HealthWomen Health

Vaginal Candidiasis: Causes, Symptoms and Methods of Treatment

Vaginal candidiasis (more commonly known as "thrush") is a fairly common disease that almost every woman encounters at least once in her life. Such a disease brings to life a lot of inconvenience and in the absence of treatment is fraught with not too pleasant consequences. Thrush is treatable - you just need to seek help from a doctor.

Vaginal candidiasis: the main causes

The causative agent is the fungal organism of the genus Candida, which, in fact, is evidenced by the name of the disease. As for the causes of this disease, this issue is still open. It is proved that such an infection can be transmitted sexually, but more often there is an endogenous mechanism of development.

The microflora of the vagina contains a number of pathogenic fungal organisms. But under the normal state of the body, they can not do any harm - such microorganisms are called conditionally pathogenic. With any violations, including a decrease in immune defense, diseases of the reproductive system, the infection is activated - this is how vaginal candidiasis develops in most cases.

There are several factors that increase the risk of thrush development:

  • Vaginal candidiasis often manifests after taking antibiotics, since such drugs kill not only pathogenic bacteria, but also organisms that make up a useful microflora. But on the fungus, they have almost no effect;
  • The disease can begin with too frequent douching, since the beneficial microflora is simply washed out;
  • As already mentioned, thrush appears against a background of a number of diseases, including inflammation, diabetes, digestive and genitourinary problems, as well as autoimmune diseases, HIV infection;
  • Sometimes the disease is the result of taking hormonal drugs, including contraceptives;
  • To the risk factors can also be attributed to hypothermia, the constant wearing of tight underwear made of synthetic materials.

In addition, vaginal candidiasis is a fairly common problem in pregnancy. After all during this period some physiological characteristics of a female organism change, and also work of immune system is oppressed.

Vaginal candidiasis: symptoms of the disease

In fact, the signs of the disease are quite characteristic - they are difficult to confuse with something else. The acute form of the disease is accompanied by abundant cheesy discharge with a characteristic acidic odor. In addition, women complain of the itching of the external genitalia, which only increases after urination and sexual intercourse. The disease often causes redness and swelling of the vulva and vaginal mucosa.

As for chronic candidiasis, the symptoms here are not so pronounced. Discharge from the vagina is liquid and does not have an odor. Itching also appears rarely, mostly after intercourse. This form of the disease is accompanied by periods of exacerbation, which are characterized by all the signs of acute thrush.

In any case, patients need medical care, especially during pregnancy.

Vaginal candidiasis: treatment

To begin with, the doctor must perform a gynecological examination and take a swab from the vagina for analysis. After receiving the results, an individual treatment regimen is selected, which will be as effective as possible. For the purpose of treatment, antifungal drugs are used, which slow down or completely stop the reproduction of pathogenic fungi. In some cases it is recommended to additionally use special vaginal suppositories and topical ointments that eliminate itching and discomfort.

In addition, when thrush is recommended to adhere to a healthy lifestyle - to abandon bad habits, eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits. Sometimes for complete recovery it is required to stop taking hormonal or antibacterial drugs. Sexual contacts are not desirable, but are possible only with the use of a condom.

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