Education, History
US losses in Vietnam: by year
The US losses in Vietnam were greater than in the Second World War. This campaign turned out to be the bloodiest for Americans. Neither before nor after it, the US has not lost so many people and technology. Let us recall the reasons for this conflict, as well as the course of military operations. We will voice not only the loss of the United States in Vietnam, but also the loss of the other party, as well as the local residents who were the victims of this conflict.
The causes of the war
The war was connected with the division of the world after the Second World War into two systems: capitalist and socialist. The war in Korea ended, dividing the once united country into two camps. It was Vietnam's turn. By 1954, it was already divided along the 17th parallel into the Northern (socialist) and Southern (capitalist under French rule). The north actively attacked with the support of the PRC and the USSR, trying to create a single state under its flag. The question of unification was only a matter of time. The South, of course, did not want to put up with this state of affairs, and the capitalist states, headed by the United States, did not intend to give one more foothold to the banners of the socialist camp.
American society painfully reacts to the loss of its soldiers in any war. Therefore, before the start of any conflict, serious information propaganda is conducted. To begin operations, an armed incident is needed, which could be used as an excuse for unleashing hostilities. They became an event in the Tokyo Bay on August 2, 1964. The destroyer of the US Navy "Maddox" approached the borders of North Vietnam and was attacked. And on August 5, 1964, the Americans began bombing. This event still gives rise to a lot of questions:
- Why destroy a destroyer on the shore of a hostile state? Prior to this event, the Americans landed a troop of instructors in the South. The north was already considered an enemy.
- The circumstances of the ship's death have not been finally clarified. There is a version that the Vietcong physically could not destroy this ship.
- Quick decision making. Only three days have passed between the destruction of the destroyer and the beginning of the attack. Consequently, the military was already aware of the end of the provocation.
All the forces of the North were united in the organization "Vietcong". Hence the name "Vietcong", which was synonymous with the word "Communists" for Western countries.
In 1961, the US sends its instructors and military personnel to the region. The first losses of the USA in Vietnam appeared. However, America did not conduct full-scale military operations. Her participation was in the training of southerners. However, the US leadership understood that the forces of the Viet Cong, with the support of the socialist camp, are not comparable.
In 1963, the North at the Battle of Apbaque destroyed almost the entire army of the south. Partisan-Vietcong already numbered about 8 thousand people in the territory of the enemy. By 1964, the US is sending a large contingent of 25 thousand people. Before that there were only 800 specialists and fighters. The military conflict was inevitable.
"The Burning Spear"
In 1965, the positions of the American army were attacked . There were losses to the US in Vietnam in people and technology. President Johnson announced the beginning of Operation "The Flaming Spear". Its purpose was to inflict air strikes on the positions of the Vietcong. However, this did not have a special result.
Full-scale intervention, Operation Thunder Rumble. Normal air strikes had no effect. In conditions of dense jungle to find objects for destruction is very difficult. Then the US is developing Operation Thunder Rumble. Its essence is carpet bombing of huge territories with the use of land forces. The number of personnel brought to 180 thousand people. In the next three years, the grouping of Americans has increased to half a million.
Carpet bombing leads to large losses among civilians. I would like to note that the bombing doctrine, adopted by Britain in 1920, was adopted by the United States. Actively it was used in Dresden during the Second World War. Its goal is to terrorize the entire population. At the same time, the killing of civilians is considered part of the overall plan.
The onset of North Vietnam
Just want to dispel the myth that the Vietcong led a defensive war, and the Americans - offensive. In fact, this is not so. All the main actions were initially conducted by partisan detachments in the territory of South Vietnam. The actual aggressor was the Vietnamese.
On the "Theta day", January 30, the North launched a large-scale offensive in 1968. This was unexpected, since under the agreement these days no military action should be fought. The loss of the United States in Vietnam these days has seriously increased.
All attacks were successfully repulsed, but the city of Hue was lost to the Americans. Only in March the offensive finally choked. After that, Southerners and Americans go on a counter-offensive in order to return Hue. The bloodiest battle in the history of the whole war unfolded.
The city was of strategic importance. It is one of the three major centers of South Vietnam along with Saigon and Danang. Through it passed the main highway, connecting the northern territories with the capital. The army north of Hue was overland cut off from supply. In the XIX century, this city was the capital of a single state. Therefore, it had a symbolic meaning.
The loss of Americans in the battle for Hue is about 200 people killed. Southerners - about 400. However, the losses of the Vietcong were much more serious - about 5 thousand people. It is believed that this defeat completely undermined their military potential.
The Battle of Hue - the military glory of the United States
The victory at Hue is considered one of the memorable battles in US history, along with the battles on Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands), World War II, under Chosin (Korea). The military leadership has gained immense experience in conducting military operations in the city. Previously, the marines did not lead them in large settlements. It is believed that the Americans here have developed a tactic of fighting in urban conditions, which was then successfully used in the assault of Fallujah in 2004 (Iraq). In the battles of Hue, 3 battalions of the Marine Corps and 11 battalions of the South Vietnamese forces took part.
US losses in Vietnam: aviation
The help of the USSR and China was invaluable for North Vietnam. Only from the Union, the DRV received 340 million rubles, which at that time was a very substantial amount. Soviet instructors helped to master complex techniques. Allies and weapons were supplied, including the latest air defense weapons. The technical losses of the United States in Vietnam (aircraft, not counting other equipment) are more than 4,000 units. The Americans reported that it was about 0.5 per 1000 sorties. In the conditions of war this figure is not large. However, when crossing the border of North Vietnam, the losses increased immediately. Soviet air defense system with a reliable shield guarded the sky. Do not forget about the loss of aircraft in South Vietnam. Before the war, their aviation ranked fourth in the world after the United States, the USSR and China. And here the losses are huge - about 10 thousand aircraft.
US losses in Vietnam: helicopters
As for the helicopters, here the Americans lost more than 5 thousand units. That is 3 cars a day.
The helicopter is the main marine technology during the Vietnam War. In conditions of impassable jungle and impassability, it is the only transport that can also cover the infantry with fire.
"Christmas bombing" and the end of the war
In 1972, the North undertook another attempt at a major offensive, using tank forces. However, with the help of US aviation, the Southerners repulsed this attack.
After that, the United States carried out serious carpet bombing in large cities of the North: Hanoi and Haiphong. The operation was called "Christmas bombing." North Vietnam had to sit down at the negotiating table, after which the Americans quickly withdrew their troops. The loss of the United States in Vietnam over the years is difficult to calculate. This war is a record for the number of killed American soldiers. Desertion in the army flourished, all the cities were frightened by passing military, who distributed flags. This meant the death of a close relative in battle. The US losses in Vietnam (photos of military correspondents are given in the article) range from 40-60 thousand people. This is not counting Puerto Ricans who were hired in the army to obtain citizenship, as well as the wounded and mutilated. They did not enter this figure, but for society they were also lost.
The famous boxer Muhammad Ali just then became a Muslim and took a new name, as it gave the reservation from the draft. Many emigrated from the country. More than 1 million people died in the Vietnam War, including women and children.
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