Arts & Entertainment, Films
The Invisible. Actors of the original picture and sequel
In 2000, the genius of the modern film industry, Paul Verhoeven, director of "Remember All", "Basic Instinct" and "Starship Troopers", managed to surprise even the most experienced spectator. His fantastic thriller "The Invisible Man" (actors of the first plan: K. Beykon, E. Shu, D. Brolin) gives the viewer a unique opportunity to see the surrounding world through the eyes of the real invisibility.
Based on the novel by H. Wells
The name of the American-German fiction thriller with the elements of the thriller became the next victim of the native translators-adapters. The exact translation of the title of the painting is "The Hollow Man", it was based on the work of the world famous writer Herbert Wells "The Invisible Man". But the direct relation of Verkhovyn's offspring to the literary original does not at all. In the title role shines Kevin Bacon - he is an invisible, the actors Elizabeth Shu, Kim Dickens, Josh Brolin only shade his charisma. The director, trying to cross Wells's famous creation with Robert Stevenson's novel Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, presents a bloody "mochilovku" in the underground secret laboratory for spectators, but ends with a happy ending film, in which the traditionally good win the bad.
Brief description of the plot
According to the plot story of the film "Invisible", the actors and roles of which are perfectly matched with each other, the main character Sebastian Kane (Kevin Bacon) for several years developing a drug that causes invisibility. And finally, he manages to achieve a sustainable result, all the animal experiments completed successfully. Animals after the introduction of the drug become invisible, and then return to their normal state. But Kane does not intend to stop there, he decides to become a participant in the experiment and introduces the drug himself. But the antidote, which was designed to return tissues to the visible structure, does not work in the human body, the scientist can not return to his usual state. He remains invisible, going crazy with this and more and more plunging into the abyss of vice.
The antagonist scientist
As it was said above, "The Invisible Man" is a film, the actors of which uncomplainingly allowed to "pull off the blanket" to the performer of the main male role. This fact is amazing, as the cast of the film is quite powerful. Given the fact that the action primarily takes place in the closed space of the underground laboratory, the main characters in the frame are mostly the same characters, embodied on the screen by Elizabeth Shu, Kim Dickens, Greg Granberg, Mary Randle, Josh Brolin and Joey Zlotnik. But the ambitious genius in the performance of Kevin Bacon is inimitable. The actor, thanks to his extraordinary gift of reincarnation, can play both a positive and a negative hero, but in this case his dazzling charisma outweighed the charm of all other movie stars at times. His hero sympathizes, his character - the main tragic figure. Here, and remember the original name of the picture. The protagonist, rather, is not invisible, he is empty, completely lost his human component: morality, spirituality. In comparison with him, the rest of the group of protagonist scientists is similar to laboratory gray mice. Kane should not appear in the frame, the narrative becomes boring and uninteresting.
"Invisible" - a film whose actors, with the exception of Kane, could not fully realize their potential. The most interesting thing in the film, according to world critics, is the virtuoso special effects, which clearly demonstrate the transformation of the visible organism into the invisible and back. In this the creators have surpassed themselves. By the way, the experimental animal - gorilla Isabella - was embodied on the screen by special effects expert Tom Woodruff, the same one who played the Alien in the famous trilogy. Unfortunately, unlike the Russian comedy "Invisible", actors and roles of which are known and fervently loved by the domestic spectator, many people who have seen the fantastic thriller of Paul Verhoeven will not remember the names of his characters. Especially the expert who played the role of the experimental animal.
Directed by Claudio Fah in 2006 removes the sequel to Verkhovyn's film and decides not to trick the name, his project is called "Invisible-2". Actors involved in the first part, from participation in the sequel refused categorically. In principle, the second part with the first episode has very little in common, the only reminder of the tragic events covered in the first part is a short story about "specialists in molecular biology who died a few years ago." But the key to the success of the tape could be the appearance of one of the surviving characters of the first picture. Most likely, the modest budget did not allow the involvement of famous actors in the project .
Acting ensemble sequel
The protagonist, who is shown in the visible state only once, Christian Slater, is invisible. Actors Peter Facinelli and Laura Regan performed the role of a tough policeman and a female scientist, who is hunted by an invisible. The second episode was several times weaker than the original picture, not because of a change in the director or an actor's troupe, but because the creators practically did not take the time to get acquainted with the characters. Therefore, when about 20 minutes after the start of the tape they were killed one after another, the viewer did not feel sympathy for them. The characters of the second plan appeared and disappeared, their role in the narrative about how the second invisible appeared (the actors did not have time to reveal themselves) was minimized, and the performers of the main roles looked very dry and sparse.
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