News and Society, Nature
We learn how to winter proteins
The life of proteins in nature proceeds, as a rule, in forest tracts. The basis of the nutrition of the animal are the seeds of tree species.
That is why the protein settles in mixed forests, where it is easy to get food for yourself. Loves the animal and mature coniferous plantations, which are cedar forests and spruce forests.
Where do proteins last? Animals do not leave their habitable places. In the cold period they can also be found in the forest. However, some of them move closer to the person in the hope of using it to survive the blizzards and cold. These visitors from the forest in winter appear in city parks. They come to people not from a good life. More cereal places forcing them to seek a lack of food. That is why in difficult winter time, city parks are more suitable for them than native forest tracts.
Natural Barometer
At a time when there is no snow, the squirrels are often on the ground. At the same time they move by leaps. However, when the first signs of bad weather appear, the animal immediately hides in its nest. The squirrel plugs a hole in it and waits for the cold, curled up in a ball. Zverek very well feels the approach of frosts. They will necessarily burst, if in a clear and clear sky during the daytime hours of the squirrel their nest to leave does not hurry.
How do proteins winter in high frost? Animals almost always hide in their nests, being in a half-demented state. They leave them only for the period of feeding.
Nests of animals
How do proteins last? The animal prefers to stay in the hollows of trees for a longer time of the day in the cold period, or in a large nest created by it, which is also called gaynom. This is the shelter of the rodent only at high altitude.
If the whiting was lucky enough to occupy the hollow of a large tree, it lays it with a soft litter, for which uses dry leaves, grass or wood lichens. Animals that live in coniferous forests build globular nests from dry branches. Such gayno also are lined with moss, leaves, wool or grass. The diameter of a spherical nest can be from twenty-five to thirty centimeters. It is located, as a rule, in dense branches or in forks of branches. At the same time, the distance from the land is about fifteen meters. He likes to spend the winter in the nesting boxes.
Males do not engage in the construction of nests. They prefer to settle in vacant ready dwellings. In this case, they can take the nests of crows, forty or thrushes. Proteins are single animals. They usually have several nests. Every two or three days the protein changes its place of residence. Thus, she is saved from parasites. How do the squirrels winter in their nests? Usually in a cold season in one dwelling several animals can be settled at once.
What do squirrels eat in the winter? About that, to nourish the cold, animals are taken care of in advance. If you visit the forest in the fall, you will be able to see a fast-moving rodent clutching a bunch of berries or nuts in your teeth. It should be said that animals can easily determine which fruits are suitable for winter harvesting.
Proteins hide their supplies in deep hollows. This allows them to easily find their own food in a hungry period.
In winter, the squirrel eats with pleasure the seeds that it extracts from cones of coniferous trees. If the year is harvest, then the animal does not have problems with food, because many firs can find whole garlands of cones. Scientists-zoologists have established that in order to be satisfied, the animal must gnaw out seeds from three hundred and eighty pine or twenty-eight fir cones. With each of them, the rodent can handle two to three minutes.
How do proteins last for a year if the crop is lean? In fodder, when the autumn supplies are coming to an end, they feed on spruce buds or thin branches of trees.
If in order to survive the hungry winter, the animals moved to the city park, then they can make a temporary feeder for them. It will serve as an ordinary stand. Feed, poured into it, will help to survive the red rodent.
Helpful Tips
For the protein in the trough is best to put the seeds and a mixture of hazelnut, walnuts and pine nuts, as well as a small amount of peanuts. An integral part of this menu will serve as seeds of melon, pumpkin, sunflower and watermelon. In this case, the constituent components should not be salty or fried. Put the nuts in the trough only in the shell.
Feeding in the winter protein, remember that for them the poison is crackers, chips and almonds, all fried, salted and smoked.
Proteins are very prolific animals. During the season, a rodent living in a temperate climatic zone can bring two litters. The mating season begins in rodents in February. At this time, many tracks of a restless animal appear on the snow. The front paws leave two small dots, and the back - thin elongated strips with fingerprints. It is during the mating season that the squirrels run a lot, play hide-and-seek and perform acrobatic jumps. At the same time, several males tend to take care of one female at the same time, who show open aggression to their competitors.
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