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What should be food with increased blood sugar?

Normal (according to experts) blood sugar level, as a rule, is about 3.5-5.6 mmol / l. If these figures are too high, it's time to sound an alarm. Certainly, the doctor should in this case appoint a number of additional studies directly to clarify the diagnosis. However, as a rule, special nutrition with increased blood sugar is recommended. This is what we will discuss in this article.

Fundamental rules

  • First of all, it is necessary to sharply reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, in particular, easily digestible.
  • In addition, you should completely revise the diet and exclude certain categories of foods.
  • To eat should be small portions, but often (about six meals per day).
  • Products containing complex carbohydrates are recommended to be consumed mainly in the first half of the day.
  • In no case should you limit yourself to liquids.

Nutrition with elevated blood sugar. Why limit the amount of carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are considered to be a direct source of sugar. If they are too much in the daily diet, our body simply can not cope with the cleavage. In this case, this product becomes a real cell destroyer. The thing is that almost all systems of internal organs suffer from uncontrolled excess of glucose. If the analysis has shown that this indicator is somewhat overstated, hence, either the pancreas can not cope with its primary work, or the cells do not differ sensitivity to insulin. That is why special nutrition with increased blood sugar is so necessary.

Permitted and Prohibited Products

  • First and foremost, doctors strongly recommend to completely exclude from the daily diet products that include so-called "simple" carbohydrates (eg jam, confectionery, grapes). In addition, all acute, fatty, smoked food gets under the ban. The thing is that these products have a fairly unfavorable effect on the metabolism, and significantly facilitate the consistent accumulation of cholesterol.
  • Diet with an increased level of sugar recommends focusing on all sorts of vegetables. Especially it concerns a celery, патиссонов, carrots and zucchini. If you talk about fruit, then an excellent option are apples. The basis of the daily diet should be low-fat meat / fish options, steamed. Sour-milk products are an irreplaceable source of calcium. Nutrition with increased sugar in the blood implies the use of a variety of cereals, including buckwheat, oatmeal. For example, it is easy to cook from them as a side dish to the main dish, and the most common morning porridge.

Sample menu

For breakfast, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese and drink a cup of green tea (exclusively without sugar). For lunch, an excellent option is a steamed chicken breast with vegetable salad and half a grapefruit. For dinner, boiled fish with a vegetable garnish is allowed. As a fairly satisfying snack between the main meals use fruits and bran.

Elevated sugar during pregnancy. Diet

In the period of bearing the baby with increased sugar specialists recommend to reconsider their habitual diet. So, you should abandon the mashed potatoes, pasta products. In addition, with the use of most fruits and soda water is better to wait. As for the diet itself, it usually consists of vegetables and low-fat meat / poultry. Moreover, special attention is paid to cereal and dairy products. In general, the diet should be compulsorily adjusted by the attending physician, based on the individual health indicators of the future parturient.

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