HealthDiseases and Conditions

What you need to know about cholelithiasis

The essence of cholelithiasis (more correctly it is called cholelithiasis) is that stones form in the gallbladder . "Building material" for them are the main components of bile. The disease occurs in most cases without symptoms and is detected by accident, with ultrasound examination. Occasionally it happens that the pebbles are in excrement, if they slipped from the bladder into the intestine. The person can feel the manifestations of cholelithiasis in case of complications. Then there is pain, swelling and other signs of this ailment.

Gallstone disease: complications

Concrements (clumps of stones) provoke inflammation of the gallbladder. This occurs when the bladder after a meal shrinks to expel a bile of bile: pebbles irritate the mucous membrane of the organ, and the person feels discomfort after eating. Pain in cholelithiasis can be aching or paroxysmal. It hurts sometimes not in the place where the injured organ is located, but in the heart, lower back or stomach. To determine the origin of pain, one can not do without research. In addition to the already mentioned ultrasound, the stones sometimes show X-rays. There is a method of retrograde pancreatocholangiography (ERPHG), but this is already a surgical intervention, which is used in the investigation of bile ducts.

Another complication of cholelithiasis is a violation of the outflow of bile, which is accompanied by a yellowing of the eye sclera in the patient. During colic, stones penetrate the bile duct and block it. And then you can not do without surgery.

Causes of cholelithiasis

Abuse of food of animal origin, as well as containing refined carbohydrates, increases the level of cholesterol, which in turn participates in the formation of stones in the gallbladder and ducts. In women, the cause of the disease can be pregnancy, as well as taking birth control pills. In both cases, a hormone is released into the blood that promotes the formation of lithogenic (producing stones) bile.

How to relieve pain

On the area of the gall bladder, put cloth impregnated with warm camphor oil. After a while, the pain subsides. Analgesics and antispasmodics will also help, but since swallowed tablets can cause vomiting, drugs should be injected better. And of course, in order to relieve the pain and heal, you need to revise your diet by giving up food that hinders the work of the liver. These are animal fats, dairy products, eggs, sausages, liver, caviar, sugar, starch, fried and spicy food. Soviet dietician Pevzner developed a diet designed to help those people who had gallstone disease. Symptoms of diet number 5 eliminates very well, if you diligently adhere to it.


There are two ways to be healed of the disease: the use of drugs that remove stones from the gall bladder, and the operation to remove the bladder itself. Usually doctors offer the second way. Why? Drugs that promote the dissolution of stones need to be taken a long time, they are of high cost and do not successfully cope with all the stones. And most importantly - after the completion of therapy, concrements will start to appear again if the causes of the ailment are not eliminated. The same can be said about the method of shock wave therapy (lithotripsy), in which the concrements are fractured, but it is not shown to all patients.

The operation involves the removal of the gallbladder, since the body filled with stones can no longer perform its functions. Experts argue that this will not affect the future life of a person. The method of laparoscopy, thanks to which surgical intervention occurs through small holes (from 5 mm to 1.5 cm), there are no seams left on the body.

Prevention of the disease is to properly eat and actively move.

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