Spiritual development, Astrology
What does the name Elena mean?
Since the antiquity of the name attached great importance. It was believed that it affects the character and fate of a person. People in all countries were very responsible for his choice. Many names were considered lucky. One of them is the name Elena. Its meaning is quite contradictory.
What does the name Elena mean?
It came from the Greek language and means "elected," "sunny," "bright." There is a version that it came from the word "helios", that is, the sun. This name was a symbol of beauty and femininity. According to the legend, Elena was considered the most beautiful woman, and this was the reason for the Trojan War. According to another version - it is derived from the ancient name of Selene, which means the moon. But the characterization of the name and quality of its bearers does not support this theory. Although the nature of Helen often get along the opposite qualities: excitability, activity, that is, solar characteristics, and receptivity, closedness - the lunar features.
Elena's name means that his bearers are emotional, always worry about favorite heroes of books and films. But in life they are not in a hurry to really come to the rescue, although very
What else does the name Elena mean ? She is very emotional, so she often chooses creative
Elena has many positive qualities: in the family she can create an atmosphere of peace and comfort, she is very cheerful, talkative, has optimism and rich imagination. She easily converges with any people and is able to adapt to any situation.
Of course, not all Elena have these qualities. Much depends on the upbringing and environment of a person, on the sign of his zodiac. In addition, the name affects a person not independently, but along with the patronymic and surname. And the way a woman is called diminutive names or nicknames is also important. But anyway, parents choosing a name, it is desirable to know what the name Elena means.
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