Homeliness, Tools and equipment
Machine for sharpening chains. Description
In the beginning of the 20th century the first chainsaws appeared. Cutting parts mounted on them had flat and straight teeth. Of all the attempts to modernize the chains for chainsaws, one was successful. In 1947, a new development of Joseph Cox was introduced. The new chain, designed for universal sawing, has a contour cutting angle and a L-shape. The product had increased productivity and did not require much effort at sharpening. Due to this, the detail quickly replaced the previous model. As a result, almost all chainsaws are equipped with chains with cutting links that have a sickle-shaped profile.
The machine for sharpening chains chainsaw can be manual and electric. To help the latter resorted to in case of heavy wear or large amounts of work. In the service centers and workshops of profile type, the machines for sharpening chainsaw chains are quite common.
The hand-type equipment is adapted directly for installation on the guide rail. The main task of such a machine for sharpening chains is to provide the necessary direction of the file movement, excluding the possibility of deviation. By and large they perform the same function as calibers, but the accuracy of the former is much higher.
The electric chain grinding machine is designed for parts that have a strong enough wear, which can not be processed with a simple file. This equipment requires a stationary workspace. However, along with this, this chain grinding machine provides high-quality machining of parts.
Today, universal models are available that are suitable for elements of tools of different designs. The main thing is to install a disk of the optimal size. The machine for grinding chains is equipped with special scales. With their help, the working disk and the workpiece are set at the required angle. Today, various modifications of machine tools are produced. Some models are equipped with a hydraulic system. It provides a clamp for the vice in automatic mode when lowered to the tooth of the disc and at the very sharpening. For other models, a compressed air source of six or eight bars is required. At such equipment productivity is high enough.
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