
Where and how do they analyze feces for eggs of worms: the procedure. Analysis of feces for eggs worm: how to take

Many people of our planet suffer from parasites that live in their bodies. Therefore, it is very important to carry out an analysis of feces on the eggs of the worm in time. How to donate feces, how to take them right? All this will be discussed in the article. And also consider how to properly take feces for analysis in newborn babies and older children. And we will also determine in which cases it is necessary to hand over feces for research.

Preparation of capacity

How do they analyze feces for eggs of worms, which first rule exists? In order to take the material for further research, it must be placed in a special container. It is best to buy jars for tests, which are sold in a pharmacy. First, they will be sterile, and secondly, comfortable, because they have a spoon, which is built into the lid. It will be easy for a person to gain her feces in a capacity. But many people either do not know that such jars are sold, or they want to save and use the usual glass vessels that they have at home. Of course, you can take and capacity, which is in the apartment, but then it needs to be washed with hot water with soap and then with boiling water. After all, the purity of the banks is an important condition for obtaining a reliable result.

We collect material for research in children

Babies who attend kindergartens are required to take the feces for the detection of helminthes in their bodies. In this case, you can not do without the help of your parents. How to collect the analysis of a feces on an egg a worm, each mum should know. So, for this, morning or evening feces will be needed. Mom should see to it that her child peed beforehand, because urine should not get into the tests. The parent should collect the feces from different areas: in the center, from above, from below. After that, you need to close the jar tightly with a lid, and sign the capacity (specify the name and the name of the child).

If it is necessary to collect feces from a newborn baby, then the material should be taken from a diaper. If the children are older - then from the pot.

Soskob on enterobiosis: what is it?

This is an analysis that allows to identify parasites in the human body, namely pinworms. Such research is conducted in relation to both children and adults. But if the kids find out this problem, then it can lead to the appearance of intestinal disorders, flatulence, dysbiosis. Also parasites make immunity vulnerable, and this all entails the appearance of other diseases, complications. In advance to identify pinworms in the intestine will help such a method of research, as scraping on enterobiosis. This analysis must necessarily take place boys and girls who go to preschool, school, health centers, etc. Soskob on enterobiosis is also taken in such situations:

- Before entering the kindergarten, school.

- Before you record a boy or girl on a voyage.

- Before inpatient treatment.

- When preparing a medical book for doctors, employees of children's organizations, workers in the public catering sector.

The rules for taking scraping on enterobiasis

In this case, there is no need to select feces for analysis on the eggs of the worm, pinworms. Here, the preparatory work will be different. So, scraping for enterobiasis should be done in the morning. Mom should prepare a cotton swab: moisten it in warm water. Then it should be done around the folds of the skin on the anus of the child. After that, the stick must be quickly identified in a special plastic tube, which should be purchased at the pharmacy and closed tightly with a lid. On the same day, the collected analysis must be delivered to the laboratory. And it needs to be done in the morning, because lab technicians accept the material before 10am. This method allows you to quickly detect helminths of pinworms.

To the attention of parents! To submit the analysis on an enterobiosis it is necessary 3 days on end. This will allow laboratory technicians to accurately determine the presence of helminths in the child's body. Therapists advise parents to take this scraping every six months. In preschool institutions this is done regularly.

Indications for research

When it is necessary to take an analysis of feces for eggs of a worm, in what cases?

  1. If suspected of being infected with helminths.
  2. With barrier analysis. This is a compulsory study, which must be passed by people coming to work related to the sale, storage of food, contact with other people. Also, this analysis is given at admission to the kindergarten, school, to take a certificate about the possibility of visiting the pool.

Where to take the collected material?

Where to pass the analysis of a feces on eggs a worm, in what establishment? If it is necessary to check the child, the parent should bring a jar of feces to the laboratory of the children's polyclinic, to which the baby belongs. You can also go to private clinics, they also have such a service. True, if a state institution does this for free, then in private for this analysis will take money. The same applies to adults. They can hand over the collected material to a special window in the laboratory of their polyclinic or go to a private medical institution.

How to take the analysis of feces for eggs worm, how to take and collect feces from children, it is now clear to parents. It's time to find out what answers people can get on their hands and what it will testify to.

Results of the conducted researches

Deciphering the results of the analysis of feces on the eggs of the worm, as well as the test itself, is conducted in public and private medical institutions with the help of modern microscopes using the methods of Füllbörn or Telman.

If you use the method of the first scientist, then the lab technician applies ether and hydrochloric acid. In the second case, a saturated solution of salt is taken.

If a person does not have helminths in the body, then the analysis will show a negative result. There are cases of false-negative tests, so it is advisable to repeat the delivery of feces 2-3 days in a row.

But the positive result is sad, because it means only one thing: in the stool eggs of helminthes are found, which can also be of different types:

- Ascaris - the eggs of this parasite are yellow or brown, they are round, and their shell is dense and uneven.

- Pinworms - they are grayish-white, spindle-shaped.

- Pork or bovine tapeworm - eggs of round shape, inside of which is an embryo.

