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Iron wedding - this is how many years of living together?

There is a unique date in the family life - an iron wedding. Why unique? Because you do not often meet a married couple who celebrates 65 years of marriage. Husband and wife, who survived until such an event and stayed together, truly deserve respect.

Why this name

Why this name was given to this anniversary? Let's think about it. Iron wedding - this is how many years? As many as 65 years of living together. Therefore, there are two reasons for calling the jubilee this way.

  1. In Russia, there is a saying, in which it is advised to forge iron, while it is still hot. People who have lived together for 65 years, their character has long been "forged" and "tempered". The spouses at this age were all right and adjusted themselves to each other.
  2. Husband and wife, celebrating 65 years of marriage, can be proud of the perseverance of their relationship. Such feelings can really be compared only with iron. They are reliable and durable, like this metal, which a person could master the very first. In the fortress of the iron there is no doubt, so in such long-term relationships there can be no doubt. For such a long period of life, they were tested more than once. Such surprisingly long and strong marital relations can symbolize only iron.

Not so long ago a similar anniversary was celebrated in Great Britain. 65 years together lived Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II.

Hello guests dear

Only in a very strong and united family can an iron wedding be celebrated. This is how many years have passed, how many generations have grown? You imagine? Over the years, there have been three or even four generations. By this time, even the children of faithful spouses, most likely, will soon celebrate the half-century anniversary from the day of their wedding. And the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of such an exemplary couple can be very much.

Most often only in a close family circle an iron wedding is celebrated. How many years the married couple raised and brought up their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren? Why should they now see strangers if there are so many relatives around? There are several reasons why outsiders are not invited to this jubilee.

  1. Spouses are not at all young people. At this age, new acquaintances usually do not start. Therefore, it is easier and more comfortable for older people to communicate with their relatives.
  2. Unfortunately, in our country far not many can live to such advanced age. Therefore, close old acquaintances by this time the couple practically does not remain.
  3. Not all members of the family can gather at the table very often. But an excellent occasion will be an iron wedding. This is how many years people could not see each other before they get together? Very often this leads to the fact that topics are raised that relate to the personal life of only family members, and outsiders do not need to hear this.

How to organize correctly

There are holidays, the organization and financing of which should not be dealt with by the culprits themselves, but by people close to them. Iron weddings also apply to them. How old will your parents and grandparents be at the time of the jubilee? Can they do everything themselves? Therefore, we want to give some advice, which, perhaps, will help you.

  1. It is customary to send invitations to an ordinary wedding . Of course, you do not need to prepare for this anniversary. In order to notify all relatives of the upcoming celebration, it is enough to inform them about this by phone. We advise in advance to discuss with all the time and place of the celebration, since in the presence of a large number of relatives it is necessary to take into account their interests and opportunities. Be sure to distribute the responsibilities in advance so that everyone knows which part of the event he is responsible for.
  2. Do not forget to remind all relatives what an important date is an iron wedding. When some of them try to avoid participating in the celebration, they should be reminded that such an event is a huge rarity, and it is everyone's duty to take part in it.
  3. It often happens that one of the family members lives very far, often even in another country. They should be informed about the upcoming event at least a month, so that they can plan their affairs and release a few days.
  4. Considering the fact that an iron wedding is a rare holiday, one should do without embarrassing situations. Try to discuss with all invited guests gifts that you plan to present to your spouses. Do not give a jubilee the same thing.

How best to celebrate

Such a holiday is best celebrated in the house where the heroes live, or, if possible, go to the country cottage. Only in such conditions, people of advanced age will feel comfortable. Do not get too carried away with the design of the room in which the celebration will be held. In fact, this holiday is of a modest, purely family nature.

Take the time to see family photo albums or video tapes during which you can see important events in the life of the spouses. Do not overdo with congratulations. If they are too far-fetched and lush - it will look unnatural. Remember - on this holiday there are only the most relatives and people close to you, which means that the festive atmosphere should be easy and at ease. You will greatly surprise your family if you demonstrate theatrical pathos and deceived respect.

In addition, do not invent exotic dishes for the festive table. Remember - you have a family holiday. Imagine that you just gathered the whole family at dinner. Proceeding from this, think through the menu. It is not necessary to surprise celebrators with unusual products, it is unlikely that older people will be able to appreciate it with dignity. It is better to ask beforehand what exactly the spouses prefer, and to cook their favorite dishes.

What to gift

Now you know the answer to the question: "Iron wedding - this is how many years?" But what is it customary to give jubilees? Since the symbol of this holiday is iron, then, and the presents should be made of this metal.

You can give your spouse an interesting statuette, candlestick or frame for photos. In addition, a useful gift will be any object that is useful to them in everyday life. It can be a set of kitchen utensils, and an automatic washing machine, a washing vacuum cleaner, a microwave, and much more.

An interesting idea of a gift for a jubilee is a video. It can be shared by all members of the family, telling about their life, adding pictures from their family life and telling about the most interesting incidents.


In fact, on such a day a gift is not the main thing. Elderly people first of all expect from their children and grandchildren attention, understanding and care. On this day you need to try to give them all the warmth and love that they gave you throughout their entire life.

No one is allowed to know how many years a person will spend in this world, will be next to us. Try not to limit communication with rare calls. Use any opportunity to please your relatives, be with them, show them your love. The main thing that keeps a person in this world is the understanding that he needs someone.

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