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What is actually the cause of your low sexual desire?

It happens that a woman is so tired for the day, because besides her work, her job is to take the child to school, check out the lessons at the end of the day and feed the family with dinner. And the washing has accumulated over the whole week. And now, at night, she literally falls into bed, and her husband shows a desire for intimacy. How to tell a loved one that you are very tired? And is this the first sign of a decrease in sexual desire?

The problem that worsens the quality of life

In fact, not all women are aimed at sex. Many ladies admit that they would like to have more affinity with their partner in order to improve the quality of life, but they experience a decrease in libido. Feeling the first alarming bells, very soon a woman can feel that the decrease in the desire for intimacy with the stalls has become chronic. Scientists dealing with this problem, derived a special term - gipolidemia, sexual dysfunction, which caused a temporary absence or loss of sexual desire.

Shocking figures

According to a survey supported by women's health organizations, almost half of women in the 30 to 50 age group admitted that they had lost interest in sex at least once in their lives. Low sexual desire, only 14% of the women interviewed were able to determine how the medical term we presented was. The rest could not even guess that the problem was of a medical nature and was treatable. Gipolibidemia manifests itself in the form of a lack of sexual fantasies, as well as a direct desire for intimacy.

The problem described by us introduces distress in interpersonal relationships, negatively affects the quality of love, and also reduces the self-esteem of a woman.

Female sexual dysfunction

Low desire is the most common symptom of female sexual dysfunction, which besides the described disorders includes the appearance of pain during sexual intercourse, as well as loss of orgasm.


The first sign of sexual dysfunction in women is the absence of sexual fantasies and thoughts. Some women are treated for chronic, acute viral infections, they are shown a course of chemical therapy, which can cause hormonal failure. In this case, the decrease in libido can be temporary, and after completion of the treatment, the sexual function will return to normal.

Violations in the sexual sphere are often provoked by mental illnesses. However, after the prescribed course of treatment, a woman will also be able to fully enjoy intimacy with her partner.

Some women begin to suffer a lack of attraction to the partner for interpersonal relationships, showing constant discontent, quarreling and cursing.

The absence of sexual thoughts and attraction in other cases can lead a woman to despair.

Note, if at least one of the above symptoms occurs in your life. Do not think that your problem is purely individual. After all, according to the research of scientific organizations, 46% of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in premenopause experience a decrease in sexual desire. 6 out of every 10 women are deeply saddened by the current state of affairs. However, 92% of respondents said they would prefer a medical solution to the problem and agree to a course of treatment.

What to do in this situation?

First of all, you should not keep silent about your problem either in conversations with the orchestra, or with public health workers. Silently to suffer in silence is not an option. Physicians are called upon to help those in need to eliminate any problem, and sexual dysfunction is by no means an exception. It is necessary to tell the husband frankly about his frustration and jointly seek the appointment of a course of treatment in a good clinic.

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