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Body odor: what 8 changes should alert you?

Everyone in life has moments when the body suddenly starts to emit a sharp and unpleasant smell. You do not even understand where he comes from, and then you realize that the reason is in you. This is perfectly normal even for the healthiest person. In most cases, people normally cope with such changes - take a shower regularly and use a deodorant. Nevertheless, sometimes the smell becomes so intense and unpleasant that you have to start thinking about your health.

Is the body odor normal?

Every now and then they start to smell. It is not unusual even to smell very strongly, but only if the problem can be solved with the help of a shower or chewing gum. Sometimes the smell can not be explained by a way of life or other harmless features. In this case, there may be some problem.

What smells of the body are normal?

Some parts of the body are more prone to sweat and odor. Underarms, feet, inguinal area for natural reasons smell stronger than all other areas. If you notice that your hands, legs or chest smell, you should pay attention to it.

Smells that can not be ignored

Sometimes the body emits a smell in order to draw attention to the problem. There are special flavors associated with diseases and other problems. If you notice one of the following smells, watch your health closely. Perhaps you should visit a doctor.

Strongly smelling urine

Usually, urine practically does not smell. If it has a smell, it is weak and gives ammonia. If you visit the toilet and notice the intense smell of urine, this can be a sign of a problem. Usually the smelling urine is accompanied by a burning sensation or pain. All these are signs of a urinary tract infection. Fortunately, it's quite easy to treat them. If you have pain or burning, just consult a doctor.

Sinister breath in the morning

Bacteria that live in the mouth actively multiply at night. This leads to stale breath. All this is quite normal, but if the smell becomes too intense, it can be a sign of some kind of frustration. For example, you have a breathing disorder. In addition, the cause can be in bronchitis, kidney or liver disease.

Unpleasant smelling feet

Many people smell their feet, especially if you spend all day in shoes. If you notice that the smell is much more intense than usual, or you feel it even after a shower, you may have a fungal infection. Anyone can face it. Fungus is accompanied by the appearance of calluses, redness and dryness on the skin. The problem is easily solved by the usual antifungal spray for the feet.

Intense stool odor

Of course, stools do not always smell in the best way. No matter whose feces it is, they always stink. However, if the odor becomes extremely repulsive, this can be a sign of a problem. For example, the stool becomes extremely stinky when lactose intolerant. This may be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, colic and vomiting. If you feel that you have a stomach ache after dairy products, discuss the problem with your doctor.

Fruity smell from the mouth

This problem may seem strange, however a sweet smell can be a sign of diabetes. If you have diabetes, the body can not normally produce the necessary energy and processes acids. As a result, the breath becomes sweet.

Extremely odorous perspiration

Sweat always smells. Nevertheless, an intense smell on the chest, abdomen or legs can be a sign of digestive problems. Discuss with your doctor your diet and choose one that your digestive tract normally processed foods.

Odorous discharge from the genitals

Genitalia smell, but not too abruptly. If your discharge is a strong smell, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps it is a bacterial disorder, an infection or a fungus.

Smelly sweat all over your body

If your sweat smells too intense, you are likely to experience too much stress. Stress caused by sweat is less liquid, so it has a stronger odor. When you sweat during training, the body simply loses water, so the smell is not as intense. If you notice an odorous sweat, try to find a way to relax.

How to get rid of odors?

If you encounter an unpleasant odor, you may need to visit a doctor. This can be a sign of a serious illness. Nevertheless, many smells appear temporarily, and getting rid of them is easy, so do not worry.

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