Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Dream: my grandmother died - why?

Almost everyone remembers from childhood how comprehensive and disinterested is the love of the grandmother. Her image of the subconscious mind is when you do not have enough heat, says the dream book. Grandmother died in a night vision? This story suggests that certain relationships (events) that have kept you comfortable inside you go away (Come to an end). Let's see what different sources say about this.

Family Dream Book

Grandmother died in a dream, but in reality she is alive - to her illness. If the old woman is already in a different world, then you are expected to change. Her soul tries, as in childhood, "to make you straw." That is, the changes will be successful, but with a certain risk. You have to come together and take a decisive step! Everything will be wonderful, because the older generation supports you! If you saw the funeral of the elder relative with all the relevant attributes, then you will have a long and rich life, according to the dream book. Embracing a dead grandmother means your relatives (living) need attention. However, if the old woman is weak or sick, then you will not have enough energy (means) to provide the required assistance. Try to involve other relatives or friends in the process of solving the problem. Together you can do it!

The esoteric dream book

Grandmother died (and in reality she is alive and well), this means that the clouds have thickened over the family. In a close circle there will be some unpleasant event. Probably, the dreamed relative will be ill. Burying her - to financial problems for men. To women this dream speaks about necessity to be more gentle and more softly with the native. Not always a business lady is welcome for family members. More often they need simple care and attention. Remember that you - the creator of coziness and warmth for your loved ones, recommends a dream book. Dead grandmother and grandfather together, visiting your vision, predict that there will be changes in the family. The events are likely to be positive. Perhaps you will be invited to a wedding or christening to relatives. If elderly relatives are unhappy in your dream, then in reality you make a big mistake, if not say - stupidity! They want to warn you about the need for a more thoughtful attitude to the events happening!

Ukrainian dream book

Grandmother died - to the collapse of hopes (if you see the moment of death itself). If the old lady really died, and you see her funeral - to success in business. Great career achievements are possible. Talking with a grandmother, who is no longer alive, means a change for the better. The older relative gives you a blessing and wishes good luck. After such a dream you need to accept a proposal that used to cause fears for you because of insecurity in your own abilities. Do not worry, you can do it! See the dead grandmother in tears - much grief. She comes to you to warn - ahead of the danger that directly affects you! If the granny scolds you, then there is something important in your life that needs to be done immediately, and you put everything off for later. If you see it with a smile on your face, it means that you are on the right track. A relative appeared to encourage you and bless you for further achievements.

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