EducationThe science

What does computer science study as a science?

There are many sciences in the world that are aimed at computer technologies. One of the most important places belongs to computer science. What it is? What does computer science study as a science and where can you see the fruits of her research? What aspects are they interested in?

What is called computer science?

This is the name of the branch of science that deals with the study of the structure of electronic computers and their common properties. This word appeared from the combination of the other two: information and automation, which quite well gives the understanding of the interests of this science. The term itself is of French origin. Informatics deals with issues related to the search, collection, transformation, processing, storage, dissemination and use of information in various fields of activity. If you look at all broadly, it is interested in everything related to any data, including in living nature (but these aspects are transferred to the biological sciences). If we want to know what the computer science is studying, we need to determine the spheres where it operates.

What do they understand under the spheres of activity?

This includes almost all types of activity of modern man. So, practical computer science is interested in the work of the secretary-machinist, the engineer-designer, the librarian, the use of atomic energy, the exploration of outer space and many others. As you can see, the scope of the range is very wide. The principles used in computer science have found their application in the scientific and everyday spheres of life. How? Remember: any science must collect information, analyze and examine it in order to establish connections and regularities. And on the basis of the received data it was possible to create or receive something new. Thanks to the correct organization of information and its effective use, it is possible to achieve good results.

In the everyday life of a person, computer science has also found its application. We are looking for data on what schedule the transport is moving, where it is passing, what kind of book we should read at leisure - and we can continue truly infinitely. Notice, we have not even started talking about what computer science is studying! We just go in the spheres of activity that interest her. But the application of the principles and provisions of this science makes it possible to significantly facilitate the work with data and use them as efficiently as possible in order to make the right decisions and obtain the necessary result.

Questions to be studied

So what does computer science study in practice? Her first interests are:

  1. Accumulation, processing and storage of various volumes of information, as well as a quick search for the necessary data.
  2. Implementation of scientific, design and economic calculations.
  3. Office work (aspects of drafting and processing documents).
  4. Acquisition of professional skills through training.
  5. Publishing.
  6. Drawing diagrams, drawings, product with information component.
  7. Simulation of the work of an expert (person) in a certain area.
  8. Communication of people at significant distances.
  9. Features of the work of computer technology.
  10. Entertainment and games.

But the most interesting for us are the features of electronic computers. After all, with their help you can solve a wide range of different tasks of information processing. As a similar term, you can use "computer science", but its application is most often observed in the US and the UK.


We studied what informatics is, what issues she is interested in and what areas of activity. The data presented within the framework of the article is sufficient to give you a concrete idea of this science. On this I believe that I fulfilled my task, and I say goodbye to you.

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