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What candles for hemorrhoids during pregnancy are optimal?

Pregnancy is not an easy state. During this period, hormonal changes in the body occur. The body gives most of the resources to the fetus, so a woman can suffer from sudden problems with teeth, stomach, intestines. There are cases when, during pregnancy, hemorrhoids become aggravated. Disease can occur even in those who had not previously been exposed to it.

Perhaps, everyone knows that with hemorrhoids the most effective remedy are anal candles. However, the problem is that not all of their varieties can be prescribed to a pregnant woman. In general, the number of drugs that a "lady in position" can use is severely limited, since many medications can adversely affect the fetal condition. Therefore, if you have the first signs of the disease, do not go to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist for any candles for hemorrhoids. In pregnancy, you must first consult a gynecologist. Only after you describe all your symptoms to the doctor and undergo an examination, he will list the means that can be used. The main thing that you should pay attention to when choosing candles is their composition. Ideally, the drug should be made only from natural ingredients.

So, we found out that candles with hemorrhoids during pregnancy should be used very carefully. This remedy is aimed at removing discomfort, relieving the patient of constant itching and pain. In addition, they have a healing and soothing effect. The basis of most candles is vegetable oils (for example, sea buckthorn oil). Quite often pregnant women are prescribed drugs, which include seaweed.

If you want to know how to get rid of haemorrhoids with candles, remember the main rule: use the remedy only after a complete evacuation of the intestine - otherwise there will be no effect. The best way to administer this drug is before bedtime.

Candles with hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be done on their own - it's quite simple. In folk medicine the most popular is the following recipe: peel several cloves of garlic and dab them into the sea-buckthorn oil, put in a small container and hold fifteen minutes in a water bath. The resulting candles are perfectly safe and can be used every evening until the symptoms disappear completely. However, before using this recommendation, still consult with your doctor.

Another effective tool is a mixture of chopped garlic, sea-buckthorn and butter. At the output you should get a viscous substance, from which the candles are formed. Before use, they must be cooled.

Candles with hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be made from the most ordinary potatoes - just peel the tuber and give it the desired shape with a knife. Make sure that the edges of the product are smooth and do not cut the anus.

Women who do not suffer from allergic reactions, can use candied honey. The advantage of this method is that the remedy can not be removed - the remnants of honey will come out on their own during defecation.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids , important factors such as motor activity and proper nutrition should not be overlooked. Do not neglect moderate exercise, include more fiber and fresh vegetables in the diet, and the disease will soon stop bothering you

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