Homeliness, Gardening
Where does feijoa grow? Where does feijoa grow in Russia? How to raise feijoa at home
Feijoa is a bit unusual for us fruit with a specific taste, although it is gaining increasing popularity among exotic lovers. But where does feijoa grow, is this an interesting plant of the Myrtov family? Despite the fact that it is sufficiently frost-resistant and tolerates the drought well, preference is given to a mild subtropical climate. Brazil, where feijoa grows, is the country from which the hundred-year history of cultivation of the exotic fruit began. And the name was given in honor of the famous breeder Joanie de Silva Feijo.
Where the feijoa grows
Let's take a closer look at this issue. Where is feijoa growing today, except its ancestral homeland? First of all, this is Paraguay, Uruguay, Northern Argentina, warm Mediterranean countries, where it was introduced in the early 20th century. A little later on the plant was recognized in Central Asia and the Caucasus, the climate of which allowed to grow this very useful fruit. Incidentally, initially because of its unique beauty during flowering, the tree was planted for decorative purposes, decorating its houses and plots. Lilac-red flowers with the original tuft look amazing and spectacular. It was then later that strange fruits began to be used for food, used in medicine and cosmetology.
Where the feijoa grows, the photo of which gives a visual representation of it, it is customary to eat a fruit in its raw form. But many people have learned to prepare from it all kinds of jams, fruit salads and nutritious drinks, and an amazing fruit gives them a delicate aroma and a special taste.
The use of feijoa
For those who have not heard anything about feijoa, where it grows, how to eat it, what properties it has, first of all, tell about the benefits of the fruits of this tropical tree. The main thing is an incredible, richest composition, which includes a huge amount of coarse fiber, vitamin C, malic acid, sucrose, pectin. It is interesting that their content with progression increases as the fruit ripens.
In countries where feijoa is growing, it has long been recognized that it contains unique biologically active antioxidants - kakhetins and leukoanthocyanins, which help the human body to fight cancer and prevent aging. This is especially true of the fruit skin, although its essential disadvantage can be called a too astringent taste, because of which most people clean the feijoa before consumption. And so much benefit from the green berry is incredible!
For those places where feijoa grows, it became a true find, as it is recognized as a magnificent curative fruit. In particular, official medicine strongly recommends the use of ripe fruit in the treatment of iodine deficiency, atherosclerosis, gastritis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines. If prophylaxis is required from the usual seasonal cold and acute viral diseases, it is feijoa that will help to quickly strengthen the body's immunity. Another very important property is the absence of allergic reactions to the plant. That's why almost everyone can safely enjoy a useful fruit. We'll talk about small exceptions a little later.
Feijoa in cosmetology
Residents of the whole of the Russian Federation also have access to a miraculous fruit. Those who are interested in feijoa where growing in Russia, we will tell that dense, strong bright green fruits consider, among other things, a unique means for maintaining beauty. After all, their core and vitamin juice restore the turgor of the skin, tone up and relieve skin inflammation. Feijoa noticeably corrects such cosmetic deficiencies as couperose.
It is useful to use a delicious fragrant fruit for the preparation of cleansing and nourishing masks, which are shown at any age and for any type of skin. This makes the plant universal in its kind of natural product.
We offer a wonderful recipe especially for those who want to rejuvenate the skin of the face with an anti-aging mask: mix 2 tablespoons of feijoa pulp with a teaspoon of almond oil and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal soaked in chamomile decoction. Apply to the skin and wash off after 20 minutes. If you use such a tool twice a week, a tremendous effect will be seen in a month!
The harm of feijoa
Not surprisingly, feijoa is not as harmless as it seems. The obvious fact that the feijoa fruit (where it grows, it is already known) has some contraindications - individual intolerance of the components, diabetes and obesity. The last two points are due to the high content of fast-digestible sugars in berries.
So the measure is necessary in everything. Those who like these exotic fruits should remember that with increased thyroid function, one should not consume too much feijoa, rich in iodine. And otherwise you can enjoy yourself with cocktails and salads made from these vitamin fruits, add them to the original sauces, eat in kind, as they say, to health!
