HealthDiseases and Conditions

Treatment of chronic gastritis in modern medicine

To understand how the treatment of chronic gastritis occurs, it is important to know the difference between acute and chronic diseases.

The causes of acute gastritis - poisoning with acidic or alkaline substances of a critical concentration, radiation damage, drug poisoning with certain substances - for example, aspirin.

Acute gastritis begins with unbearable burning - the upper abdomen hurts; Nausea, vomiting, dizziness and weakness.

With acute gastritis, a doctor is urgently needed. If the case is difficult, hospitalization is necessary.

When treatment of an acute gastritis is completed, its transition into the chronic form is quite probable. At the same time, a chronic gastritis disease is more often independent.

The main cause of gastritis became known recently, when the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (Helicobacter pylori) was discovered . It became clear to specialists that this bacterium settles on the mucous membrane of the stomach. It causes gastritis, which occurs most often: gastritis with gastric acidic acid juice .

Today a detailed list of the causes of chronic gastritis is known. It makes sense to put it in this article, because it will help people who do not have special training, to understand together with the doctor, exactly where their disease occurred. A proper understanding of the causes is a 90% correct treatment of chronic gastritis:

- the diet was repeatedly and repeatedly disturbed;

- used rough and spicy food;

- hot food was an object of addiction;

- the food was badly chewed, it was not washed down with liquid;

- strong spirits were used;

- long-term and uncontrolled preparations were taken, from which the mucous membrane of the stomach was irritated (varieties of salicylates, preparations of butadione, prednisolone, some drugs from groups of antibiotics and sulfonamides);

- Internal organ poisoning occurred in patients with kidney disease or in case of gout. (The mucous membrane of the stomach secretes in these diseases uric acid, urea, destructive compounds of the endola and skatole);

- frequent contact with harmful substances of professional origin (lead compounds, coal or metal dust);

- the patient suffers from a hereditary predisposition to chronic gastritis.

How to recognize chronic gastritis?

It is characterized by:

  • Aching or sharp burning pain. It affects the upper part of the abdomen. With the reception of food becomes sharper or, conversely, passes;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Repetition and flatulence (accumulation and release of gases);
  • Overflow of the stomach after receiving even a small amount of food;
  • Decreased body weight.

Gradual development of chronic gastritis gives frequent relapses.

The disease is complicated by a stomach ulcer and gastric bleeding if it is not treated comprehensively and in a timely manner. Chronic gastritis in neglected cases leads to stomach cancer.

Treatment of chronic gastritis assumes the most important role of the patient. In the treatment of this disease, a diet should be constantly observed. The prescribed medications require scrupulous accuracy in their administration.

The determining factor of the diet is gastric acidity.

With increased acidity, the recommendations are as follows.

Food should be taken 4-5 times a day regularly, at a predetermined time. Exclude foods that result in the stomach secreting acid. For example, do not eat rich broth: meat, fish and mushrooms. Instead, they are dairy or lean soups. They have the property of neutralizing acids.

It is completely forbidden to drink strong tea and coffee, it is strictly unacceptable to drink alcohol.

It is recommended to eat and drink as much as possible sweet fruit juices, non-carbonated bicarbonate mineral waters, kissels.

You can not eat fried, pickled, smoked, spicy.

With reduced acidity, one must adhere to the following diet.

Prohibited hot, smoked, spicy.

Exclude the dough. To part for ever with fried pies, rice, rye bread.

It is recommended to have as many meat and fish broths as possible.

If the disease worsens, the diet should be adjusted by a gastroenterologist.

Treatment of chronic gastritis has a number of additional complications due to the fact that the disease is difficult to diagnose. This work should be performed only by a doctor.

The list of diagnostic procedures looks like this:

  • Carrying out of ultrasonic research;
  • The procedure of esophagogastroduodenoscopy (through the mouth through the esophagus, a fiber optic tube is inserted into the stomach, the picture of the stomach is shown on the monitor from the inside);
  • Biopsy is exposed to the mucosa of the stomach walls;
  • Gastric juice is taken for analysis to check for insufficiency or redundancy of its production;
  • The blood is examined to determine or exclude anemia (lack of blood cells);
  • The blood is being examined for the detection of antibodies to Helikobakter Pilori (see above);
  • The feces are examined for revealing hidden blood in it;
  • Radiography of the abdominal cavity is performed.

Treatment for gastritis involves four components.

  1. The diet is carefully controlled;
  2. Appointed drugs - acidity regulators;
  3. Appointed drugs aimed at healing the mucous membrane;
  4. An antibacterial therapy is prescribed if there is a presence of Helikobakter Pilori.

Thus, the question "is it possible to cure chronic gastritis?" Modern medicine responds absolutely positively.

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