HealthDiseases and Conditions

Under the eyes of the milium: how to get rid at home?

With skin problems, virtually every person occasionally encounters. And his age does not matter. According to experts, most often the cause of this phenomenon is a wrong or so-called unhealthy lifestyle.

Such harmful addictions as drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, excessive love of sunbathing, abuse of fried, sweet, salty and smoked, very often lead to the fact that the human body is disrupted metabolism. As a result, accumulated toxins, harmful microorganisms and sebum contribute to the formation of various acne. By the way, white eels also belong to such people.

If you have formed under the eyes of the milium, then do not worry. Such pimples are treated quite easily. How exactly, we will tell in this article.

basic information

What are white acne like miloons (under the eyes)? How to get rid of these points? We will talk about this below.

The term in question, translated from Latin, means "millet" or "millet grain". Thus, the miliom is the white eel, formed as a result of the excess work of the sebaceous glands.


How do you look under the eyes of the milium? Such formations are dense white or slightly yellowish acne, the size of which usually does not exceed the size of the pinhead. In appearance, these pimples resemble small granules, hence their unusual name.

Under the eyes of the milium are formed more often than in other places. Although their favorite places are such areas of the face as whiskey, cheeks and nose. These formations can manifest themselves singly or act as whole groups.

In fact, the milium is a closed time, which has accumulated sebum, unable to go outside. The head of such a pimple is not affected by inflammation. It's just white. Although the inflammatory process can still begin, but only when harmful bacteria enter the time.

Types of white dots

Milium under the eyes, the treatment of which will be presented below, can be primary and secondary. Primary formations arise suddenly and can be a consequence of the influence of environmental factors (for example, ultraviolet rays). As for secondary miliums, they appear after traumatic or inflammatory skin lesions (for example, on scars).


Why do the milium appear under the eyes? The causes of such acne have not yet been clarified. According to the experts, the formation of miliums can be provoked by completely different factors. To them carry the following.

Heredity. Of course, such a factor can not be called the main and only reason for the formation of whiteheads. But if they have parents, then the likelihood of the appearance of the same rashes in children is quite high.

The appearance of milium can contribute to improperly selected or insufficient skin care, including if it is prone to fat. As is known, such covers have enlarged pores, prone to clogging the contents of the sebaceous glands. By the way, on oily skin are formed not only milium, but also pink acne, cystic acne, pustular acne and other acne.

Under the eyes of the milium, photos of which are presented in this article, may appear due to a hormonal failure. This is why pregnant women, adolescents and people aged after 47 years old, when the level of sex hormones are significantly reduced, most often suffer from white spots.

The appearance of white acne can result in an unbalanced diet. If the diet of man is dominated by smoked products, fatty foods and various sweets, then the probability of the emergence of milium significantly increases.

The main causes of the onset of milium on the face include diseases of the digestive tract, as well as failures in the pancreas and thyroid gland.

Milium in children

It should also be noted that sometimes the formations under consideration are observed on the skin of newborn babies. As a rule, such acne in young children passes independently and does not require any additional treatment. In this case, the appearance of milium is associated with the age imperfection of the child's gastrointestinal organs.

Milium under the eyes: treatment

People's means of eliminating such formations are rather difficult. This is said not only by doctors, but also by supporters of alternative medicine. Therefore, when such a cosmetic defect appears, doctors are advised not to engage in useless self-medication, but immediately go to the cosmetic salon to the cosmetologist.

Can the millions disappear under their eyes? How to get rid of this ailment at home? Experts argue that in adults, such formations usually do not pass by themselves. As for young children, in the process of development, white dots gradually go away. Therefore, to treat milium at home is not possible. To do this, you need specialized equipment.

Can I heal at home?

Currently, there are several ways to remove the milium. All of them do not presuppose an independent procedure. There are several reasons for this. First, special equipment is required to treat whiteheads. Secondly, in trying to get rid of unpleasant points, the patient can easily enter into them an infection, exacerbating his situation.

How to eliminate whiteheads?

Despite all of the above, many people still resort to alternative medicine. With whiteheads, the following methods are used.

Cucumber lotion. For their preparation, you need: cucumber pulp, devoid of seeds (2 tablespoons) and ¾ boiling water. Stirring both components, they are tightly closed (wrapped in a blanket), and then allowed to stand for 4 hours. After a while, the resulting broth is filtered, moistened with a natural clean cloth and applied to the face. Such procedures are carried out 4-5 times a month.

Kalinovy juice. To prepare it, you should prepare 100 g of fresh berries of viburnum and 5 g of oatmeal. Stirring both ingredients, get a pretty thick gruel. They wipe the milium or make a mask, which is left on the face for 45 minutes.

Herbal compresses. To make them, a dessert spoon of chamomile and marigold are poured 300 ml of boiled mineral water (without gas). Covering the dishes with a lid and a blanket, the infusion is kept for a couple of hours, and then filter and apply a napkin soaked in a herbal decoction to the face.

Degreasing mask. To create it, use ¼ of a small packet of yeast, 10 g of honey and the same 3% of peroxide, lemon juice. All ingredients are mixed with warmed honey, and then distributed evenly over the skin and left for 30 minutes.

Lotion against the inflammation of the sebaceous glands. 40 g of leaves of grass, a scraper, 500 ml of vodka or other alcohol are mixed in bottles, and then clogged and left for 3 weeks. After a while, tincture is filtered and the face is wiped with it.

If home remedies do not help you, you can turn to highly qualified specialists. To eliminate milium in the hospital, use the following methods:

  • mechanical;
  • Laser coagulation;
  • Electrocoagulation;
  • Curettage.

Using one of the presented methods, you will certainly get rid of such cosmetic defect as miliums. It should be noted that all the procedures described are painless and do not leave any scars.

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