Spiritual development, Mystic
Abel is a predictor monk. Predictions of the monk Abel about Russia and its future
In our great state there were enough seers who, because of their majestic gift, were expelled and disgraced. One such predictor was the powerful and pious Abel. He, like many others, it was quite difficult to live peacefully in our homeland, because this prophet was distinguished by surprisingly accurate and rather terrible predictions, especially regarding the rulers of Russia. Who is this mysterious old man who prophesied in the name of the Most High? We learn from our article.
Interesting facts from life
The future great seer was born in 1757 in a small village in the Tula region. He grew up among many sisters and brothers, in love and justice. As soon as Abel reached adolescence, he decided to try his hand at the carpentry. In this sphere he did not stay long. The future diviner decided to become a monk and devote his whole life to God. The young man's parents were categorically against this, but Abel, contrary to their lamentations, went on his way. Without informing the parents, the young man married a girl from his village, but after living with her for a while left it and decided to go to Vladimir Monastery to devote his life to Christian faith.
How did the insight come to the monk?
Abel lived in the Vladimir church for only a year. During this time the monk overtook a serious illness. As mentioned in the publication on the life of the fortuneteller, during his illness he felt some strange emotions and forces, through which they carried out absolutely inexplicable actions.
During his stay at the monastery, Abel spoke of certain beings resembling the angels of heaven, who appeared to him in a dream and gave him the ability to see. Later the prophet began to hear voices accompanying him everywhere, as it turned out, they were the ones who whispered to him unerring prophecies.
Abel claimed that he was ascended to heaven, where he was shown two holy books, in which great future events were foretold. After that, he wanted to write his prophetic work, in which he would try to repeat what he saw. Later, the monk Abel heard a voice that gave him instructions as to who to predict and how to act in this or that situation.
Predictions to Catherine the Great
Monk Abel, whose prophecies touched many rulers, described in his book and Catherine II. He predicted the empress for almost 40 years of government, and also touched upon some facts of her death, for which he was exiled to St. Petersburg. Later, Catherine took pity on him and ordered him to be imprisoned in the Shlisselburg Fortress until the end of the day. On November 5 the Empress was found lifeless on the floor. She died exactly as Abel prophesied.
Prediction to Paul I
After Catherine the Great, her son Pavel entered the throne. He was constantly frightened by the thought that the monk Abel, whose predictions did not give him rest, can tell exactly about his death. But, despite his fear, he nevertheless went to the prophet in the fortress with his devoted favorite Lopukhina. After visiting Abel, Paul was very excited and frightened, and his escort was filled with bitter tears. The emperor could not close his eyes all night, and in the morning he wrote a letter with the note: "To open for the 100 anniversary of my death."
Lopukhina told one of her lovers that he had prophesied to Paul Abel. The monk-predictor told of his swift death from those whom he warmed under his heart. So it happened, the emperor died at the hands of his eldest son Alexander in 1801.
How Abel died
The monk-fortuneteller died in the imperial prison, however, more about this later.
Becoming a new emperor, Alexander liberated Abel. He was free for more than a year. During this time, he wrote a book in which he prophesied a detailed capture of Moscow. For such a cruel prediction, Alexander once again concluded a prophet, but already in the Solovetsky prison. Abel had to stay there until his vision was fulfilled. This happened after 10 years (during this time the monk was subjected to a lot of tough tests), he was released, after which the tortured nailor made a decision to go to Jerusalem. As the hour of his departure to the world of another was very close, Abel decided to meet his death at home, but before that he could not restrain himself again and told about his vision: after Alexander's death, Konstantin (the eldest son) will not take the throne, but Nikolai (the most less).
As soon as this happened, Abel was again imprisoned, where he died. This happened in 1831.
The prophecy of Romanov
On the 100th anniversary of the death of Paul, March 12, 1901, Nicholas II opened the envelope. This event was accompanied by a ball and a gorgeous banquet. After reading the treasured letter, the emperor did not say a word. It is only known that after a while he, along with the empress, left the palace in tears and bitter despair.
Nobody to this day does not know about what was written in the letter. But when in the beginning of 1903 a cannonball hit the arbor, where the king rested , an unbearable panic arose, only the emperor remained unshakable. He then said that at the moment he had nothing to fear, because his death is still far away, so that until 1918 he and his family have nothing to be afraid of. So it happened, the entire family of Romanovs was shot in the Ipatiev house.
In one of the editions one more prophecy was said about the Romanovs. What did Abel see? The monk-predictor foresaw that not the whole family had to die. One of the king's daughters, Anastasia, will survive, she will rule the great state. According to Abel, her majestic name testifies to this, because Anastasia means "risen".
Unfortunately, no one knows if the girl has survived or not, it is known only that she was brought up so that she was ready to ascend the imperial throne.
Many are interested in why Nicholas II, knowing the date of his death, did not warn his family. Some historians suggest that the dead were not Romanovs, because in the study, one of the daughters was taller by 13 cm. There is also the assumption that the imperial family found shelter in England. But reliable data, unfortunately, about this there.
Monk Abel about the future of Russia
All predictions of the soothsayer were kept strictly under the supervision of security services, but the leak still occurred during the collapse of the USSR.
Prophecies said that for 70 years Russia will be governed by filthy devils. And after this long time they will start to quietly leave the country. But a few demons will still remain. That's what Abel thought about our former government.
The monk-fortuneteller also spoke of the second Boris, who will leave the dominant post when no one expects this. After him comes a man of low stature, his face will be black, and the body - half bald and half hairy. The monk Abel, whose prophecies about the future of Russia is not quite comforting, said that this person will have a lot of grief and at least two wars. One - on the Promethean mountains, the second - the third Taurian (that is, the Crimean).
After the throne is sitting on the throne, he is an innocent boy, but soon he and his retinue will be defeated.
What awaits Russia in the near future
What about the near future told Abel? The monk-predictor said that after a short man some ten terrible kings would rule for an hour, then the impersonal sword-bearer, who was shedding blood, would appear, as well as a man who would leave the swamp with green eyes, and he would take up the dominant position for a while.
Also, the monk Abel of Russia mentions as an almost fallen state. Another prophecy of his says about some long-nosed, then a tagged character, as well as a man with an unclean skin. The predictor mentions both the lame man and the golden-haired woman, followed by 3 golden chariots.
Fortunately, the monk Abel talked about the future of Russia abound, so with confidence one can say that calmness in our native state will still come with the arrival of a certain "Great Elect of God" who will protect the country from all evil ground ones. According to God's prophet, this person will be enlightened spiritually, clever and successful, he will love his state and his people for real. Under his leadership, the country will rise, mature, be strong and powerful. According to the prophet, the people themselves smell and understand that this man has finally come. The seer did not name the name, only said that it would shine in Russian history twice.
Also, the monk Abel, whose predictions were always accurate, mentioned that before him will rule two more people, who are called impostors. These people will occupy the throne, but in no case royal, because it is prepared for that person who is sent by the Lord himself. Well, we'll wait.
What about the end of the world?
All the prophecies of Abel end in 2896, when, in his opinion, the end of the world should come to pass, that is, the second coming of Jesus Christ. There is no exact data and details about this, because, it is claimed, all the books that the prophet devoted to this subject were burnt or destroyed.
Many prophecies of the monk have come true exactly, so I want to believe that our country will soon be in great prosperity.
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