- Vlasoglav - the eggs of these parasites are oval, on both sides there are "caps". The shell is transparent.

- Liver fluke - large oval eggs, dark yellow.

- Wide ribbon - oval, egg-coated eggs. On the one hand, there is a growth, and on the other hand, a "cap".

These are the main parasites that can be found in the body of both the adult and the child's body.

In addition, the analysis of feces for eggs of worms (helminth eggs, as they are called professionals) also makes it possible to determine the presence of simple microorganisms, such as amoeba dysentery, lamblia, and cyclosporidia. If a person has at least one of these parasites, then he will have to undergo further tests, and then the doctor will prescribe competent treatment.

The overall reliable picture

In fact, one study, such as a worm test, is not enough. Cal at the eggs and the blood test must be done together to see a 100% result. Not always a simple test of feces can show the presence of parasites in the body. In this case, for the study on helminths, you must also donate blood. She also takes in the laboratory of the polyclinic, to which the patient belongs. The health worker takes the blood from the vein, then it is centrifuged, then the blood serum is examined. And already at this stage, the laboratory assistant detects antibodies to some form of parasite in the blood. But antibodies, so that everyone could understand, these are proteins that begin to be produced in a double volume in the body when worms appear. Therefore, a blood test helps identify early parasites.

We provide information to the doctor

How do adult feces analyze eggs for eggs? This should be consulted in advance with the doctor. After all, men and women need to know that by taking any medications, they can thereby complicate the task of the laboratory assistant. Therefore, the doctor should be informed what medicines the person takes or took shortly before the test for feces. Also, a man or woman must notify the doctor about the stay several months before the study outside the homeland. Such information will help a specialist to quickly navigate and identify parasites that could have been imported from different countries.

If a person took any medications that could affect his gastrointestinal tract, the doctor necessarily takes a decision and informs the patient that 10 days before the scheduled analysis it is necessary to stop taking such funds. Another doctor must necessarily inform the patient about the fact that he can not take the feces immediately after the enema or the X-ray examination of the intestine, stomach. If a person has undergone such procedures, then he can pass the analysis for helminths only on the third day.

Still the patient should not hide from the doctor presence of such problem, as a hemorrhoids. And women should notify the specialist that they will have menstruation on the planned day of testing for helminths. In this case, the doctor transfers the date of the study. After all, the presence of blood in the stool can distort the result of the study.

Fecal collection rules for adult patients

How do feces for male and female worm eggs pass? The principle is the same as in children: it is necessary to prepare a jar for samples, paper, rubber gloves. The container for feces must be dry and clean. A person should be sure that his sample for research will not be contaminated. Therefore, before you go to the toilet and take a feces, you need to clean the toilet thoroughly. No urine, soap or paper in it should not be.

Immediately before the act of defecation, you need to urinate, so that the urine does not get into the feces. After that you need to wash it off, and then proceed to the main task. After the act of defecation, you need to put on gloves, take the right amount of stool (focus on the volume of 1-2 teaspoons), place it in a container and close it tightly with a lid. Then you need to remove the gloves, throw them away, wash your hands, and glue the paper on the jar with the feces, on which will be written the name and surname of the person whose tests are being taken.

Adults should know that excrement can only be collected during natural bowel movement. It is forbidden to use any laxatives, candles.

When to wait for the results?

Where, how and what can be tested for worms, figured out, but after what time you can come for answers, it is unclear. So, the results of the study of feces are issued promptly: the very next day after delivery, a person can come for a completed form. If the doctor prescribes a triple analysis (scraping for enterobiasis), then the mother should report for the result on the fourth day. If, for some reason, the parent can not take the answers, then the laboratory sends them to the pediatrician himself, for which the child is assigned. Then mother needs to come to the reception to a specialist and find out about the results of the feces delivery. If a person passes the analysis in a private clinic, then the employees of the medical institution call the patient on their own and inform him that the answer is ready. In this case, you can come to collect the result or, if it is provided by the clinic's service, ask to reset the response to e-mail. This is how private clinics come in most cases, and then a person simply enters his email inbox and prints out the result. And if he needs an original answer, then he can come to the clinic where he had an analysis, and ask for the original.

What can not be eaten before feces?

How do they analyze feces for eggs of the worm, if it is necessary to identify problems in the gastrointestinal tract? In this case, the procedure for collecting the material is exactly the same as usual. But before the study, the doctor appoints a special diet for the patient. So, during the three days before the procedure, you can not eat foods that affect the gastrointestinal mucosa, promote the appearance of diarrhea, constipation or increased gas production. Such junk food are: peas, fresh apples, pears, plums, corn, potatoes, cabbage, dairy products. Also, people should stop using beets, because it can affect the color of feces.


From the article you learned what the analysis of feces for eggs of a worm is, how to give it, how to prepare for it. We realized that this method of research allows us to detect helminths, but it is necessary to get rid of ascarids, pinworms and other parasites at an early stage. For children and people who work in public places, this analysis is mandatory.

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