Food and drinkSalads

Vitamin carrot salad with garlic and cheese for a festive feast and a daily menu

Fresh vegetables, supplemented with spicy garlic and seasonings, remain desired on any table all year round. A simple appetizer of carrots, cheese and garlic has been popular for many years. You can see this salad at an ordinary dinner, and even at a New Year's Eve feast. And all thanks to a delicate taste, supplemented with light bitterness, joyful orange blossom and a lot of vitamins, which should not be forgotten especially in the winter.

Taste, simplicity, good. Prepare a salad of carrots with garlic and cheese

The combination of raw carrots with garlic and fat base has long attracted culinary experts. And it's not just the benefit of this tandem, but also its wonderful taste. And the benefit, by the way, is considerable. These products complement each other, revealing their full potential. For example, carrots, supplemented with vegetable oil (or mayonnaise based on it), is the source of many vitamins, including vitamin A. Garlic complements the dish with phytoncides and trace elements, which are also released by fat. In addition, sharpened garlic makes the carrot drink a lot of juice, which gives the snack tenderness. Not a bad addition to this combination of cheeses. And, the most diverse, from the simplest fused to the noble dryish Parmesan and pickled suluguni. And besides taste, cheese adds to the dishes and the necessary amount of protein.

There are many other ingredients that perfectly complement the salad of carrots with garlic and cheese. Let's try to take a new look at the usual recipe from childhood.

Classics of the genre

Carrot salad with garlic and cheese, dressed with mayonnaise, can be considered a traditional dish of Soviet and post-Soviet cuisine. Even a teenage girl can cope with it. Cheese and carrots should be simply grated, seasoned with crushed garlic, salt and pour mayonnaise. If the salad is at least half an hour before serving, it will be more tender and juicier. In this dish you can add a little walnuts, raisins, sesame or flaxseed seeds, fresh greens. From this it will become even tastier and more useful.

Light breakfast

Carrot salad with garlic and cheese liked and those who adhere to the system of healthy eating. But only mayonnaise had to be excluded, because this product is quite heavy for the body. It was replaced with olive oil, and for piquancy, a little lemon juice and balsamic vinegar were added to the salad.

Lettuce leaves and grated radish daikon make this dish even more useful. Minimize the amount of garlic and boldly treat yourself to such a salad for breakfast - then the cheerfulness charge will last until dinner itself, and you can not worry about the figure.

Tenderness and piquancy

And here is another one wonderful salad. Carrots, cheese, garlic are met here a couple of useful companions - fresh cucumber and pumpkin seeds. To fill this vitamin dish is better to use also useful olive oil. And cheese for him is perfect for cheese, suluguni or mozzarella.

Vitamin kit

You can prepare a salad for a holiday. Vitamin salad of carrots can be supplemented with its closest relative - beets. Both these vegetables are perfectly combined with garlic and cheese. For beauty, the bottom of the plate can be lined with lettuce leaves, and decorate the dish with canned capers from above.

Food compatibility

Carrot salad with garlic and cheese fits well with dishes from baked or roasted meat. It perfectly emphasizes the taste of fish dishes. You can serve it for a change to cereal side dishes and during non-strict posts, when it is allowed to eat cheese. This dish can be presented and on a buffet - in the form of a filling of baskets and fresh profiteroles.

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