Calorie Feijoa
As for the energy value, then 100 grams of green product accounts for only about 50 kilocalories, which is 3% of the daily norm, and 26% of carbohydrates. Light vegetable fats and proteins are contained in equal shares, but water - 60%. This is why a unique feijoa is considered a real dietary fruit.
Useful sauces from it in combination with meat or fish will be useful, fragrant and tasty. By the way, you can eat fleshy sweet petals of the plant, which serve as an excellent spicy additive in fruit and vegetable salads.
Where does feijoa grow in Russia?
Those who only get acquainted with the exotic visitor feijoa, where this remarkable fruit grows in Russia and in what form it can be eaten, will be interesting. In our climate, it also became well established: in the Krasnodar Territory, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. But this is not all the places. There are other republics where feijoa is growing - in Abkhazia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.
Adapted to a somewhat unusual conditions, the plant fructifies well on our lands. It is very convenient that the fruits ripen in November, December and January, because at this time we are accustomed to replenish the body with vitamins to strengthen immunity and prevent colds.
You can prepare a very fragrant and nutritious jam of fresh feijoa, wiping them through a grater along with the skin and adding sugar to taste. Citrus lovers can enrich such a fruit dish with orange, lemon or lime. The cem is stored for a long time in a cold place, and in Abkhazia on hot days a tonic cool drink is prepared from it, just diluted with water.
Feijoa in Ukraine
And where is feijoa growing in Ukraine? In Crimea (though now it's Russia), this fruit is very much in demand, not only because it is a dietary product, but, first of all, because of iodine deficiency in water. The peninsula, according to statistics, surpasses other regions for diseases of the thyroid gland, so the official medicine recommends "rasprobovat" subtropical gift in the form of fruits of feijoa and include it in the usual diet.
How to raise feijoa at home
A miniature feijoa tree can be grown at home in a large flowerpot, and within four to five years it will just become fruitful. Though the fruit on it will be, most likely, small, but on a question of friends about feijoa: "Where does this rare species grow?", You will proudly answer: "At home!"
The pot may be wooden, plastic or ceramic. Room temperature is quite enough for a plant, and on the street it is necessary to take out it only in the summer to please with fresh air and warm sun rays. If the pot is on the windowsill, in winter it is necessary to watch that the leaves do not touch the glass, otherwise cold shocks will occur. A photophilous tree should not be placed in a dark place. In general, it is very unpretentious.
How to plant a feijoa
Is it possible to plant a feijoa independently? Where does this wonderful fruit grow in Russia? Here are some tips for beginning gardeners. Plant it with a handle should be, pouring into the pot first layer of expanded clay, then sand (no thicker than three centimeters), and then a special primer. The transplanted tree is slightly moistened. First-year buds, as a rule, are not branched, but their leaflets are very fragile. For the growth of lateral shoots, the apex below the three leaves is cleaved. You can propagate a fruit tree with seeds, from roots or cuttings.
Seeds of feijoa are selected from a ripe fruit, and before sowing, 5 days are dried. Optimal to do this in early winter. The best option is to sow a light mixture of peat, foliage and sand in the proportion of 2/2/1, although the usual planting soil is also suitable. Seeds are deepened by half a centimeter into the mixture, buried and covered with a film or glass on top. The main thing is regular watering. When the shoots appear, the film is removed.
Subtropical feijoa likes good regular watering and periodic spraying, except for winter time, when it does not require frequent moistening. During the vegetative period, we need fertilizing, for example, fermented manure, alternating it with diluted mineral fertilizers. Then a strong and well-bearing tree will grow in your house for the benefit of your health. In winter, you can do without extra food.
Thus, anyone who wants to have at home a tropical tree grown with his own hands with tasty vitamin fruits can easily do it. A little patience, and in four or five years you will be proud to treat your loved ones with useful fruit juices and feijoa desserts, enjoying the unusual exotic taste and bright colors on the bush.
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