
What are stylistically colored words? Stylistic coloring

They relate to the division of science, which deals with the teaching of differentiated use of language in communication, and also provides knowledge of the language itself and the appropriate means necessary for its use. It is called "stylistics", and its predecessor was rhetoric (the concept of oratorical skill), which dealt exclusively with the public style of speech. Stylistics as a science covers all systems of speech resources. This is a kind of teaching about the most effective forms of expression of thoughts and feelings.

What are stylistically colored words?

They are used exclusively in specific styles, in particular:

  1. Scientific vocabulary. It includes words that are used in education, science and technology (for example, range, laser, etc.).
  2. Political vocabulary. This includes words used in the public, political field (candidate, thesis, Duma, etc.).
  3. Speaking vocabulary. It is represented by words that are used mainly in everyday communication, orally (great, pictures, internet, etc.). In the framework of artistic works, it is used to characterize the main characters.

Summarizing the above, we can formulate what stylistically colored words are. These are words that have an added value, more precisely, they call the object and pass its corresponding evaluation (neglect, approval, irony, etc.), as well as certain emotions in relation to it.

A variety of stylistic coloring

It is represented by two components:

1. Functionally-targeted stylistic coloring (the coloration of individual units of language), which, in turn, is divided into three main types:

  • Conversational;
  • Book;
  • Neutral.

The first two types can be:

- grammatical forms (for example, contracts (neutral) - contracts (colloquial);

- words (for example, place (neutral) - location (book);

- Phraseologisms (for example, stretch out your legs (conversational) - rest with eternal sleep (book);

- offers (for example, due to non-flying weather conditions, the flight is delayed (neutral) - because of the fog I did not fly away (conversational).

2. Expressive-estimated stylistic coloring (there is no binding to a particular style, it is contained in the word itself) includes three types:

  • Reduced;
  • Increased;
  • Neutral.

Example: life (neutral) - zhitu (lowered) - life (elevated).

Neutral and stylistically colored words

Vocabulary in the literary language is usually divided into two main components: stylistically colored and neutral vocabulary.

Neutral vocabulary - words that are not attached to any of the existing styles of speech, that is, they can be used in any system of speech media, because they are expressively and emotionally not colored. However, these words have stylistic synonyms (colloquial, bookish, colloquial).

According to the theory of MV Lomonosov (The Three Stilts), all other words refer either to a high system of speech resources (for example, to rest, homeland, etc.), or to low (for example, the other day, the belly, etc. .).

In this regard, there is a colloquial vocabulary (blue gelding, tsyts, etc.) and book, which, in turn, is divided into the following types:

  • Official business (counterparties, protocol, etc.);
  • Vocabulary of fiction (eyes, purple, etc.);
  • Scientific (katet, thesis, etc.);
  • Journalistic (fieldworkers, initiative, etc.).

The directions of linguistic stylistics

There are two of them, in particular:

  • Language style;
  • Stylistics of speech (functional stylistics).

The first direction studies stylistic means of vocabulary, grammar and phraseology, as well as the stylistic structure of the language.

The second is different kinds of speech and their conditioning by the various aims of the utterance.

Linguistic stylistics should contain the principle of consistency and functionality and reflect the interrelationship of various types of speech with the purpose of utterance, its subject matter, terms of communication, the author's attitude and the addressee of speech.

Its most important category is the functional styles (varieties of literary language that serve all kinds of social life).

Styles are different combinations of the use of language in the process of communication. Each system of speech facilities is characterized by the peculiarity of the language tools used, as well as by their unique combination.

Thus, it is necessary to formulate a definition of linguistic stylistics. This is, first of all, a section of linguistics that studies various styles (language, speech, genre, etc.). Also the subject of her research are the emotional, expressive and evaluative properties of linguistic units both in the paradigmatic plane (within the language system) and in the syntagmatic aspect (in various spheres of communication).

Structure of the section of linguistics under consideration

Stylistics of modern Russian language consists of three main parts:

1. Stylistics of the text, which studies its internal structure and the inextricability of the relationship of non-linguistic content (goal, theme, etc.) with the linguistic expression.

For this section, it is important to build the text, the interaction of its structural elements, the relationship between its form and content, the impact of the communicative intentions of the author and the addressee, as well as the impact of the underlying factors. In general, the degree of disclosure of a specific communicative task plays an essential role.

2. Functional stylistics is focused on the study of existing ways of using the language within specific spheres of human activity (administrative legal, scientific, socio-political, and so on).

3. Stylistics of resources (practical stylistics) is engaged in the study of language means from the standpoint of their stylistic coloring (emotional-expressive and functional-style). Here, moments are analyzed regarding the use of a language unit as a means of expressing specific thoughts, emotions, and information transfer.

In other words, the stylistics of the modern Russian language, like the culture of speech, and rhetoric, studies questions relating to the degree of use and functioning of the language and its means within the framework of verbal communication. She is interested in problems concerning the diversity and expressiveness of speech.

Thus, having deciphered all sections of stylistics, it is possible to formulate its definition. According to the stylistic encyclopaedic dictionary of the Russian language, it is a section of linguistics in which the possibilities of language, its expressive means and the laws of functioning in various fields of human activity are studied.

The content of practical stylistics

First, it includes general information on language styles. Secondly, practical stylistics include the evaluation of the expressive and emotional coloring of existing language tools. Thirdly, this section contains a synonym for linguistic means.

The central place is reserved for the latter, because:

  • In the language, there are often no absolute synonyms;
  • Synonymous variations must always correspond to the literary norm;
  • Synonyms are allowed to be compared both under the condition of their existence at one time and under the condition of their evolution.

It is also important, within the framework of practical stylistics, to use grammatical and lexical means of the language.

