
The project of a house of an economy class. Cheap houses

Perhaps the best thing in a person's life is building a home for himself and his family. Those who do not consider it at any expense, still very little - most developers at the same time trying to save money.

The first, from which it is reasonable to begin - to decide which building you need, and how you can reduce the cost of its construction and operation. Choosing a project economy-class house, it is important to understand that it is impossible and thoughtlessly to take a penny to the detriment of the quality of life in a new dwelling.

The project does not save

The value of a well-designed and complete set of drawings of future construction is understood by both professional builders and those who are subsequently settled in new homes. Start marking on the building site, looking at a crumpled sheet with pencil handwriting, you can only have a purpose not a ready house, but a long and tedious process with an unclear result. In this process, nerves, health and, of course, money are lost. It seems to be elementary truths, but people often come to this rake.

But the conclusion is obvious: the efforts spent on the preparatory, project period, save both time and money afterwards. Especially often there is no need to develop a project of an economy-class house from scratch, you only need to find it among the ready-made offers of architectural bureaus and construction companies. In this case, usually an individual project is significantly more expensive than a finished one, a typical one. The main thing is to know what to look for.

Beautiful picture is not important

It is clear the architect's desire to impress the customer with the spectacular visualization of Baroque facades. It is clear the desire of the manager of a construction firm to conclude a contract for the construction of a huge mansion of Italian marble with copper tiles. But the competent customer is able to find the project of his dreams or at least explain his needs. Here it is important not to overstep the stick in an effort to save. Even suburban house-economy class should not be too small and inconspicuous or built of poor-quality materials.

There are some objective criteria that directly affect the cost and quality of housing. To choose the project of the house of an economy class it is necessary to analyze the incorporated in it both planning, and constructive decisions.

Floor plans and construction

The layout determines the total area of the house, a functional set and a clear zoning of the premises, elevations, the location of the building on the site, the number of storeys, the availability of a basement room, the shape of walls and partitions in plan, places for bathrooms and communication lines. It is clear that inexpensive houses are characterized by moderate sizes and lack of compositional delights in architectural and planning decisions.

Directly affect the cost of construction and further residence in the house constructive solutions for the foundation, external and internal walls, ceilings and roofing. As well as the choice of facing facades, interior finishes, the type of sanitary, electrical and other equipment.

Area necessary and sufficient

Each developer has his own priorities, but there are standards for designers on the functional set of premises and their minimum area. The dimensions are determined by the sanitary requirements of the required air volume per person. A minimum amount of boiler room, for example, is regulated by the technical characteristics of the equipment and fire regulations. Any project of an economy-class house is designed taking into account the minimum permissible areas of residential and subsidiary premises.

If you aim at reasonable savings in the construction of a house, the customer should understand what volumes of premises will be sufficient for the residents and will not cause discomfort. This is very important, since unnecessary areas - unnecessary costs for materials, heating, ventilation, etc., that is, costs that could be reduced will increase with time. Conclusion: inexpensive houses are small, but comfortable for its inhabitants. So, it is considered to be a total area of 100 - 150 m 2 sufficient for a family of parents and 2 children.

A direct influence on the cost has a number of storeys. Any new level of sex increases construction and operating costs at times. When deciding whether enough of one floor is enough, one should take into account the opinion of experienced designers. They talk about the dependence of the number of storeys from the area of the plot: if there are up to ten acres of land, it is more reasonable to build a two-storey one. Convenient zoning of an area of more than 200 m 2 is also easier to do using two or three levels. And, for example, holiday homes of economy class with an area of 100 m 2 will be optimal in every sense in one floor.

For excess you have to pay

The construction of an exploited cellar increases the cost of the facility. If you do without it, you can save more than 30% of the total costs for the construction of the object. Significant funds can be saved for the family budget, if you build a house for a project in which there are no complex, but optional elements of the building and architectural decor.

These include balconies, columns, pilasters, porticoes and tympanums, complex forms of window and door openings, double-light rooms, winter gardens, etc. When the expressiveness of the architectural appearance is solved by thickening and curvilinear exterior walls, bay windows - this project is for millionaires , So do not look like economy-class out-of-town houses. Any deviations in the plan from the rectangle dictate complications in the most expensive part of the building - the roof. Several raznourovnevyh roof slopes, valley, complex junctions require expensive materials and high qualification of builders.

Material difficulties

The materials and technologies incorporated in the project are the most important price factor. It is impossible to unequivocally name the cheapest wall material. For example, economy-class houses made of foam blocks can become very expensive due to mandatory insulation and water-resistant finish outer lining. If you neglect the requirements for thermal insulation of walls, you can get to the increased costs of heating and ventilation, and the relatively low price for blocks of lightweight concrete will be leveled.

The explanatory developer chooses the technologies of erection of walls, ceilings and roofing laid down in the project from the point of view of the choice of the prospective performer. Thus, frame houses of economy class are often advertised as one of the most economically profitable, and the price of building materials for such walls is relatively low. Practice shows that only with accurate and accurate performance of work can avoid further rework. Low quality insulation, film and sheet materials can also prevent you from achieving the necessary comfort inside the frame house and require unnecessary costs.

Always use someone else's experience. The most rational are often design solutions that are relevant to the local climate, traditions and the state of the construction market. In the central part of Russia, the most demanding property is a rectangular house, one- or two-storeyed, with a double-decked roof, with multilayered frame or light-concrete walls with a high-quality insulation, using energy-saving technologies.

From the project, everything is just beginning

Design work - only part of the construction business. The choice of the most rational solution is made taking into account the organization of the whole process, because you can save at every stage.

The most important question is who will build. A large construction organization is clearly a non-budget option. Judging by the number of visiting brigades, you might think that anyone can build, and finding an inexpensive option is not a problem. Alas, this is not so: only proven recommendations - a guarantee against possible losses of nerves and money.

If the project does not include the use of special professional equipment and tools, the technology is simple and understandable to the layman - direct participation in the work will save considerable funds. The purchasing functions will also pay off - you can always find cheaper options when buying construction and finishing materials - your money is usually spent more reasonably.

Only one can not save effort and money: the construction of economy-class houses especially requires constant monitoring at all stages. Experienced, professional and responsible representative of the customer - for us exotic, so the future novoselu, most likely, can not do without personal presence on the construction site.

The game is worth the candle

A cozy family nest is not necessarily a luxurious, expensive mansion. They can be a nebulous house of clear, reasonable architecture, where everyone is comfortable together and individually. It will become a reality and without huge financial costs, but without the investment of the mind and patience is indispensable.

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