
When is the "Elkar" prescribed for children? Reviews about the drug, description, dosage

The energy reserve of forces helps us to live, work, actively spend our free time. If energy is not enough, there is a feeling of apathy, lethargy, unreasonable anxiety. In cases of emotional and physical overload, the body needs an additional "charge". Children in this respect differ little from adults. Often they also need to be fed from the outside. In such cases, the drug "Elkar" comes to the rescue.

Means of "Elkar": description

What is this tool? The drug "Elkar" contains an active substance called L-carnitine. It is it that provides our body with energy. Carnitine accelerates the metabolism processes, promotes rapid breakdown of fats. As a result, a certain amount of necessary energy is formed, which feeds the body. Means "Elkar" effectively acts in cases when the loss of vitality needs to be restored medically. This occurs with diseases associated with loss of appetite, weight loss, exhaustion. Given all the features of the drug, dosage and contraindications, the doctor can appoint "Elkar" to children. The experts say that they have excellent medicinal properties.

Application of the product for children

Premature babies require special treatment. In this case, doctors prescribe supportive drugs. This is one of the cases when a doctor prescribes the drug "Elkar" for children. Parents' testimonies testify that the kids have an increased appetite, improving their vitality. Pediatricians fix the increase in the brain's energy potential. This makes it possible to compensate for organic damage to the nervous system. Infants often notice a weak reflex of sucking. Lack of food can cause low activity, lethargy of the baby. In the early stages of the child's life, the doctor prescribes the drug Elkar to stimulate food reflexes. For children this becomes an effective option.

Dosage and administration of the drug

How to give "Elkar" to children? The responses of parents, whose children took this medicine, tell that they mixed it with liquids and milk, and the kids accepted such "cocktails" without any problems. The drug prescribes the doctor. He also specifies the appropriate dosage, based on the age of the child and his illness. We can only consider the averaged version described in the instruction.

  • For infants, the drug "Elkar" is shown on 5-10 drops 2 times a day. A solution (20%) in an amount of 1 ml is diluted in a 5% glucose solution (40 ml). In 1 ml of the obtained substance contains 5 mg of the preparation. The dose for 1 time is from 6 to 15 ml. Reception of the "Elkar" starts from the first day of life. The course is from 2 to 6 weeks.
  • For 10 drops of the drug 3 times a day prescribed for children up to a year. You can add drops to the juice or tea. Course - 1 month.
  • Prescribers prescribe 14 drops 2-3 times a day for a month.
  • Children older than 6 years should receive 2-3 times a day for a quarter teaspoon. The drug is diluted in any liquid and taken 30 minutes before meals.

The drug "Elkar" for children: reviews of adverse reactions

Parents and doctors who observe children notice that sometimes the drug provokes allergic reactions, decreased appetite, stomach pain, increased excitability. In such cases (extremely rare), it is recommended that the dosage of the Elcar remedy be reviewed. It is possible that you will have to replace the medicine with its analogues. Prohibited taking the drug only if the child has an intolerance to one of the components.

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