Food and drink, Soups
Vegetable soup with vegetable marrows: a recipe with a photo
How at home to cook vegetable soup with zucchini? A recipe with a photo of this simple and healthy dish will be presented later. Also we will tell you about how to make a similar dinner with the addition of cauliflower.
Cooking a delicious vegetable soup with zucchini and beef meat
There are many recipes for the first dishes, providing for the use of zucchini. Most often soup with this product is cooked on a lean basis. However, we decided to make it on beef broth.
So, in order to prepare vegetable soup with zucchini, we will need:
- Water is ordinary drinking - about 2.7-3 l;
- Potatoes not large fresh - 2 pcs .;
- Medium size zucchini - 1 pc .;
- Bulb - 1 medium head;
- Carrot (medium) - 1 piece;
- Beef on bone oily - approximately 800 g;
- Sweet pepper bulgarian - 1 piece;
- Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs .;
- Fresh garlic - 1 piece (apply as desired);
- Salt, small cooked - add to taste;
- Sour cream, fresh greens - to serve dishes to the table.
Preparation of components for soup
So, you decided to make vegetable soup with zucchini. First you need to process all the ingredients. Beef meat on a bone is thoroughly washed and cut off unnecessary veins. Also, all vegetables are treated separately. Potatoes, zucchini, onions, fresh tomatoes and Bulgarian peppers are cleaned, after which they are shredded with medium cubes. As for garlic and carrots, they are grinded on a grater (small and large, respectively).
The process of cooking soup
How to cook tasty and rich vegetable soup with zucchini? To begin with, you should prepare a meat broth. To do this, the beef bone is lowered into a pot of water, and then put on a stove and brought to a boil. As soon as the broth starts to boil, all the formed foam is removed from it, it is salted, covered with a lid and cooked for about an hour and a half.
After the meat product becomes soft, it is removed, cooled, separated from the stone and shredded in large pieces. As for the broth, it is alternately laid out potatoes, zucchini, Bulgarian pepper, onions, fresh tomatoes and carrots. Bring all the ingredients to a boil, cover with a lid and slowly cook for about 27-30 minutes. During this period, all vegetables should become soft.
At the very end, the previously cooked meat and grated garlic are dropped into the soup. Now they boil all the ingredients for another minute, after which the pan is removed from the heat and insisted under a tightly closed lid 1/4 hour.
Serving a delicious meal for a family dinner
After the vegetable soup on the beef bone is infused, it is laid out on deep plates. Next, the first dish sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs and sour cream. In this form, it is presented to family members along with a slice of bread.
Vegetable soup with courgettes and cabbage: a recipe with a photo
For those who adhere to dietary nutrition, we suggest making vegetable soup without using a meat product. It should immediately be noted that such a dish turns out not less satisfying and tasty.
So, to prepare a lean vegetable soup with courgettes and cabbage, you need to buy:
- Potatoes are not large - 2 pcs .;
- Water usual drinking - about 2,7-3 l;
- Medium size zucchini - 1 pc .;
- Onion bulb - 1 large head;
- Fresh carrots - 1 pc .;
- Cauliflower fresh or frozen - 300 g;
- Sunflower oil - about 40 ml;
- Salt shallow - add to taste.
Processing ingredients for lean soup
How should you prepare a dietary vegetable soup with zucchini and cauliflower? First you need to process all products. Potatoes, onions, zucchini, cauliflower and carrots are thoroughly washed, after which they are peeled (if necessary). Next, all the ingredients, except carrots, shredded medium cubes. As for the orange vegetable, it is better to rub it on a large grater.
Heat treatment
To a dietary soup with zucchini and cabbage (color) turned aromatic and tasty, it should be surely added with carrots and onions. For this, a thick-walled frying pan is heated on high heat together with sunflower oil, after which all the vegetables mentioned are laid out.
Periodically mix the foods, fry them until completely soft and red. Get a golden color of vegetables, salt to taste, remove from the plate and cool.
As for the remaining ingredients, they are subjected to a thermal treatment somewhat differently. To do this, use a deep saucepan. It poured a sufficient amount of water and brought to a boil. Next in the liquid alternately lay out potatoes and zucchini.
Salt the ingredients, again waiting for their boiling. After this, the pan is covered with a lid and cooked for about 23 minutes. After a while, cauliflower is dropped into the broth. In this composition, the dish is cooked for about 7-8 minutes. During this period, all products should be as soft as possible.
Before the plate is turned off, the onions and carrots saved in advance are added to the vegetable lean soup . Stir the ingredients, cook for about a minute, and then remove from the plate and stand under the lid for about 20 minutes.
Serving a lenten dish to a dinner table
Prepare vegetable soup and insist it under the lid, you distribute the dish on plates and serve to the table. If desired, in each portion of the broth you can add chopped green onions or any other fresh herbs.
Let's sum up the results
About how you can cook soup with cabbage and zucchini yourself, we told you above. Applying the presented recipes in practice, you not only diversify your daily diet, but also make the family meal more useful and tasty.
It should also be said that very many housewives are interested in the question of how expensive the dish under consideration is. Experienced culinary experts say that if you cook vegetable soup in the summer-autumn season, then it will cost you a penny. This especially applies to lean dishes. After all, for its creation there is no need to purchase a meat product.
By the way, if you have your own garden, where zucchini, cabbage and other vegetables grow, then this dish may even become free for you at all.
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