
Velvet gloxinium. Cultivation and care

On this plant in the time of its magnificent blossoming it is impossible not to pay attention. Look at the photos of the colors of gloxinia - who indifferently passes such beauty? Delicate and velvet, unusually bright gramophones do not cease to amaze with a variety of colors and forms, there are flowers with amazingly delicate aroma. In the world of plants, new varieties of the gloxinia flower also appear . Cultivation and care for the South American beauty, although simple, but it is possible to get luxurious plants only to those who know their characteristics.

From seed to flower

Gloxinia at home multiplies most often by leaf cuttings or by dividing tubers. You can buy seeds (or collect them after the flowering), which are sown in March in a roomy fellow. Seeds are small, so they are only pressed into the ground and covered with glass. Watered from the spray. For successful tuber formation, some means of rooting can be used. Adult seedlings dive 2 times in a bowl, necessarily pritenyayut and sprayed. As they grow older, they are transplanted into a permanent pot.

The land for gloxinia needs a loose, not excessively nutritious, neutral reaction: it can be prepared from turf, peat and deciduous soils with washed sand. Drainage is mandatory. To accelerate flowering, frequent transplantation and sufficient illumination are used, shading plants from direct burning sun rays, which gloxinia does not tolerate. Cultivation and maintenance are reduced in the future to ensure a constant soil moisture, to comply with the thermal regime of the air (17-22 degrees). Blossoms gloxinia in good conditions luxuriantly and long - from April to autumn.

What he loves and does not like gloxinia

Cultivation and care of an entrenched flower with flowing buds beauty consists in watering with warm water (avoiding drops of water falling on velvet leaves and flowers). The eastern and western windows like flowers. Will not refuse to feed on fertilizers - responds with active blooming to the complex fertilizer "Kemira-lux", "Violet". Dust from the leaves sweep with a soft brush. If you want to get seeds, then pollen the flowers with the same brush. The plant does not tolerate drafts. In close pots, gramophone flowers grow smaller. As buds fade, remove them. By the autumn, the terrestrial part of the plant begins to die, so be sure to remove the dried leaves. The rest period is expressed. It lasts from November to February. Pots with large tubers put on one side in a dry, cool (at least 10 degrees) and dark room. Young plants with small tubers can be left on the windowsill. Watering at this time is reduced to a minimum - it is enough to water 1-2 times a month.

Dutch or homegrown gloxinia?

Growing and caring for the Dutch gloxinia are more complex and, as many, usually overseas, luxury specimens complain about, they are "disposable" plants (unless a new plant can be obtained from them). But its own, grown with love, will be more hardy. Try it - it's not so difficult.

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