Health, Diseases and Conditions
Regular headache and nausea - what kind of illness?
There are some types of pain and body disorders that can be present as themselves, and be harbingers of more serious diseases. For example, headache and nausea.
About a headache.
Headache is considered one of the most common types of pain, which affects the majority of the population of our planet. Most common causes of headache are problems with vision, spine, teeth, as well as diseases of the temporomandibular joint. In addition, alcohol, smoking, excessive use of nitrites, lack of sleep, stress, etc., can cause a headache.
The most common types of headaches are migraines and headaches caused by stress.
About nausea.
Nausea is a reflex that is aimed at purifying the body through vomiting, although nausea is not always accompanied by vomiting. Nausea can be caused not only by problems with the digestive tract, but also by malfunctions in the brain that may be the consequences of injuries or infections.
As a rule, nausea signals about diseases of the digestive system. Gastritis, an ulcer and a stomach spasm, a duodenal ulcer - all these diseases are accompanied by a nausea, and also pains in a stomach and a heartburn. The same signs accompany and poisoning. Nausea can also be a sign of various diseases of the liver and gallbladder, and also acute diseases such as pancreatitis, appendicitis, stomach bleeding, cholecystitis, etc. Nausea also accompanies such diseases as intestinal and stomach swelling, but only in later stages.
And if the headache and nausea at the same time?
If you are haunted by headache and nausea until vomiting, as well as increased sensitivity to smells, light and sounds, it is most likely a migraine. Moreover, migraine can be accompanied by such very frightening symptoms, as a violation of coordination and speech, "asterisks" before the eyes, tingling in the fingers. The headache of stress can be quite long and in chronic form does not take weeks. She is not as strong as a migraine, and can even stop without taking medication. However, if you do not eliminate the causes that cause it, it turns into a chronic one, bringing a lot of inconvenience.
Headache and nausea can also indicate the presence of a person with diseases requiring medical intervention. The causes of headache and nausea can be hidden in such diseases as:
- migraine;
- diseases of the inner ear, including seasickness;
- head trauma, which results in increased intracranial pressure. This can be a concussion, and swelling, and infection (encephalitis, meningitis);
- Pulmonary infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia may also be accompanied by headache and vomiting, although these signs are not typical for them.
If the headache, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, appears for no apparent reason, it is necessary to consult a doctor. This may be a sign of a brain tumor, a disease characterized by increased intracranial pressure, as well as serious infectious diseases and nervous system damage in AIDS and syphilis.
From the above, it is obvious that nausea in combination with headache can be a sign of a large number of diseases, among which there are also very serious, therefore it is not worth treating these symptoms lightly. If nausea and headache have occurred for no apparent reason (fatigue, alcohol, eating fatty foods, etc.), then you should still take the time to visit the doctor and the examination. No self-treatment in these cases is unacceptable. In addition, we should not forget that the headache can arise by itself, from stress, for example, and nausea says at the same time is quite another disease. For example, pain in the left side, nausea and vomiting can talk about a disease of the spleen or pancreas.
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