | 40 |
Oats | 19 | - |
Barley | 19 | thirty |
Wheat bran | 15 | 5 |
Malassa | - | 2.5 |
Peas | - | 8 |
Sunflower cake | 13 | 10 |
Meat-bone meal | 1 | 1.6 |
Yeast, hydrolyzed | 1 | 2 |
Bone flour | 0.5 | - |
Meat (fish) flour | 2 | - |
Salt | 0.5 | 0.3 |
Feed phosphate |
- | 0.6 |
In the diet for lactating rabbits special emphasis is placed on providing the body with calcium, which is contained in milk (up to 0.65%).
It is mandatory to feed the combined feed is to ensure the population with fresh clean water. Access to it must be free and round the clock.
Mixed fodders can be divided into two groups: loose and granulated. For rabbits, the second species is preferable. Bulk contains dust, which, hammering into the respiratory tract of animals, can cause irritation. In the presence of pathogens, provocation and pulmonary diseases are possible. Granulated rabbits eat more actively, in addition, their teeth are grinding.
Another classification by composition:
- Feed additives. They contain vitamin-mineral and protein components. In their pure form, their rabbits are not fed. They act as an additive to the basic diet.
- Concentrates. They can contain several ingredients, one of which is available in a "shock" dose. It is added to juicy and coarse fodder.
- Complete. The composition of the full-feed fodder for rabbits contains all the components necessary for the full growth and development of animals. This is the most popular kind of mixed fodder. It can serve as the basis of the diet.
For fattening
Widely popular with rabbit breeders was the mixed feed of PC 90 for rabbits. The composition of a full-grain pellet for cased young animals fully meets the needs of a growing organism. Age from 30 to 135 days. Excellent indicators of growth and fattening are explained by the ideal selection of components:
- Herbal flour -30%;
- Oats (wheat) ground - 19%;
- Barley (maize) ground - 19%;
- Wheat bran - 15%;
- Cake (sunflower) sunflower (soybean) - 13%;
- Fish meal - 2%;
- Hydrolyzed yeast - 1%;
- Table salt - 0.5%;
- Bone meal - 0,5%.
In winter, the main diet is necessarily added hay, twigs, and in the summer - the grass.
Rabbits - it's profitable
The content of rabbits compares favorably with other animals in several respects:
- They are easy to maintain;
- They grow quickly and reproduce well;
- Except for meat give excellent fur;
- High payback of feed.
Among the variety of breeds of rabbits (there are more than 60 of them) preference is given to early ripening breeds (Californian, New Zealand, Belgian flan, white and black giants). A rabbit of such breed for 2-2,5 years can give 10-12 acres. Fattenling of young animals lasts only 2.5 months, and a full carcass is ready for implementation. With such intensive growth, adequate nutrition is required. The composition of the full-feed for early ripening rabbits must be selected carefully.
Without loss of quality practically in any climatic zone it is possible to pick up a corresponding set of initial ingredients. The composition of mixed fodders for rabbits at home can be varied. This is due to the fact that in each separate region the fodders inherent in this particular area are preferred. This approach provides a cheapening of the feed itself at times.
Technology is unchanged for large factories with industrial volumes, and for home cooking a small batch of feeds:
- Prepare the raw material: hay of high quality, grain, cake (sunflower), vitamin and mineral supplements and other components.
- Grind hay to a powdery state is the basis of mixed fodder.
- Add broken grain and other ingredients.
- To keep the mass of the form, it is diluted with water and sprinkled with flour.
- Knead a cool "dough".
Then there are two options: either to dry naturally (the final product is a loose mixed feed), or to pass the mass through a meat grinder, the granules obtained are dried naturally (the final product is granulated mixed fodder).
Ready products are stored in a dry cool room with low humidity. Do not make large stocks. The volume should not exceed the monthly needs of the economy. It is better to feed freshly prepared food. There is less risk of fungal diseases and there is a possibility to diversify the diet.
Another plus - you can change the feed for rabbits. Composition is supplemented with new ingredients or emphasis is placed on one of them. Or the entire composition is adjusted because of changes in the physiological state of the livestock (pregnancy of rabbits or lactation).
Although the production process is not complicated, it requires some equipment:
- Granulator (for the production of granulated mixed fodder);
- Grain crushers;
- Hay chopper.
This set is for direct preparation of granules only. And thanks to replaceable nozzles their size can be adjusted. For rabbits, smaller granules are preferred. With a large number of rabbits will not hurt motokosa and dryer for hay. He will also get his own unit for pressing sunflower seeds (double benefit: both oil will be, and meal for rabbits).
There is no single universal recipe. Everyone chooses the composition of mixed fodders for rabbits. With your own hands cooked from quality ingredients, properly dried - this is the best option (cheaper and more reliable than buying from manufacturers). With a minimum set of equipment (mixer or drill construction, meat grinder and fodder granulator), you can prepare a nutritionally balanced balanced feed at home.
Advantages of feeding full-fat mixed feed:
- Providing animals with a balanced diet;
- Minimum time spent on feeding animals;
- Convenient for transportation and storage;
- Reduction of costs for rabbit breeding;
- Fast fattening of young animals.
The most important thing is that, independently preparing feed for rabbits, the composition can be adjusted based on the availability of primary components.
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