
What is the ramson. Plant description, useful properties

Cheremsha in the people is more known as wild garlic, although in fact the correct name for this plant is "wild onion" or "victorious bow". They collect it in April-May, this is the first green plant that can replenish the supply of vitamins after a long winter. What is the ramson? The plant is two or three oblong oval sheets, formed from the root bulb. Its height is about 20 cm.

Sweet cherry likes shady, swampy terrain in coniferous and mixed forests. Wild onion grows in the Baltic, Carpathians, the Urals, the Far East and Central Asia. In these areas, you can harvest a particularly rich harvest of wild garlic. The plant is also found in the central part of Russia, but in smaller quantities. Collect and eat most often leaves of wild garlic. But the bulbs of the plant are no less useful. Very tasty salad from wild onions. Leaves of wild garlic cut, boil a couple of eggs, also grind, mix everything, salt and season with sour cream. This dish increases appetite, enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes. Going for a vitamin harvest, you need to know what a ramson is, what it looks like.

It is not necessary to go to the forest to get this valuable plant. After all, modern farmers have long known a culture such as wild garlic. Growing a plant at home is not particularly difficult. The simplest way is to dig out the so-called seedlings-leaves together with the bulbs and plant them on their plot. It is better to choose places with a lowering of the relief and under the trees. Considering that the plant is hygrophilous, try to keep the maximum moisture in the soil. This is achieved mainly by autumn mulching, that is, by sprinkling the roots with fallen leaves.

But you can plant a wild onion and seeds, although this way is more laborious. It is better to do this under winter, scattering the seeds on the surface of the earth and sprinkling with peat or humus. Then you need to water and wait for the shoots in the spring. It is necessary to have patience, as the ramson grows slowly. Two or three years will pass before the first real crop is gathered.

For connoisseurs of this wild vegetable it will be interesting to know what is useful for wild garlic. First of all, it contains large stocks of vitamin C. It is more in the plant than in citrus.

For those who do not know what a wild horse is, why should it be eaten, the following information will come in handy: wild onions are useful in hypertension and atherosclerosis. Cheremsha is an effective remedy for worms, and the phytoncides contained in it are a strong antibiotic. During epidemics of cholera and plague, wild garlic helped well to fight diseases.

Not only can a salad be cooked from wild onions. There are a great variety of dishes. Extraordinary tasty pies filled with wild garlic. The plant can be harvested for the winter - salt and sour, only before it is necessary to pour boiling water to eliminate a strong specific odor.

In medicine, infusions and decoctions of wild plants are used. Raw cut leaves triturate the skin with various rheumatoid diseases, as well as wounds and skin injuries.

Now that you've found out what a wild horse is, in spring, be sure to arm yourself with a basket and go for the wild onion - the first spring vitamin plant.

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