Homeliness, Tools and equipment
Which radiator is better for a private house? Calculation of heating and equipment selection
Before you start assembling the heating system of a country house, you must necessarily develop a detailed project. In this case, first of all you need to determine the type of equipment required, as well as make all the necessary calculations. Which heating radiator is best for a private house, how to properly choose a boiler and pipes for highways, what type of wiring will be better in this or that case - read all about this in the article.
Basic structural elements
To build a heating system in a country house you will have to buy:
circulation pump;
Pipes for highways.
You will also need to buy an expansion tank. In modern heating systems, only membrane equipment of this type is mainly used.
What to consider when choosing radiators
Buying batteries, first of all, you should pay attention to:
Their design features;
Maximum working pressure;
Number of sections.
Which radiator is better for a private house: the main varieties
A modern industry produces several types of similar equipment. In specialized stores you can find batteries:
Cast iron;
of steel;
From aluminum;
All these types of radiators for a private house are quite good. The choice in this case depends mainly on the operational characteristics of the particular system and the financial capabilities of the owners of the building itself.
Cast iron batteries
The main advantages of radiators of this type are considered to be low cost and durability. Cast-iron batteries are not subject to corrosion and can serve with faith and truth up to 50 years. In addition, they are undemanding to the quality of the coolant and can easily withstand quite a serious pressure in the system - up to 12 atmospheres.
Advantages of cast iron models, therefore, have a lot, and therefore in some cases can be an excellent answer to the question of which radiators to choose for heating a private house. However, in spite of a large number of advantages, such batteries are rarely installed in residential suburban buildings. The thing is that the Soviet radiators of this variety look too old-fashioned. It is almost impossible to fit them harmoniously into a modern interior. In addition, these batteries weigh a lot and can be used mainly only in buildings with very strong walls. For example, for a house built from foam concrete, they absolutely do not fit.
Cast-iron radiators for private houses are suitable, but deciding to choose such models, it is worth bearing in mind that they are not particularly distinguished for their high efficiency. These batteries are warming up quite slowly, and the heat transfer is not particularly high.
Steel models
Radiators of this type, in contrast to cast iron, are heated very quickly. This makes them simply ideal for heating systems with temperature control. In addition, and weigh the steel batteries are not too much. Therefore, they can be installed in buildings with walls made of any materials, including foam blocks or SIP panels.
Steel radiators for heating a private house, thus, are quite good. Their shortcomings are only fragility and inability to withstand significant pressure. The second drawback for a private house usually does not play a big role. Because the pressure in the pipes in such buildings is often not particularly high. If this figure in the system does not exceed 7-8 atmospheres, you can buy steel models safely. However, one should pay attention to the quality of the coolant. If an effective system of water purification from a well or a well in the house is not established, it is still necessary to refuse purchasing such equipment. When using a poor-quality coolant, such radiators quickly rust and begin to leak.
Answering the question about which radiators to choose for heating a private house, it is worth considering including the purchase of a relatively new type of steel equipment of this type, which appeared not so long ago in the domestic market. We are talking about batteries made of stainless steel. Such radiators can last even longer than cast iron, have high efficiency and attractive appearance. However, such equipment costs, unfortunately, quite expensive. Allowing themselves batteries of this type can mainly only owners of elite cottages.
Aluminum Models
The main advantage of such radiators is an attractive appearance. Look aluminum batteries are very modern and easily fit into almost any interior. They are inexpensive, but, like cast-iron ones, they are rarely used in private houses. It's all about their high demands on the quality of the coolant. In an acidic environment, aluminum very quickly reacts with the release of a rather large amount of gas. And this, in turn, leads to the airing of the system and its failure.
Heating radiators aluminum for a private house, therefore, are well suited only when the lines use a fairly clean coolant. As for pressure, such models easily withstand a load of up to 15 atm.
Bimetallic batteries
Answering the question about which heat radiator is best for a private house, it is worthwhile to think about acquiring a model of this type in the first place. Bimetal batteries are currently the most popular type of such equipment. The design of radiators of this type includes elements made of two types of metal - aluminum and steel (or copper). Hence their name. The advantages of bimetallic radiators, among other things, include:
Ability to withstand a very high pressure of the coolant (up to 35 atm) and water hammer;
Attractive appearance;
Light weight;
Longevity (able to last up to 25 years).
In general, bimetal radiators for a private house are best suited. Reviews about this type of models, available on the network, point to this unambiguously. Owners of suburban real estate consider such equipment very high-quality, easy to install and operate. In appearance, such radiators resemble aluminum, but they are much more reliable. The design they have is such that they look like a monolithic product. Since the performance of these batteries is better than that of aluminum, they are slightly more expensive (about 25%).
