
Strawberries - growing and caring

Strawberry garden - one of the most favorite berries. It is delicious, fragrant and simply beautiful. We often call it strawberries, although they are different plants. Appear berries in early summer, and the season of ripe strawberries continues for one month, during which time it is necessary to replenish the body's stores of vitamins, which are especially rich in the fruits of this plant. It is believed that for this it is necessary to eat at least four kilograms of scented berries. In recent decades, thanks to the efforts of breeders, many repair varieties have been obtained that bear fruit throughout the summer.

Each summer resident first of all tries to grow on this site exactly this berry. What are the characteristics of its cultivation, what kind of care is required for the garden strawberries?

Breeding and planting

To grow this plant you need to choose a sunny plot of land with fertile soil. Strawberry garden reproduces separate rosettes, so for planting you need to prepare a sufficient number of seedlings. You can plant seedlings early in the spring or in August-September. The soil of the selected site before planting should be prepared: carefully remove all the weeds, dig to a depth of up to 20 centimeters, add fertilizer - superphosphate and humus. After this preparation, you need to make holes for the seedlings at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other. Saplings before planting are lowered into a chatterbox consisting of a clay solution with the addition of heteroauxin. The planted plants are gently poured from the watering can to compact the earth in the root area and are lightly covered with earth or sand on top.

After planting behind the seedlings, care is needed, which consists in daily watering. The soil must be moderately moist at all times. After 2-3 weeks, young plants of garden strawberries take root, as evidenced by the appearance of new leaves in the centers of outlets. Strawberry garden next year after planting blooms and gives the first harvest of berries. A good fruiting occurs within three, at most five years, after which the plants need to be replaced with new ones.

Care for strawberry garden

To strawberries always happy with a good harvest, she needs special care. In the early spring, after the snow comes down, the site must be cleaned of dry leaves, loosen the ground, fertilize the plants with mineral fertilizers. Soon strawberries garden begins to grow - grows a lot of new leaves, and after two to three weeks in the center of each outlet appear flower buds. At this time, make a second fertilizing with organic fertilizers. During the period of active spring growth, strawberries should be at least once thoroughly weeded.

Flowering begins in mid-May, soon after it begins to sing berries. Collect the harvest regularly, not allowing the emergence of overripe berries. During fruiting, regular watering is recommended to increase the yield.

After harvesting, some gardeners advise strawberries to mow. This stimulates the subsequent growth of plants. Strawberries are diluted vegetatively, growing a mustache with new rosettes. If mowing it is considered optional, then you must remove the mustache, as this increases the yield. In a dry summer, the area with strawberries should be watered regularly, with a frequency of once a week, good results are obtained by drip irrigation.

In late September - early October, you need to start preparing the site with strawberries for the winter. To do this, remove the weeds, loosen the ground, and with the onset of cold weather, the bushes are closed with fallen leaves, which will protect them from freezing. The fallen snow covers the leaves and even better insulates the strawberries, which contributes to its good wintering.

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