HomelinessPest Control

Thrips on houseplants. Great harm from small pests

It's no exaggeration to say that houseplants have long adorned people's lives, and many are happy to grow them, arranging wonderful green corners in their home. Inhabitants of balconies and window sills please us with freshness of leaves, beauty and fragrance of flowers, if they are healthy, beautiful and develop well.

Alas, together with your favorite flowers on the windowsills, uninvited guests often pose - pests of houseplants: thrips, aphids, whiteflies and many others. Weakened by improper care, plants become their prey. In the dry and warm air of the apartment, pests reproduce with unheard-of speed.

All pests are divided into two groups: sucking and gnawing. "Rodents" eat leaves and flowers, and suckers, without violating the integrity of tissues, feed on cell sap. It is these insects that most annoy plant plants. They are so small that sometimes they can not be seen with the naked eye. Symptoms of the lesion are not detected immediately, but only when the pests are well popyrovav and multiplying, moved their "disco" to neighboring healthy plants.

The most intrusive pests are thrips. On indoor plants they settle in entire colonies, settling on the lower surface of the leaves. These are very small (1-1,5mm), but extremely gluttonous and mobile insects, leading a hidden lifestyle. They are barely noticeable, you can consider them, unless armed with a magnifying glass, and preferably a microscope.

Adult insects and larvae stick together, and "harmful" too together. It happens that the carriers of viruses are also thrips. On indoor plants, they can develop year-round. By sucking out the cell sap, insects damage the tissues of the leaf. They get both buds and flowers, the plant weakens and completely loses its decorativeness. In this case, thrips are many-grained and almost any indoor flower can suffer from them. A sure sign that the thrips on houseplants settled long ago: for a long time on the underside of the leaf there are silvery, like mica windows, a consequence of the air filling of devastated plant cells. On the upper side there are many bright points and strokes, whitish spots.

Unfortunately, to destroy thrips on indoor plants is not so easy, this enemy does not give up easily. Moreover, I would like not only to get rid of unexpected invaders, but also to preserve the flower, to restore to it health and beauty. It is recommended to isolate the infected plants as far as possible, and carefully clean the place where they stood. Before processing, the plant needs to be washed under the shower with the use of laundry soap.

If the plant is infected slightly, you can use folk remedies and use decoctions of mustard mustard, creeping bitter, tobacco of the present, peppers, celandine celandine, yarrow, and others. If these miraculous tools do not manage lime thrips on indoor plants, the struggle continues. In the course is heavy artillery - intoxicides (preparations "Fitoverm", "Vertimek", "Decis", "Agravertin", "Actelik", "BI-58", "Karate", "Confidor" and others). Treatment is performed at least 2 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

And the last. Trips are a very persistent enemy, and many of the toxicides are toxic to humans (some of them are even dangerous). Fascinated by the struggle with pests indoor plants, do not hurt yourself!

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