Spiritual developmentMystic

"Vanga Kazakh" (Vera Lyon) and her predictions

Unknown and incomprehensible existed in all ages. There is it even now. Take, for example, prophecies and predictions. How can a normal person with a kind of "wither" what will happen in many centuries? This is what talent you need! It turns out that people with such abilities live among us. They know which future is most likely for the whole of mankind, and for individual countries. One of them is Vera Lyon, "Vanga Kazakh". Let's get acquainted with her and her visions.

Who is Vanga Kazakh?

Imagine, an ordinary woman lives, brings up children, works. And suddenly he realizes that the pictures appearing in her imagination are connected with the upcoming events. Not everyone will cope with this discovery. It's scary, and strange somehow. This is not the "Kazakh Vanga" Vera Lyon. This woman resolutely developed the identified abilities. Of course, this took a long time. Now she herself writes that she works directly with higher powers. They prompt her how to interpret this or that vision, answer questions. It turns out that Vera is a prophetess like Vanga. Kazakh clairvoyant, unlike the Bulgarian, actively shares his thoughts with people. She has her own site, accounts in social networks. In addition, Vera does not mind that interested citizens express their ideas, share interpretations of her visions. After all, it presents to the public not only the conclusions drawn on the basis of information received in the astral. Predictions of the "Kazakh Vanga" often have a descriptive form. That is, she briefly tells the reader (the viewer in the video clips) what she saw. The picture already draws conclusions. In this way, the clairvoyant, as it were, invites people to a dialogue.

How accurate are the forecasts of Vera Lyon

You know, when they try to decipher the quatrains of Nostradamus, they look for links to any events happening on earth in the texts. This, you see, is easy. After all, most of the prophecies of Nostradamus are analyzed in the retrospective of events, that is, they connect the texts with what is for the inhabitants of the earth the past. About the future they say less readily. Predictions of the "Kazakh Vanga" are quite another matter. Faith has the courage to speak on its own behalf about what will happen soon or in decades. It is especially risky in our time of global information freedom to assert that this or that event will happen this or next year. It is very easy to check the reliability of predictions for critics. And they do not sit idly by, and write letters and articles, pointing to inaccurate forecasts. "Kazakh Vanga" Vera Lyon talks about these facts. In addition, it recognizes errors, if any. It should also be noted that the future is unstable. It grows out of the present, hence, is multivariate. But according to what scenario the events will develop, it depends not only on the prediction. An incomparably greater responsibility lies with people.

Sphere of interests of the seer

In the world there is a lot of interesting things that affect the life of ordinary people. It is these events that tries to reveal the "Kazakh Vanga" to readers. Its prophecies are connected both with the development of the political situation and with global cataclysms. A certain part of the visions on her site is not deciphered. Apparently, not every image of Vera can be explained. She just shares with readers information obtained from her talent. And when the event predicted by this vision happens, a comment is added that clarifies the relationship of the pictures to the real deeds. The clairvoyant "Kazakh Vanga" pays much attention to the political situation in the post-Soviet space. According to her convictions, people living in this territory are one people. She worries about them and tries to help. Often information comes to her about the climate and natural calamities that threaten peoples. Vera also speaks of wars and hot spots. It is worth adding that she writes and publishes poetry, teaches people the basics of clairvoyance.

Prophecies about Ukraine

This long-suffering country in recent years has been the focus of media attention. Terrible in its illogical war worries many people. "Vanga Kazakh" writes a lot about Ukraine and the events there. For the most part, these predictions are positive. Vera Lyon says that things will go well in the country. This state she compares to a dried tree. The time will come when it again turns green and blossom, people will find it easier to live. But perhaps this is only if the situation in the country changes drastically, after a number of significant political reforms.

About America

This state does not enjoy the clairvoyant sympathy. She does not hide her confidence that it is from here that all the woes and wars go. According to Vera, the US is waiting for terrible times. Very figuratively, she describes the future of this state. Her visions often feature a large orangutan, crushing buildings, tearing up factories and factories, splitting the earth. She herself speaks about the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. This will be a penalty for the higher powers for this country and its people, guilty of killing people in different parts of the world.

About Russia

Very different visions can be read about this country. Vera Lyon believes that the Russian Federation will have a great future. Let this country have problems, but it overcomes them stubbornly and steadily. For 2016, its outlook is optimistic. Vera Lyon again uses a bright, many understandable image. She writes that the whole world in her vision looked like a busy highway, along which a stream of cars is moving in one direction. All of them, except for one, had a dark color. This is a sign of trouble and turmoil for states and their peoples. And only one car, not the biggest one, was white. Vera explained this: Russia will live through 2016 easier than other countries. To describe her foresight, she used the term "reliably". That is, the residents of Russia will be calm in their country at a time when other nations will be tested, will suffer from political and geoclimatic disasters. The leader of the world until 2018, Vera sees China. With Russia, he will not have collisions. However, China itself will also be a colossus on clay feet. It will be destroyed by internal contradictions. And there will be only one country, recognized as the leader - Russia. It will give humanity hope for survival and progress.

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