Spiritual developmentMystic

What is a totemic animal and how is it determined by the date of birth?

Many people are interested in the question of what a totemic animal is. This article contains basic information about the methods of its search and finding spiritual connection with it. It is important to know that the totem is a symbol of those or other aspects of a person. The use of the forces of the corresponding totem helps an individual to find a connection with his personality and discover previously hidden energies and talents.


There are several ways to find out your totemic animal. You can use special calendars or astrological tables. Another option is to resort to specialized meditative techniques. Of course, there are more advantages to the latter method, since it gives more chances of success in finding your individual totemic animal. During meditations, there is a subtle connection between consciousness and subconsciousness, which allows the hidden energies to gain strength and to show oneself. It is necessary to remember that the totem is a symbol of different sides of individuality, so you can use several totems at once. This option will make it easier to work with them. Plus, in a variety of problematic situations it will be possible to think more pragmatically and productively. For example, in the period of illness, you can resort to the properties of the totem, which is connected to the ground, and to solve problems of a psychological or intellectual nature - to help totems that are related to air. The characteristics of totemic animals given in this article will be useful to a person who wants to find his totem and start using his hidden powers.

It is important to know

Before you start searching for your own totem animal, you need to learn some necessary information. A totem is usually a wild or mystical animal. Each person has one main totem and several secondary ones. The individual must find it himself, without resorting to anyone's help, since this connection is too intimate. The totem does not always accompany its owner throughout life. He can influence his fate for several years, and then leave or influence a person only during his creative activity. Different life spheres correspond to different totems. Working with them, you can not worry because of any restrictions, because there are none. Most importantly, you first need to learn how to cooperate with at least one totem, and then try to establish contact with others. A totemic animal can leave the host, for example, because of its wrong actions or mistakes.

The shamans say that ...

Taking into account the teachings of the ancient shamans, we can say that the presence of animal power in man does not mean that its qualities and energy are available to him. They only exist in the mind of the individual, but they are waiting for their manifestation and development. A totemic animal was determined by the date of birth and year. And even in the world of ancient shamans it was believed that if an individual easily finds contact with animals of a certain kind, then most likely this person has his own strong totem. The relationship between a person and her totem should gradually be established and developed. It should be treated with respect, with respect. If the totem comes to the rescue, it needs to be thanked in your thoughts. What is a totemic animal, shamans have known since time immemorial. They were omniscient and understood that the totem can give a person strong health, great strength, powerful energy. He also helps in solving problems, prompting a person the right way out of difficult situations.

A totemic animal in different cultures

Many thousands of years ago it was believed that animals are the ancestors of humans, which, however, does not challenge Darwin's theory of evolution. Animals have always been in reverence in all ancient cults of ancient civilizations. Totem animals of different nations of the world almost do not differ. Basically, these are the same wild animals and birds. Only some animals are endowed with the gift of magnetism and incredible strength, determination and courage, while others are the embodiment of wisdom and patience. In ancient India, every god had his own individual animal, serving him as a messenger and means for movement. It is believed that the Supreme Spirit is in every beast and plant, and even in the stones.

Totem animal and date of birth

Each person has his own beast-defender, who reveals certain qualities of temperament in a person. Even the ancient Slavs were guided by the ancient tradition in the question of how to recognize the totemic animal of man. Knowing your individual guardian animal, a person gets an opportunity to better understand himself, to quickly achieve inner harmony. Knowledge of totemic animals can help a person understand their essence and discover new talents. Each of them has its own specific and unique properties. How to find out the totem animal by the date of birth and start using the hidden energy of your "I"? This question will help to find the answer Celtic, Zoroastrian and Turkic astrological totem calendars-horoscopes. Using them, you can define a totemic animal, based on its date or year of birth.

