
Gloxinia: how to care at home?

Bright and colorful, this flower adorns any interior and is loved by most housewives. Is capricious gloxinia? How to care for her, so she willingly bloomed? Such nuances are of concern to all newly-made gardeners, if their plant appears at their home. Today we will try to answer all the questions, so that your window sill always be decorated with magnificent bells.

What does gloxinia look like?

This flower is so popular that you probably will immediately recognize its description. Wide, like a velvet leaf and a huge bright inflorescence-bell - these are the main characteristics of this green pet. A distinctive feature is that the flowers bloom in whole bouquets, which gives an even greater charm to the plant. Practically in every organization, if not in every apartment, gloxinium grows. How to care for her, many know from their practical experience, but not always so deep to take into account the individual characteristics of the plant.

The second name of the flower is hybrid syning. Its homeland is Brazil, the rainforest, Peru. It is a perennial tuberous plant with velvety leaves, short stalk and funnel-shaped flowers - gramophones. Their colors are very different, and the petals are simple and with a terry edge. It is thanks to such a variety of florists never bored gloxinia. How to care for her, usually told by friends or sellers in the store, in which you bought your flower. But the information may be incomplete, and after a while you notice that your decorative pet looks completely different than you would like.

Species of the plant

As we have already noted, there are a huge number of species that differ in the form or coloration of flowers. But this is not all: there is a different gloxinia in its size. How to care for a microminiature plant, whose height does not exceed 4 cm? This question is relevant for beginning florists, and we will also discuss it. Miniature varieties grow in size from 5 to 12 cm. These are more usual flowers in care. The third species is compact gloxinium, from 12 to 25 cm in length. And, finally, the standard, all the usual beauty exceeds 25 cm in height. All these species have certain requirements for care, on which we now stop.

The first condition for growth is good lighting

Gloxinia is very friendly. The first clue to the question of how to care for gloxin at home is the right place on the windowsill. The length of the light day is of great importance. Optimal lighting is considered diffuse sunlight. It is permissible to keep it in the penumbra, but in this case the plant is strongly stretched and loses decorativeness. You can adjust the intensity of lighting yourself based on the appearance of the pet. If the leaves in the outlet are horizontally arranged, they have a beautiful, dark green color, and the stem is short and thick, which means that the illumination has been chosen optimally. This moment is especially important for a young plant, since the elongated, twisted rosette looks not so beautiful at all. The lack of sunlight can be easily diagnosed by the uplifted leaves. At the same time, excess ultraviolet also affects the plant negatively. The leaves turn yellow and curl as if hugging the edge of the pot. Such signs indicate that the flower should be shaded.

Optimal temperature

Continuing the conversation about how to care for gloxinia at home, you need to note the temperature regime. The plant came to us from the rainforests, that is, it does not like strong heat and direct sunlight. The optimum temperature, which is maintained in the shade of the rainforest, is +20 degrees. Vibrations within 2 degrees are permissible. For an adult plant it is a natural temperature regime, in which, by the way, it is just the most beautiful flowers of gloxinia that knock out. How to care for the plant at this moment, we'll look at just below, but for now you need to remember that at an air temperature of +28 and above the plant stops developing, the root system overheats, the buds do not blossom, and the flowers quickly fade. To save gloxinia, it should be moved to a shaded and cooler place. At the same time, if the temperature is below +18 degrees, the growth of shoots will stop, the leaves begin to turn yellow or blacken, the buds fall off, and the root system may rot.

All this is true if it is an adult plant, but if you decide to grow a young flower from a tuber, you must ensure a higher temperature - about +25 degrees. This will allow the green pet to develop faster and release new shoots.

Watering and Moisture

Dry air is not at all like the tropical guests, so it's better not to put them near the central heating battery. Otherwise you will get small and ugly flowers. Gloxinia (how to care for it in the winter, we will disassemble separately) needs moist air. If you can not provide the optimal conditions for it, the leaves will begin to turn yellow and curl, and the buds will fall off without even opening. To achieve at least some kind of similarity to the tropical climate, it is very often necessary to spray water from the spray around the plant or, even better, place the pot in a tray filled with wet pebbles or expanded clay. You can also place a moss of sphagnum in the pot , which will be absorbed by water during irrigation and maintain the necessary humidity. But in this case it is necessary to make sure that the leaves do not rot from contact with wet moss.

For sprinkling and watering, you need to use warm, stagnant water. Do not forget that the water should not fall on the leaves, it is impossible to spray the leaves. In general, watering should be abundant, but neat. On the leaves and flowers, water can not be splashed out, nor can it be poured into the center of the tuber - this can have a bad effect on weak roots. It is necessary to accurately distribute the life-giving moisture from the watering can with a thin spout over the entire surface of the pot. Excessive watering can lead to decay of roots, peduncles and stems.

Choosing the soil and pot

You have considered the basic requirements for care, which must be taken into account. Now let's study the whole process of growing gloxinia, starting with the planting of a young tuber. You already imagine how to care for gloxinia in a pot, it remains to choose the right soil. The main requirement is that the earth is loose and air-permeable. You can use a shop, ready-made soil or a mixture of leaf, peat and sand. You can use other components of your choice, the main thing is that the soil does not become heavy, it's bad for water. Clean peat is not recommended. The optimal pH of the land should not exceed 6.5, on acidic soils gloxinium grows poorly. Before planting a flower, it is necessary to decontaminate the soil, for this use special drugs or conventional potassium permanganate.

