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What is 25 frames? How to attract money or lose weight with 25 frames, 25 frame technology

Everyone wants to get everything without any effort. It was thanks to human laziness that such a technique as 25 frames appeared and became very popular. It's so tempting: just sit, look at the screen, do nothing, and lose weight ... Is it possible to lose weight in such a passive way? Is the method effective, as they say about it in advertising? In this article, we will review the 25 frame technology in the most common areas: weight loss, money raising, English learning and drug treatment. So, let's get started.

25 frames - what is this?

There are a number of specialists trying to justify this technology from the point of view of science. They explain it this way: any video image consists of rapidly changing pictures that make up the video sequence. If in this video series insert 25 frames with a certain kind of information, then it will not be perceived by the human eye. But at the subconscious level, the brain will record this information and, based on it, orient the person's further behavior.

A bit of history

Now you know how the 25 frame works. Let's find out the history of this method. For the first time, the general public heard about this phenomenon in the middle of the last century. It was then that they began to conduct the first commercial experiments, based on the introduction into the subconscious of an additional frame carrying certain information. The founder of the idea is James Weikeri, who suggested inserting phrases into a movie. During the demonstration of the picture, they appeared on the screen only for 1 / 25th of a second. It is clear that the audience did not even have time to fix them. However, the marketing agency that developed this technique argued that these phrases were postponed to the subconscious of people, forcing them to buy soft drinks and popcorn.

This way of increasing sales released, which caused a wave of outrage. The society considered it inadmissible to interfere in the psyche of people and was afraid of its negative consequences. Later it was found out that all this hype is just an advertising trick, and fears were in vain. A group of scientists turned to James Vaiker and demanded to repeat the experiment in the presence of a specially collected commission. The result disappointed observers: after watching the film , people's behavior did not change. After that, the development of methods for influencing the subconscious was conducted only in secret laboratories, and public experiments were banned.

Repeated interest in the 25th frame erupted in the 70s. In theaters, horror films were broadcast, in which the mask of death flashed, the rock bands began to use phrases read on the contrary in their albums, etc. However, these facts were explained only by the race for popularity, and few believed in their influence on the subconscious. At that time, the term "25 frames" appeared, meaning the possibility of informing unconscious information in consciousness via electronic means.


Because of fashion trends, many are now obsessed with losing weight. The most popular way to achieve this goal is diet. Only not everyone can follow her faithfully, regularly refusing his favorite dishes and delicacies. In addition, most of the proposed diets assume a complete exclusion from the diet of substances necessary for a good skin condition and in general for optimal functioning of the body. As a result, a thin waist gets too expensive: the skin becomes problematic and dry due to beriberi, and health begins to malfunction and require increased attention.

Not wanting to pay such a high price for slenderness, many are looking for alternative ways of losing weight, scouring mountains of literature and information from thematic resources. And eventually find a magical way to become Angelina Jolie for a few days without any diets and any effort.

This way is well-advertised and popular program "25 frames for weight loss." There are a lot of rumors about this method, as it has been propagated for more than 50 years. Proponents of this program talk about it as a panacea, completely inconspicuously and painlessly bringing information to the subconscious and solving your problems. They strenuously convince the audience of the effectiveness of the program, which promises to lose weight in the shortest possible time.

Can I lose weight with 25 frames

Someone enthusiastically responds about this technique, and someone says that this is another way of pumping money from naive customers. To find out the truth, let's define the concept of "weight loss". It is a very individual process for each organism, associated with the metabolic rate. That is, to lose weight, we need to either accelerate the metabolism, or remove from the diet excess calories for the body, which will be processed into fat. And the flickering on-screen phrases on 25-frame technology will not help us in this. Lose weight will help only two years proven method - diet and exercise (running, swimming, bicycle, etc.), and the program "25 frames" can be used as an additional method of auto-suggestion. Separate use of the methodology will not yield any results.

Language learning

Especially competently written advertising this program for people who want to learn English. 25 frames are presented so that after 10 minutes of reading you already want to buy a disc. Here is an excerpt from this advertisement:

"A group of independent software developers created a multimedia and professional program for mastering the English language. It is based on the principle of super-memorization hypernemia using the suggestological method of training (25th frame), which allows the subject to learn information bypassing critical perception. Within a month you will effortlessly learn English for life (7000 words at the recognition level, although it's enough to know 2500 for reading and free communication). You only need to view the video sequence of the program for only 15-20 minutes a day. "

And as a matter of fact

Why is this advertising so effective? The main reason is the scientific style of the article. The author is easily scattered by scientific terms without explaining their meaning. This should alarm, although the majority will cause only an additional incentive to buy. Now let's analyze the content of the article.

Firstly, the author does not give any reference to sources that confirm his words. Secondly, the human brain is really capable of absorbing sub-sensory information. But the fact is that it will remain unconscious. Man is unable to extract from his memory that which has penetrated there bypassing his consciousness.

Under ordinary conditions, the unconscious remains unconscious. Therefore, the approval of advertising about the wonderful properties of memory in terms of assimilating huge amounts of data around the critical perception are half-truths. In advertising, there is talk about the assimilation of words at the level of recognition. That is, when a person is shown these words, he recognizes them and says: "Yes, I have already seen them," but he is unlikely to be able to tell about their meaning.

And the very idea of measuring the knowledge of a foreign language in terms of the number of words learned is not only strange, but also silly. After all, knowledge of the language is determined not by a sense of recognition of words, but by the ability to understand speech, and also to write, read and speak in a foreign language.

25 frames in narcology

Russian doctors use the technique of 25 frames in narcology for more than 15 years. It is contraindicated only by patients with schizophrenia and epilepsy. According to the doctors, its effectiveness is quite high.

We will tell briefly about the treatment itself. For some time the patient refrains from taking drugs or alcohol. Then he is told about 25 frames, and he himself formulates a task for himself. For example, "I will not use drugs for 3 years". After that, the patient looks for half an hour of video with the number 3, the phrase "3 years without drugs" and others, embedded in the form of 25 frames, which unobtrusively penetrate into his subconscious. Depending on the stage of the disease, one or more sessions are performed.

Specialists who have nothing to do with the 25 frames say: "There is nothing surprising, because simultaneously with the 25-frame program, doctors use conventional psychotherapy. And it is not clear what specifically helped the patient. But if you argue objectively, then, most likely, this is a usual self-suggestion. "

Attracting money

We hope that after the 25 frame technology has been revealed regarding weight loss, learning English and treating addiction, you will not have questions about its effectiveness in attracting money. Do not look for freebies! And do not rely on this technique, like 25 frames. Attracting money Perhaps only through their earning. Therefore, to get the amount you need, make a specific plan and begin to implement it step by step.

Internet fraud

25 scores are very popular with scammers. How do they do this? The scheme is simple and is called "SMS-scam". "Victim" gets on the page with the advertising technique, where they offer to download 25 frames for weight loss, language learning, etc. But to get a link, you need to send SMS to a short number. It's clear that in the case of sending SMS from the phone all the money will be written off, and no link will come. Also scammers offer to download the program for free. However, in such a generous gift, one or several viruses are built, which can not only gather all the information from your computer, but also completely erase the hard drive. And do not rely on the reliability of antivirus software - they can not always help.


No matter how praise the effect of 25 frames, it is just an advertising trick. With the help of this technique it is impossible to lose weight, attract money, learn English, cure drug addiction, etc. Do not look for easy ways, but work hard - and then everything will turn out!

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