Bear (December 10 - January 9) 1931, 1963, 1995

Totem Bear is endowed with many noble qualities. He is independent and loves to fight for power and his place under the sun. This game gives him pleasure. A bear is a powerful but friendly beast. If he does not get angry, he will always act openly. He has a strong sense of justice. Bear often protects the weak and helps the poor, even if it does not do him good. He is patient, but for the time being. Better not play with his self-control. The main features of the character - wisdom and poise. Bears are mostly unpretentious, but often too passive.

Totem of the Squirrel (January 10 - February 9) 1948, 1980, 2012

People who live under the auspices of a totemic animal. Squirrels, by their very nature, are quite sociable, but they do not like strangers. The main features of their character are readiness for action and an active life position. They lead a restless life and concentrate poorly on one thing. However, in the economy such people are irreplaceable. They are able to give the house a cozy and family atmosphere. To the little things they are superficial and seldom give them their attention.

The Wolf (February 10 - March 9) 1941, 1973, 2005

Totemic animal Wolf has male and strong character traits. People who have the Wolf as their guardian animal are very sociable and friendly. They are devoted to their friends and remain faithful to their partner. Nobility for them is not an empty word. They try to be honest with other people, and with themselves, in any problem situations. Such persons are intellectually gifted, but are not proud of it. They are prone to compassion and sensitivity. They love children and are endowed with pedagogical talent.

Totem the Dog (March 10 - April 9) 1954, 1986, 2018

What is a totemic animal? A dog and what are its main qualities? The main character traits of Dogs are courage and justice. People protected by the Dog, do not tolerate bias and lies, have a highly developed sense perception. They are loyal and faithful, able to go for anything for the sake of a friend or loved one. In life, they often show ingenuity and resourcefulness. But in some cases can be too gullible and naive, because for dogs the main thing in life is disinterestedness.

The totemic animal Cat (April 10 - May 9) 1961, 1993, 2025

A person who is under the auspices of the Cat, has a high degree of insight and ingenuity. He is clever and agile in his affairs, often showing his cunning for achieving his own goals. Bribes interlocutors by having an excellent sense of humor and sharp language. The main qualities are independence and freedom. A cat in life behaves carefully, always tries to be watchful and alert. Often they are helped by a strongly developed intuition. It is rather difficult to look into their inner world. These people are very secretive and carefully guarding their true being. It is important to remember that a message about a totemic animal can come unexpectedly, the main thing is to understand it and take advantage of the hints of nature itself.

Tiger (May 10 - June 9) 1958, 1990, 2022

The totemic animal Tiger has a strong sense of ownership, very proud and stubborn. They always go to their goal ahead of time, not paying attention to anything or anyone. Tigers are stubborn, and it is almost impossible to change their minds if they have their own well-established opinion about something. However, they are endowed with the ability to teach others, can be generous and noble. Tigers are prone to contemplation and a philosophical type of thinking.

Raven (June 10 - July 9) 1949, 1981, 2013

Since ancient times, the Crow was considered a mystical bird, enveloped in mystery and mystery. Therefore, a person who has the Crow totem is inclined to the occult sciences and has very strong intuition. She has a sharp mind and is not inclined to material values. For Raven, the main thing is a high ideal and spiritual development. He is able to think deeply and seriously, which often hinders in his daily life, where he must understand the issues of life and solve real problems. The raven is a fast and penetrating bird. People who are under his protection have hidden magical abilities and can even have clairvoyance.

Totem of the Serpent (July 10 - August 9) 1944, 1976, 2008

What is a totemic animal of the Serpent and what properties does it possess? This is an interesting and dual totem. People who are under the auspices of the Serpent have hidden opportunities for recovery. They have grace and agility. They are able to act skillfully and quickly. Snakes are patient and mysterious creatures who love to protect those who are weaker than them. The snake has a good intuition and is endowed with the ability to heal. To the wealth and abundance of snakes are not indifferent, but can carefully hide it, because they have a dual nature.