When choosing a pot, give preference to wide and shallow vessels. In this case, the material from which it is made can be anything: clay, plastic. The diameter of the pot should not be too large: for young tubers, there is enough capacity with a diameter of 7-10 cm, and for adult plants - 11-15 cm. Such dimensions stimulate growth and development of the plant, whereas in a more spacious pot gloxinia can forget about flowering.

Planting a tuber

You have a young gloxinia. How to properly care for her so she is willing and abundant in color? We will disassemble the question by the points. In February and March the tubers stored in the cellar begin to germinate. If they were stored in a pot with the old soil, they must be obtained and cleaned from last year's roots and soil. Be sure to stand the tuber in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (this takes no more than an hour). If you want to grow a flower quickly, then additionally soak it in the growth stimulator.

Next, the tuber is planted in a pot and sprinkled with soil. This is the most difficult period, because it is associated with maximum risk. Most often the tuber dies at this time from decay, that is, its death is associated with excessive moistening of the soil. The fact is that first the ground part begins to develop, and only then a new root system is formed. Therefore, watering should be very accurate, strictly along the edge of the pot, until the soil is slightly moistened.

How to care for and feed

Gloksinia first 1,5-2 months after planting should not be fed. At this time, the best place to put the pot in a bag and put it in a light and warm (+25 о С), but without direct sunlight place. Important! The plant needs to be ventilated every day for 15 minutes. After the appearance of the first leaves, the package is opened, and after 3-4 days removed. As the stem grows, the soil is gradually filled up. While the plant is in the package, it does not need to be watered: the soil remains wet and loose, the roots quickly grow, and there is almost no loss.

Approximately two months later, your gloxinia will be ready for feeding for the first time. How to care for her in the flowering period, we will discuss later, but for now it is necessary to make the first fertilizers. You can choose any preparation for decorative flowers. It can be "Aethysso" for root feeding. Take care that the solution does not fall on the leaves and the point of growth. The first feeding should be mineral (you can take "Uniflor Bud" or "Humate"), but after two weeks you should repeat the procedure, but with organic fertilizer, that is with the usual garden solution of Mullein.

Before the appearance of the first buds, organic matter is alternated with nitrogen fertilizers. They cause active vegetative growth, but with their excess, flower buds are practically not formed. With the advent of the first buds, nitrogen supplements are replaced by phosphorus ones - they enhance flowering. In the midst of flowering you need to make potash fertilizers and trace elements. An excellent choice will be the drug "Kemira Lux". Make sure that between the subcortex was at least two weeks.

How to care for gloxinia in the flowering period

If you followed all the recommendations and raised the right plant, then after the fourth pair of leaves are formed buds are laid. Their number can vary greatly - this depends on the mass of the tuber, as well as on the conditions of its contents, temperature, humidity and soil composition. Care for a flowering plant includes regular watering, maintaining optimum air humidity, and regularly introducing the necessary fertilizers. Blossoming pot must be protected from direct sunlight, but the lighting should be sufficient. If the flower is in the shade, it is necessary to turn it regularly towards the light source. Some hybrids can bloom twice, especially if flowering was early. To stimulate the emergence of new buds, the plant is pruned and fed. Soon after this, new shoots begin to grow.

The rest period

Most often beginners of florists are interested in how to care for gloxinia after flowering. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In September-October, watering is gradually reduced, and after the leaves begin to dry, stop completely. Once the aboveground part completely dies, the tuber freezes and sinks into a hibernation, which will last 3-4 months. Now your task is to provide the optimal conditions in which gloxinia can overwinter. How should I take care of this plant in winter? You can put the pot with the tuber in a cool place, the temperature should be about +10 degrees. During the entire period of rest, the soil should be moistened so that the roots do not dry out. There is another option: the roots are excavated and placed in moist sand, stored in a cool place. This method is convenient because at any time you can check the status of the tubers. The sand can only be slightly moist, and it can be stored at the bottom of the refrigerator.

Reproduction of gloxinia

There are many ways to get a new plant. The simplest is the division of the tuber. At the time of spring planting, you can separate the young baby and plant it in a separate pot. The second option is seed sowing. Seed should be collected after flowering, when the trunk is a box with seeds. To do this, hold the paper and, tapping on the box, shake out the small, dust-like seeds. They are sown in February-March. On day 12-14 the seeds begin to germinate. Care is to maintain optimum temperature and humidity. Approximately a month later, the first picking takes place, a month later the shoots are placed in separate cups. After about 5 months they will bloom. In the first year of life, the rest period is not maintained, the plants will grow throughout the winter.

The easiest way to reproduce is vegetative, that is, using a leaf cut. During flowering, one or several leaves are cut from the lower tier of the rosette. Very good if the petiole is short and thick. It should be immersed in water and soaked until the appearance of roots. After this, the cutting is planted in the ground, and the pot is covered with a packet until it is completely rooted. This takes about three weeks, after which you will have a new gloxinia flower. How to take care (the photo shows how beautiful your green pet will be blossoming) behind it during the vegetation and rest period , we have already considered.

Diseases of gloxinia

Most often, tropical guests get sick because of excessive watering. The tubers begin to rot, and the plant quickly turns yellow. At the initial stage of the disease, the tuber can be saved by transplant. At the last stage the tuber is completely affected by rot, and it remains only to be thrown away. Bladder disease is a common disease. It can not be cured, so the plant is destroyed along with the earth.

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