History of the evolution of stylistics

As mentioned earlier, the forerunners of the modern form of stylistics were medieval and ancient poetics and rhetoric. The first was perceived as a science of poetry, and the second was the science of oratorical art, the central place in which was occupied by the doctrine of a verbal expression based on the selection of certain words, their word combinations and speech figures.

Within the framework of Russian stylistics, a significant role is assigned to the theory of styles of the first Russian natural scientist M. V. Lomonosov.

The term itself arose in the early XIX century. Mostly in the works of German Romantics, and already in the middle of the same century attempts are being made to scientifically substantiate stylistics (The Philosophy of Style by Herbert Spencer (1852) and Heiman Steinthal (1866).

The foundations of stylistics were laid in the works of AA Potebni and A. N. Veselovsky ("From the history of the epithet").

In a narrower sense (as an arrangement of language elements in speech within the boundaries of the morpheme to the whole sentence), this section of linguistics was used by American descriptive linguistics (40-50s of XX century).

In a broader sense, stylistics was understood by modern English linguistics of the text. At the same time, such conjugate concepts as variability, freedom of choice of forms and techniques by the author of the text or speakers were strongly infringed, therefore it was identified more with grammar (text stylistics).

As a doctrine of comparing the text with the extra-text subsystems of the language ("code", general language, etc.), the style was developed historically by representatives of the Prague linguistic school much earlier (30-40s of XX century). Here, in general, the verbal act (oral or written) is understood as the result of the choice by the speaker himself of specific linguistic forms among the opportunities provided beforehand by the language (grammatical, syntactic, phonetic, lexical). And also as their combination within the framework of the speech act, of course, depending on its "function."

The basis of this kind of interpretation of stylistics was the concept of a "functional" ("communicative") style of speech. This was included in the concept of Charles Bally: in the language, multiple synonymous forms are concentrated together with their series, one of which is the "neutral background", and the others differ in a different degree of additional coloring - stylistic.

Criteria for stylistic evaluation of vocabulary

The most important are two of them, in particular:

  1. The presence or absence of the word's belonging to a specific functional style of the Russian language.
  2. Presence of emotional coloring of a word (expressive possibilities of a unit of language).

The concept of stylistic connotation

The stylistic meaning of a word is the property of the content or sound form of a linguistic unit, which limits its use by a particular style. There is another name - connotation (concomitant value).

Very often there are times when it is difficult to distinguish the stylistic and lexical meaning of a unit of language. For example, words such as the forehead, cheeks and lips are anatomical concepts (part of the skull, facial areas, skin and muscle folds), and the corresponding Church Slavicisms (brow, cheeks, and mouth) are the "receptacle of thought", "the source of the wise speeches."

So, we can say that here the connotation merges with the lexical meaning of the word. However, the semantic differences of the stylistic variants can be minimal (for example, Breg-shore, cold-cold, etc.). In this regard, we can distinguish a feature of stylistic significance, such as independence.

Components of connotation

There are three:

  1. Functional-style. It determines the belonging of a language unit to a particular style.
  2. Emotionally evaluative. This component establishes the speaker's relation to the object of speech.
  3. Expressive (expressive). He shows the striving of the speaker, so to speak, to "decorate" the speech. Generalized expressiveness can be understood as an actualization of the internal form of the word (the connection between meaning and sound).

Stylistic functions of language units

There are a lot of them, but it is customary to distinguish the following:

  • Basic:

- communicative function (communication process);

- cognitive (thinking process).

  • Primary;
  • Derivatives (partial).

Stylistic functions of words (common to the language) are divided into three groups:

  • Nominative (the designation of phenomena and objects of extralinguistic reality);
  • Emotional (expression of the speaker's relationship to the object of speech);
  • Konativnaya (orientation relative to the interlocutor).

Basic functions, as a rule, refer to the general language, which are manifested in the framework of any statements (without reference to stylistic affiliation).

Speech stamps and clerical phrases

What are the stylistically colored words, was considered earlier, now it is necessary to understand the errors that are caused by their unjustified use. Particular attention is paid to such linguistic units, which are associated with the official-business style.

Its elements, included in a stylistically unacceptable context for them, are usually called office clerics ("Russian language 10 class"). It is worth remembering that this term refers to speech means only in cases when they are used in speech that is not related to the norms of this style.

To phraseological and lexical chancelleries it is customary to include words (word combinations) having coloring typical for this system (for example, for lack of, if any, withdraw, etc.). Their use within this style makes speech stylistically inexpressive.

It is worth recalling again that such stylistically colored words are linguistic units that have an added value.

The influence of the official-business style is also expressed by the use of speech stamps (words that have become very widespread, and expressions that have erased semantics and a faded emotional tinge). For example, within the context of a wide variety of contexts, the expression "get a residence permit" is often used ("A ball that flies into the gate, gets a registration in the tables", "Aphrodite became a permanent exhibit of the museum's collection, thereby obtaining a residence permit in our city").

Stamp can also be any frequently repeated means of speech, for example, template metaphors (definitions that have lost their imaginative power due to their constant use in conversation). However, within the framework of practical stylistics, this term has received a narrower interpretation: these are stereotyped expressions that have clerical coloring ("The Russian Language of the 10th grade").

Universal words used in indeterminate meanings can also act as speech stamps (for example, a series, a question, unfold, defined, an event, hold, separate, etc.).

They should be distinguished from the so-called language standards (means of expression, reproduced in speech, which are used in the journalistic style).

These include combinations that are of a sustainable nature (employment service, public sector employees, international humanitarian aid , etc.). They are widely used by journalists in view of the fact that it is impossible to constantly invent fundamentally new means of expression.

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