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Herpes on legs: symptoms and treatment

Mankind has been actively fighting the herpes virus for more than two thousand years. Unfortunately, while all attempts are unsuccessful. Modern medicine can not offer a medicine that permanently eliminates the problem. Over this period of time, the virus has already firmly "settled" in organisms 95% of the inhabitants of our planet. Every time he strikes at the most inopportune moment, when the immunity is weakened. The virus can appear on any parts of the body. Why does herpes on her leg occur? Treatment is always ineffectual?

General information

Herpes is a viral disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes of various parts of the body. The causative agent is able to penetrate even internal organs. Usually the manifestations of this ailment can be observed on the face, less often on the trunk and extremities.

Herpes on her legs is a pathology of a viral nature, which is a one-sided eruption and is accompanied by severe pain discomfort. Otherwise, this disease is called shingles. According to statistical data, herpes in this form is most often diagnosed in men. In children under 12 years old, the symptoms of this disease are extremely rare. However, there are always exceptions.

If a child has contracted chickenpox and has contact with a patient with herpes, the likelihood of infection is very high. In small patients, the virus can be in a passive state for a long time. More precisely, it "hides" in the cells of the spinal cord. Symptoms of the disease do not manifest. Only after several years the virus can "wake up" and begin to attack the body. On the part of the body where there is an affected nerve, it causes inflammation. Herpes on the leg of a child is usually accompanied by severe itching, pain and numerous rashes.

To avoid serious consequences, doctors advise not to postpone the visit to the hospital. The sooner the treatment begins, the faster the recovery process will go.

Main ways of infection

Herpes on her legs can occur for several reasons:

  1. Relapse of the disease, which previously manifested itself in any other form.
  2. Direct contact with the human carrier of the virus.
  3. The disease can be transferred to the skin of the legs if the antiseptic treatment of the affected areas is poor in the genital form of the disease. The thing is that the virus can persist not only exclusively in the vesicles, but also in those areas of the body where they burst. That is why it is so important to handle not only the sore itself, but also places around, and after the procedure, wash hands thoroughly.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of the development of this disease is the herpes virus type I or II. Scientists have been studying it for a long time. However, herpes on the toes and limbs generally provokes a varicella-causative agent called Varicella-Zoster. Determining the main cause of the development of pathology is considered the key to quality treatment.

How does Varicella-Zoster differ from other herpes simplex viruses? First of all, it is capable of causing severe pains of a neuralgic nature. In addition, it is characterized by distribution throughout the body. That is why it is also called shingles. To distinguish one pathology from another one is possible only after laboratory tests.

According to statistical data, at present 95% of the world population are carriers of the virus of various types of the disease. Not everyone has an open form. Experts identify a number of factors that contribute to the transformation of the disease from a hidden form to an open one. These include the following:

  • The presence of infectious diseases that weaken the body's immune defense.
  • Frequent stress and physical exhaustion.
  • Inadequate nutrition, disruption of work and rest.
  • Taking medications that help suppress immunity.

Herpes on the legs can occur both during initial contact with the virus and during its reactivation. Penetrating into the body, the pathogen remains in it forever. When favorable conditions arise, the virus reactivates and begins to show itself with characteristic clinical signs.

What symptoms indicate herpes on the leg?

Photos of patients with this diagnosis can be seen in specialized reference books. To begin treatment of this disease in a timely manner, it is important to know what symptoms it manifests.

Herpes can develop on the skin of the legs along the branches of individual nerves. Initially, in this area there are unpleasant sensations, numbness, painful discomfort. After a short period of time, the skin over the nerve causes swelling and characteristic redness. After it begins to form herpetic vesicle formations with a transparent liquid inside, which literally after a few hours becomes turbid. Vesicles are arranged in small groups, can be combined.

After they burst, the skin begins to get wet. Erections and ulcers are formed in the place of the blisters. Herpes on the legs is dangerous because a fungal or bacterial infection can join the underlying disease. As a result, microbial eczema is formed.

If the course of the disease is not complicated by anything, the rashes last approximately 14 days. Another unpleasant complication of herpes is the appearance of pain along the course of the affected nerve. They arise after the disappearance of all the symptoms and are explained by the involvement of the nerve tissues in the pathological process. This complication is otherwise called postherpetic neuralgia.

Some patients complain of worsening of the general condition, fever, nausea.

Is it possible to overcome herpes on the leg? Treatment

Photo rashes make you think: is it possible to overcome herpes? If the disease is a manifestation of herpes zoster, antiviral drugs can not be avoided. Patients are usually prescribed such medications as "Acyclovir", "Famciclovir." The latter, according to many doctors, is the most effective remedy against the disease.

Mandatory appoint immunomodulators ("Viferon"), inducers of endogenous interferons ("Amiksin"). Outwardly on the affected area, doctors recommend applying ointments based on acyclovir.

Not the last value in the treatment of herpes are compliance with bed rest, healthy eating and the exclusion from the diet of products that irritate the skin (sweets, pastries, carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee).

The help of traditional medicine

How to overcome, without resorting to drug therapy, herpes on the leg? Treatment with folk remedies has recently become more popular. However, resort to such therapy is possible only after consulting a doctor. Moreover, it should not be considered the only true way to get rid of herpes. Recommendations of healers should be used as an adjunct to drug therapy. The following are the most popular recipes.

  • To strengthen immunity herbalists are advised to take a medical infusion of melissa. Two tablespoons of dry herbs should be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew. Take the broth in small sips before eating three times a day.
  • It is useful to take a bath with the addition of sea salt.
  • Herbal baths based on hawthorn fruit also help to reduce pain and discomfort in the pathology such as herpes on the legs. Symptoms usually go away in a few days. Berries must be poured with boiling water at a rate of 25 g per liter of liquid. It is recommended not to take a bath for more than 30 minutes.

Preventive measures

To prevent an exacerbation of the disease, doctors are strongly advised to avoid hypothermia, not to overeat, play sports and observe basic rules of personal hygiene. In a word, to do everything that directly strengthens immunity.


Unfortunately, herpes on the leg (photo pathology presented in the article) is common. Absolutely no one is immune from this disease. To reduce the discomfort of unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended at the initial stage of the pathology development to seek help from an infectious disease doctor. Only a qualified specialist can prescribe a quality treatment, due to which the process of recovery will significantly accelerate.

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