Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

What does the chicken look like? To the guests and arrived!

In order to find out the meaning of this or that symbol of dreams, it is necessary to look into the dream book. Why do you dream about chickens, for example? Fortunately, today in our studies we can be guided by the opinion of the drafters of not one but several sources of interpretation. Dreams we see almost every night, and many of them carry really useful information.

Learning to interpret dreams

You just need to learn to interpret these signs not only with the help of dream books, but also listening to your heart - your inner spiritual beginning. So, since the symbol for the study is already selected, we will find out what the raw chicken dreams about. Both the carcass of this poultry and its raw meat are not good signs. This symbol is especially disturbing for businessmen and businessmen.

Perhaps, you in vain put off the "long box" case, which seemed secondary. In fact, such a decision is fraught with very unpleasant consequences. It is better to proceed without delay to the completion of the said project.

Raw chicken meat with blood is not good

What does the chickens dream about, the raw meat of which shows the blood of a bird? This dream is also not good. The symbol foreshadows disturbances and diseases. Raw chicken can "talk" about the fact that you spend too much money, as well as the possibility of robbery. In any case, carefulness will not hurt you. However, this symbol has good values, in particular, if the bird in the dream is alive.

Sonny Hasse promises happiness, but with some reservations

For example, what does the chicken that you are buying look like? Looking at Sonnick Hasse, we will see that this symbol of dreams promises a happy life. And if the dreamed bird carries eggs, then you will be all right on the love front. Here it is written that it is possible to eat chicken meat in a dream. This means that you care about your health.

What does the chicken look like if you hear them cackle? Probably, the road is waiting for you. Somewhere you go where the source does not specify. A chicken with chickens broadcasts that you will create a family. Be careful if this poultry in your sleep is haunted by a cockerel. This can mean the treachery of your close acquaintances.

A woman capable of "pecking" a dreamer

Dream Manager Meneghetti says that a dream can warn you about an unpleasant woman. This person is able to "peck" you and "obgadit" your good name. She also "carries such eggs", which can not be called an unpleasant surprise. If in your environment there is someone suitable for this description, then try to stay away from this woman. It is better to break off all sorts of relations with her at all!

Pleasant home meetings, multiplication in the family

When asked about what the chicken dreams about, the authors of the Common Dream Book give an unambiguous answer. Your family will increase, but for now you will spend time with your family. Sonnik Tsvetkov associates the explored dream symbol with the guests, especially if the domestic birds are dreaming in large numbers. Why do we dream about chicken, pecking seeds? Such a symbol is a true sign of multiplication of your material means. This and we wish you!

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