
Tinted taillights with their own hands: step-by-step instruction, features and feedback

Probably, every car owner would like his car to look as stylish as possible, and everyone around him was jealous. Such a result can be achieved by a mass of different methods - the modern market offers many effective paints, polishes, vinyl stickers and other materials for tuning. But many, having put in order glass, a body, wheel disks, often forget about back lanterns. Although they are not considered the main element of the car, but with the right approach they will attract the views of other motorists in the stream, as well as passers-by. Therefore, along with body tuning, tinted rear lights will not be superfluous, if you want to give the exterior a bit of exclusive parts.

Headlight Tinting and Law

Before deciding on such an operation, you need to remember that if you violate the standards (that is, darken the lights incorrectly), then the traffic police for this will write a fine. The amount of it is almost the same as for toning, which is not done according to GOST. Therefore, many are afraid to do something with the headlights, so as not to violate the law and not pay excessive fines.

Methods of application

Refusing to decorate the car in this way only because of fines is not quite the right decision. You just need to find out what is allowed and allowed, and what is forbidden, and then you can safely finalize the car. Tinted taillights will not only give the car a modern look, but also will protect the glass or plastic headlights from various scratches and turbidity. The surface will be as flat as possible if the application process is carried out using a special film.

There are two methods that make it possible to darken the headlights. This is the use of paint and tinting the tail lights with film. Which of these two ways to choose? Each driver will decide for himself. Both ways of tuning have their pluses and minuses, differ in cost, labor and time investments.

Tinting with paint: features

This method of staining the headlights is the most economical. However, it is rather laborious. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface, polish plastic or glass, and only after this you can go directly to painting. The process of darkening the lamp takes a long time. And the results are not always the same as we would like. Such toning of the rear lights is suitable for those who do not want to invest in tuning their cars large sums.

Vinyl Film: Features

This method will take significantly less time than the previous version. Also, this method is less laborious than in the case of staining. But there is one point with which there can be certain difficulties. It is necessary to paste the film so that there are no wrinkles on the surface. Among the advantages of using this method can be identified the possibility of rapid film removal at any time. There are tons of shades. There are all colors (for example, the red tint of the rear lights looks great). The shade can be selected to a specific car.

Tinting with paint: how to apply varnish or paint

If you decide to do a blackout using paint, first of all you need to buy a special drug. It is best to choose tinting varnishes. They are much more convenient to apply and use. The cost of these paints can be quite high. But the result is worth it. To handle two lamps, only one can be enough. It is recommended to carry out the work connected with the coloring of headlights in ventilated bright rooms. It is best to do this in the fresh air. It is necessary to choose a clear, but not too sunny day. Tinting the tail lights with their own hands using paints or varnishes is carried out in several stages. The first thing to dismantle the headlights. This will allow the varnish to lie on the surface as flat as possible. It must be taken into account that then the lanterns will need to be set back. To do this, you need to have the skills. Then the surface of the glass or plastic lantern must be degreased. To do this, you can use traditional alcohol or use special tools. After the end of the process, the headlight is allowed to dry. Before spraying the paint, the balloon is shaken. Then the paint is applied as thinly and evenly as possible. Then the lights are allowed to dry a little. It is necessary to put it in such a place that fine colored debris and dust do not get on the painted surface. Next, another (or more) layer of paint is applied - at the same time you need to paint until you exceed the light transmittance of the headlamp. When the lights are completely dry, they should be polished to the state of the mirror. After that, the optics can be put back on the car and enjoy the result.

Toning film: instruction

For work, the following tools will be needed: a construction hair dryer, a sharp enough knife, a solution of alcohol and an ordinary spatula. First of all, the tint of the rear lights provides a thorough cleaning of the surface. Initially, the headlights are cleaned by removing moisture from them. It is convenient and effective to do with a microfiber cloth. Also, experts recommend using special preparations for cleaning. Then, an alcohol solution is sprayed onto the surface of the film and onto the headlamp. This is done in order to simplify the process of toning.

In order for the vinyl film to lie flat and take the shape of the tail lights, it is stretched. This is done manually by hand or using a hairdryer. The material needs to be heated, and then the film will become flexible. It is important not to overheat the vinyl. Otherwise, wrinkles will appear.

What next?

Now we have the most important stage of work. You need to use a spatula to stretch the material and stick the film on the headlights. If something goes beyond the edges, it is cut with a knife. Reviews say that the tint of the rear lights with film hands should be carried out very carefully. You can damage the lamp and hands in the process. This completes the process, and you can rejoice at the result.

Tinting of headlights and fines

As is known to all car owners, the country was banned from too strong tinting of auto glass. This is done to improve safety, as visibility is reduced, and the driver of the car may not notice a stop lamp or a turn signal. In general, the taillights do not influence the review of the traffic situation in any way, however, if the toning is done incorrectly, then the car owner faces not only a fine, the amount of which is similar to the fine for tinting the glass, but also the difficulty of the movement of other cars from behind. Reviews of drivers repeatedly confirm this.

The law allows you to drive a car whose tail lights are white. Other light devices of yellow, red and orange are also allowed. Tinted rear lights ("Priora" is no exception) can significantly change the shades of the flashlight. Therefore, it is necessary to perform the work very carefully and carefully. Otherwise, you have to pay a fine of 500 rubles. Inspectors often interpret such tuning as a malfunction of the car. In the worst case, you can lose a driver's license for 6-12 months under point 13 of Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

When the black rear lights are used, an accident may occur, and in this case the driver who drives with tinting is to blame. Then you have to pay not only a fine, but also repair the injured car.

There is an option when you can protect yourself from fines and at the same time ride a beautiful and spectacular car. Reviews of car owners say that you need to do this by darkening in a specialized salon. How much does the tint of the taillights cost? The price in large cities of Russia is from one and a half thousand rubles, depending on the model of the car and the geometry of the headlight itself. This is a relatively small amount. But having paid it, you can protect yourself from inspectors of traffic police and protocols. In practice, most often no one and no one will be fined, especially if the headlights are tinted correctly and skillfully. In this case, the luminescence brightness practically does not decrease. If the inspector sees a gross violation, he may ask to repair the fault on the spot. Reviews say that with a film to do it the easiest.


As you can see, this way of tuning with certain skills can be done independently. If you do everything correctly and follow the instructions, then this will not be considered a violation.

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