Power of radiators
Calculation of heating a private house should start with the determination of this particular indicator. Of course, the selection of radiators for a large cottage should be entrusted to specialists. If the system is assembled in a small one-story private house, this procedure can be performed independently, according to a simplified scheme.
In order to calculate the battery power, you first need to know such parameters as:
Total area of the room;
Necessary compensation for heat loss.
The latter indicator, when using a simplified calculation scheme, is usually defined as 1 kW of power per 10 m 2 of room (or 1 m 2 100 W). That is, in order to know which batteries are needed in one or another case, you just need to substitute the desired value in the formula N = S * 100 * 1.45, where S is the area of the room, 1.45 is the coefficient of possible heat leakage.
Next, let's see how to calculate the radiators for a private house on a concrete example. This procedure is actually quite easy to perform. For example, for a room 4 m wide and 5 m long, the calculation will look like this:
5 * 4 = 20 m 2 ;
20 * 100 = 2000 W;
2000 * 1.45 = 2900 watts.
Install radiators most often under the windows. Accordingly, their required number is chosen. In houses with an area of 20 m 2 there are usually 2 windows. Therefore, in our example, we need two radiators with a capacity of 1450 watts. Adjust this figure can be primarily by changing the number of sections in the battery. But, of course, in any case, there must be exactly so that the radiator can be easily placed in a niche under the window.
The power of one section in batteries of different types can vary. So, for bimetallic radiators 500 mm high, this figure is usually 180 W, and for cast iron radiators - 160 W.
How to choose a boiler
So, we found out which radiator is better for a private house. If desired, for a suburban building you can choose from both cast iron and aluminum, steel or bimetallic batteries. In this case, everything depends mainly on the quality of the coolant, the pressure in the system and the interior features of the premises. However, when drafting a project, of course, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of other necessary equipment. In particular, it is necessary to calculate the boiler output. Modern industry produces four types of similar equipment:
Gas boilers;
Liquid fuel;
Solid fuel.
Here such here now are available mainly in the sale of boilers for heating a private house. How to choose a specific type of such equipment - the question is really not too complicated. Most often, gas boilers are installed in homes. Installation of them is usually quite expensive. But at the same time such equipment is quite economical and convenient to use. Electric boilers are cheap, but they are expensive in operation. Therefore, they are installed most often only if there is no gas main near the house.
Solid-fuel and diesel heating boilers are used mostly in buildings built in remote areas. That is, where there is no gas and no power lines. Worth such equipment is usually quite expensive and it is not too convenient to use.
Boilers for heating a private house: how to choose the power
In order to determine this indicator, usually also hire a specialist. You can try to calculate the capacity of the boiler only for a small country house. As with the selection of radiators, in this case, the fact that 10 m 2 of the room space requires 1 kW of boiler power is taken as a basis.
Choice of wiring diagram
The heating system mains can be laid in many ways. In small country houses, the simplest "Leningrad" system or dead-end two-pipe system is usually used. In residential cottages in several floors the collector scheme is more often used. In one-story houses of a very large area, a very efficient heating system, called the Tichelman loop , can also be installed .
How to determine the required diameter of the mains
When calculating the heating of a private house, you should, of course, calculate this figure. If the diameter of the trunk is incorrectly chosen, the system will not work effectively. To buy suitable pipes, you must first determine:
With the thermal capacity of the system;
Optimal head of the coolant.
The first indicator is calculated by the formula Q = (V * Δt * K) * 860, where V is the room volume, Δt is the difference in room and outdoor air temperatures, K is the correction factor (depends on the degree of insulation of the building and is determined by a special table) .
The optimum velocity of the coolant in the system is 0.36-0.7 m / s. The obtained value of the thermal power and the selected head index should be simply substituted into the pipe diameter determination table.
As for the material of the main lines, nowadays both in small country houses and in cottages, metal plastic is usually used. However, if desired, you can put in a private residential building and steel or even expensive and very durable copper pipes.
Buying a circulation pump
When choosing this type of equipment should be determined mainly with two indicators:
With a working head;
With performance.
The second characteristic is calculated using the formula P = 3.6 x Q / (c x ΔT) (kg / h), where ΔT is the difference between outdoor and indoor air temperatures, c is the specific heat of water, and 1.6 is the dimension.
The required pump head can be determined by the formula J = (F + R x L) / p x g (m), where F is the resistance of the valve, R is the resistance, L is the length of the section, p is the density of the working fluid, g is the acceleration due to gravity .
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