Homeliness, Tools and equipment
The apartment is cold what to do and how to avoid such problems?
In most cases, the colds come to our apartments much earlier than the long-awaited heating season. Many, unfortunately, are familiar with such a question as, the apartment is cold, what to do, when even walls are not saved from this.
The apartment is cold, what should I do?
In order that in your home it was not cold, and there was comfort and coziness, first of all, it is necessary at least to reduce heat loss or eliminate it altogether, for this it is necessary to close the balcony door and windows. If money is allowed, it is best to replace them simply by becoming a happy owner of perfectly fitted frames and sealed double-glazed windows.
As you know, a simple installation of new windows will raise the temperature in the apartment by 4-6 degrees. But, there are other ways to improve the heat insulation of your home. Not everyone knows that a special film has been produced in our country for several years, reflecting infrared radiation. This means that in the winter it does not release heat from the apartment, and in summer it does not start. Such a film can transform a single-chamber window into a two-chamber one, while reducing heat loss by at least 15-20 percent.
The apartment is cold, what should I do?
It is not worthwhile to clog the cracks between the window frame and the frame with all sorts of trash. It is much better to buy special self-adhesive seals. Of course, their cost from $ 0,7 to $ 2,5 for some meters can be scared off, but, believe me, this type of cost will quickly pay off to you.
Firstly, the insulation of one-room, two-room, three-room apartment will not take you all day, but only two hours on the strength. Secondly, the seal allows you to close-open windows without any problems, and the main thing is the balcony door and windows. Agree, if there is a question of what to do, if it's cold, then this is a very good and convenient way out. And thirdly, the self-adhesive sealant, if it is well supplied, will last several years.
However, all these wise tricks will bring the result only in the event that your heating system does a good job of its duties. If the question is cold at home, what to do, there is no answer, it is necessary to create another source of heat. It can be obtained by bringing the existing heating systems to full condition or by putting additional heat sources in the apartment.
It's cold at home, what should I do?
If you have enough cash and the courage to seriously take up the new installation of the water heating system, then you can only be congratulated. Of course, the scope for creative thoughts in this direction among many residents of megacities is quite small, and often the case ends with the simplest build-up of additional batteries or their complete replacement with more advanced electrical appliances.
Sectional aluminum heaters - will please the esthete. In comparison with the old cast-iron "monsters", they look very effective and stylish. And this is not surprising, since a large number of products of this kind are brought to us from Italy, and it has long been famous for the creation of unique designs.
For those who are interested in the issue, the apartment is cold, what to do, there is another universal way - to arrange a warm floor. It can be, as an additional source of heating, and basic, in addition to water radiators of heating. This is often used in children's rooms, as well as in rooms with tiled floors - kitchens and bathrooms.
Compared to conventional batteries, the floor has more advantages. After all, the warm air that creates the radiator of water heating rises high and the temperature regime at the floor level can be 5-7 degrees lower than at the top, which threatens a cold. In addition, when heated with a radiator in one half of the room can be warmer than the other.
The floor is very different in a different way. Heat is uniformly distributed throughout its plane, and therefore drafts simply do not arise. But most importantly - the temperature regime at the foot level is slightly higher than under the ceiling. Another famous Suvorov said that you always need to keep your feet warm, and your head in constant cold. Man is comfortable even at a temperature 3-5 degrees below the usual.
Therefore, think carefully before you begin to insulate your apartment. The choice is yours! We hope after reading this article, you will not have to come up with such a question: what if it's cold?
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