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What body temperature is the norm in cats?

The temperature of the body in cats, although higher than that of humans, but still has its limits. Any deviation from the norm should cause the owners anxiety and excitement. Many people try to find out what body temperature the cats have on their nose, but this is wrong. The final and accurate verdict on the health of the pet can be made only by the indicators of the thermometer.

Normal temperature of cats

If the owner has doubts about the condition of his pet, you should use a thermometer. The first indicator of a disease should always be the temperature of the body of a cat. The norm is from 38 to 39 degrees. Do not resort to such folk signs as a wet nose or sleepy behavior. Not always these signs indicate a pet's disease.

Elevated or decreased indicators of the thermometer depend on many factors. In this case, the age of the pet, and its sex, and the time of the year are important. As in any other animal, the normal body temperature in cats depends on the processes occurring in their bodies. In a dream, their indices are noticeably reduced, since maintenance of this state requires a minimum of energy. During meals, the cat rises body temperature to 38.5, but still remains normal. Limit of 39 degrees is achieved only in the active state, when the pet jumps and runs a lot. It should be noted right away that kittens have slightly higher normal indices than adults. It is connected with a mobile way of life. To ensure an active state, kittens spend several times more energy, because their organs and systems have not yet grown stronger.

To measure the temperature at the pet is recommended in the afternoon, after a while after a dream. The fact is that in the evening the indicators may rise slightly, and in the morning - on the contrary.

How to make measurements?

Before you determine what body temperature in cats, you need to know a few nuances. Measurements are made only by a mercury thermometer, although some veterinarians allow the use of an electronic analog. The difference is that the first shows more accurately, and the second - much faster, but with inaccuracies.

For measurement, enter the thermometer rectally. This unexpected initiative of the owners is unlikely to please the pet, therefore it is recommended to carry out the procedure together with an assistant who would keep the animal in a horizontal position. For a comfortable fixation of the paws, a thick sheet or towel is suitable. Also, you should hold the cat's head with your hand, as it can begin to bite. In addition, this action will calm the pet: he will feel the warmth of a person he knows. The most effective way of fixing an animal is to firmly grasp it by the scruff and squeeze it lightly against a horizontal surface (floor, sofa).

Before entering the thermometer must be lubricated with petroleum jelly (any oils are prohibited). You can see the result in 3 minutes. If the indicators are in the range of 38-39 degrees, you can calm down and leave the animal alone. Otherwise, you need to look for the cause of the disease. If the temperature is too high or low, you should immediately call the veterinarian.

In addition to the rectal method, there is another way of measuring - an ear thermometer on an infrared basis. Such a thermometer is ideal for determining the condition of a cat at home. He has no contraindications and does not cause negative emotions in the pet. Its rate in degrees is from 37.8 to 39.5. The only drawback of this measurement is that, during ear inflammation, the thermometer can show several divisions higher than it actually is.

Hyperthermia in pets

The increase in body temperature in a cat can be due to several reasons. First, it is worth paying attention to the presence of infectious diseases in the pet. Worms also influence the increase in the indices. If kittens have intestinal parasites, then the temperature can reach 41 degrees. However, the main cause of hyperthermia is bacterial imbalance in the body. If the temperature values are much higher than the norm, then it is necessary to knock down immediately to at least 39.0. As a result of hyperthermia in cats, protein compounds break down, which can lead to heart problems and other internal organs. The first signs of a shortage of vital substances is hair loss and peeling of the skin. Also at an elevated temperature, the animal's breathing and pulse become more frequent. With severe and prolonged hyperthermia, dehydration appears.

To reduce the temperature, you can use ice, applying it to places where there is no hair. It is important that the pet drank a lot and was not located near the heating devices. Kittens who have pronounced weakness and lack of appetite should be poured water with a syringe. Any medications are prescribed only by a veterinarian.

Symptoms and causes of hyperthermia

The main signs that the body temperature in cats is increased, is a change in their behavior and condition. These symptoms include weakness, constant shivering, poor appetite. In dogs with hyperthermia, severe dehydration occurs within 2 days, breathing and palpitation become more frequent. In rare cases, the animal has a state of shock or fright. Causes of fever may include infections, viruses, and parasites. Most often, it is because of extraneous microorganisms that pets experience acute malaise and hyperthermia. Also, fever may result from impaired metabolism, a malfunction in the endocrine system, or the presence of a tumor. Before determining the cause of the onset of hyperthermia, it is necessary to exclude variants with the reaction of the animal's organism to medicines and complementary foods.

Hypothermia in cats

Along with increased rates in pets, often observed and lowered. Such body temperature in cats can be a consequence of hypothermia or kidney pathology. Sometimes the causes of hypothermia are complex operations in which anesthesia was used.

At a lower temperature, animals become depressed, sluggish and seek a secluded place warmer, for example, near the battery. In kittens, a disheveled coat, a noticeable shiver and a pale color of the mucous membranes may serve as a sign of ailment. At home, you can help your pet with warming. However, the process should not last too long. If warming does not work, consult a specialist.

Temperature in cats before birth

During pregnancy, abnormalities in temperature are rarely noted in animals. However, a few days before the onset of birth, changes are imminent. First, it concerns the behavior of a cat when it begins to equip its place, dragging into it soft toys, paper and even food. Worry in this case for the animal is not worth it. The main thing is to be aware of what is the current temperature of the cat's body. The norm for a couple of days before delivery is 37 degrees.
At this time, the mammary glands of the cat swell, and her gait begins to resemble a bear. Behavior can change overnight - from unjustified anxiety to gentle purring. A few days before the birth, the animal may refuse to eat, but it is not worth worrying about. The most important thing for the owner at this time interval is to monitor the condition of the pet. Normal body temperature in cats the day before lambing can vary from 36.8 to 37.7 degrees. The next day after delivery, the indicators should not exceed 37.5-39.2.

Temperature in kittens

Indicators of the smallest representatives of the species often exceed the norm of adults. The fact is that kittens are very active, despite their small age and undeveloped organism. That is why the temperature in cats and kittens can vary by a whole degree. If the first rate is the indicators to 39.0, then the second - up to 40.5.

At weakened kittens the temperature does not exceed the mark of 38.0 degrees. On the other hand, too high rates can be even more destructive and lead to death.

The temperature of the sphinxes

Representatives of this breed differ from the rest not only by appearance, but also by internal indicators of the organism. For example, body temperature in cats-sphinxes can be from 38,5 to 39,5. A similar situation with newborns. Their indicators should be no more than 40 degrees. In general, the kittens of this breed do not differ from the temperature of adult sphinxes. Some owners experience constant excitement, thinking that their pet has hyperthermia, since it is too hot. This opinion is erroneous, since the heat of the sphinxes is directly transmitted to the person with a touch. In ordinary breeds, wool interferes with heat exchange.

Establishing diagnosis

To determine the temperature deviations from normal in cats is easy. To do this, it is sufficient to measure it with a conventional thermometer.

If there is an increased body temperature in cats, then to determine the cause it is recommended to make a biochemical analysis of the pet's blood, a test for determining the diseases in the immune system and urine analysis.

In difficult cases, veterinarians are sent to an animal for x-rays or ultrasound of internal organs.

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