Dolphin (August 10 - September 9) 1966, 1998, 2030

The main qualities of the character of Dolphin are cheerfulness and optimism. They easily find a common language with others, because they are generally friendly and playful, full of vivacity and have an active life position. They have a sharp intellect and can at the right time find a joke or a relevant phrase. People who have the Dolphin totem are very kind and generous. They are loyal to their friends and expect the same from them. They love everything harmonious and spiritual. Far from the material world and pay special attention to spirituality and its development. The dolphin is a dreamy creature prone to clairvoyance and romanticism. Constantly strives for perfection in everything.

The totemic animal Deer (September 10 - October 9) 1970, 2002, 2034

Deer are peaceful and observant animals. Personality, under the protection of the Deer-protector, are prone to creativity and philanthropy. They are able to love deeply and faithfully, without expecting anything in return. Reindeers are characterized by modesty and simplicity. They dislike pretentiousness and pathos. The main qualities of their character - humility, generosity and gentleness. Deer are not indifferent to beauty in any form of its manifestation, strive for perfection and often show dexterity and swiftness in solving complex situations.

Totem Buffalo (October 10 - November 9) 1967, 1999, 2031

A totemic animal by the date of birth of a person can determine its future fate. If an individual is born under the auspices of the Buffalo, then it means that he is reliable and logical in matters. Totem animal Buffalo will help to discover personality such qualities as reliability and consistency. He is always true to his words and keeps his promises. Buffalo has a huge physical strength and stamina. Its main qualities are reserves and foresight. Buffaloes are excellent owners and keepers of the home. They are always grateful if they are helped, and never remain in debt. Kind and stable, they try to build their lives according to the example of the fortress, so that there will always be wealth and stability.

Fox (November 10 - December 9) 1965, 1997, 2029

As you know, Fox is a cunning and agile beast. Totem animal Fox will help its owner to discover in himself the ability to resolve and resourcefulness. It is endowed with vital wisdom and education. Can find a way out of any situation, using natural cunning. The main qualities of the Fox are adaptability to the environment, purposefulness and passion.

Totem and the sign of the Zodiac

To find a totemic animal by date is not difficult. It is necessary to choose a suitable totem calendar and find out which animal patronizes a certain period. There you can also look at secondary totems that can influence the disclosure of abilities and behavior of a person in difficult situations. Everyone can hear the voice of his totem guardian, you just have to understand him and turn to him. Of course, the result may not appear immediately, but after a while. But life will surely begin to change for the better. If a person does not want to address himself, he can simply find his totemic animal by the sign of the Zodiac. However, this method does not always work. It is better to try meditative techniques for revealing your essence and determining the appropriate totem individually.

List of totems according to the sign of the Zodiac:

  • Aries - Bear.
  • Taurus - Tiger.
  • Gemini - Eagle.
  • Cancer - Crocodile.
  • Leo - Peacock.
  • Virgo is a wolf.
  • Scales - Owl.
  • Scorpio - The Dolphin.
  • Sagittarius - Cheetah.
  • Capricorn - Elephant.
  • Aquarius - the Swan.
  • Pisces is a tortoise.

Totemic essence

How to find out your totem animal? Of course, you can use the above information. But all the same it is better to search for your totem with the help of meditations. Some people are lucky, and they can immediately determine their true guardian animal. For example, someone from the birth of getting along with cats, the other never bit a snake, someone has a dog. If you look at the behavior of animals in relation to yourself, then you will not be able to find out your totem. Totemic roots are manifested in all life spheres, but not every person notices this. It is very important to understand that a totemic animal is not something alien and distant from a person. This is the true essence of personality, its character and abilities in the image of a wild animal. In this totemic image, internal energy and personal qualities are contained.

Faithful Assistant

A totem is a psychological portrait of a person. Looking through the totem animals of different nations, one can see that our ancient ancestors appealed for help to the animal and vegetable world. It helped people to open their potential at that time, so why not help now? The main thing is to understand and accept your real totemic animal, establish communication and trust with it. Then, in the event of spiritual difficulties or during illness, it will come to the rescue and allow the person to release the inner energy, to know the essence of his "I" and to use his hidden abilities. Totems are important companions of man on the path of an ornate and intricate life.

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