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Wave parrots appeared in your house? How to distinguish a male from a female?

Particular position among domestic pets is occupied by wavy parrots. After all, they are bright, unusual, funny and incredibly talkative! Such a small bird will become a faithful friend to the child and will raise the mood of an adult person. And in order for the parakeets not to be bored, and they do not lose the ability to reproduce, they are picked up a pair. And here in your house there are wavy parrots. How to distinguish a male from a female is the first question that will puzzle you.

To understand which of the parrots is a female, and who is a male, you must pay special attention to the wax of your birds. The wax is the leathery formation that is on the upper part of the beak. In males, the wax is usually purple or blue. And for females - brown or gray.

It is worth noting that you can determine sex in this way only when the parrot is at least three or four months old. But in very small chicks to determine the sex is impossible, because the voskovitsa with time changes its color. It often happens that the male in infancy has a pinkish, and the female - a blue wax. Wavy parrots, the photos of which you see, clearly demonstrate this apparent difference in the color of the wax.

How behave wavy parrots? How to distinguish a male from a female by behavior?

To distinguish a male from a female will not be very difficult, if you observe the behavior of parrots a little. The male behaves more aggressively and actively, and this is especially noticeable in the mating season, when the parrot-boy actively protects his beloved from outsiders. In addition, males are much more noisy, sing, and also talk. Samochki, on the contrary, behave very modestly. Also, sometimes, showing their cleanliness, they throw out different objects from the cage. Usually it is very difficult to teach them to talk.

Such interesting and unusual birds are wavy parrots. How to distinguish a male from a female? Now this question will not cause you any difficulties.

Wave parrots, caring for which requires a responsible approach, should live in a bright and clean room. Birds love light, but they should not be placed too close to the window, because they are very afraid of drafts.

It is also worth remembering that the cell for keeping wavy parrots should be rectangular in shape and have a flat top. Polygonal, round, and also cages with various figural ornaments are absolutely unsuitable for birds: parrots can not freely move and fly from one place to another. In addition, jewelry often accumulates dirt, dust and various parasites. Separately it is worth noting that it is desirable to acquire a metal cage.

In addition, the cage should be equipped with a pull-out bottom, perches, feeders, and a water bottle. To make the perches, a hardwood tree is used. They must have a different diameter.

If you keep your feathered pets in the proper conditions, then, undoubtedly, they will always be happy and healthy. In addition, you now do not have any questions about what gender your wavy parrots are. How to distinguish a male from a female - you are well aware.

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