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The Influence of Fairy Tales on the Development of Baby's Fantasy

Children like to fantasize. They dream of flying to the moon.

The child's world is full of miracles, adventures, feats.

One girl told everyone that she had a pink elephant under her bed. Friends were surprised and asked - a real elephant?

- Yes, he helps me to fall asleep at night, shakes my crib.

"My mother does not believe that he exists, but he is alive," answered the girl.

From the dreamers we know, grow artists, scientists, poets.

If there were no imagination and imagination, we would not develop science and culture. The first visionary on earth was a man who saw a shovel in an ordinary stick.

To have a fantasy visit your child, you need to read to him children's tales: "Kolobok", "Chicken Ryaba", "Teremok".

According to children's psychologists, children's tales fruitfully influence the development of the child's imagination. After all, children often present themselves in the place of positive fairy-tale heroes.

You can play with the child in the next game - after reading the child's fairy tales ask how the child would act on the place of the fairy-tale hero.

Remember, fairytales for children are your best helpers. After all, the images of the fairy tale are the bricks of fantasy.

Without the carpet of the aircraft there would be no aircraft. Without a self-propelled stove, there would not be modern machines. The schoolboy would not have been able to imagine abstract images in his head, to build a spaceship.

Moms often ask themselves why their children need attention.

A kid can occupy himself, play toys. He knows the world through his mother's hands. Mom teaches him to play with a doll, sweep with a broom, play role-playing games.

Invite the child to play skits.

Place the chairs and row and explain to the child. "This is a car, let's go for a drive!

The wheel from the pyramid will be the steering wheel. "Hold the steering wheel, let's go!"

Offer the child games with alternates. "Let's be pussy today." Show the movements of the cat and say: "meow, meow." Or horses, dogs.

It perfectly develops the child's imagination. Games with the development of thinking are useful for the child, they develop his memory, imagination, intellect.

Some mothers complain: "I bought so many toys for my daughter, but she played and left for two days."

"In the house drags stones, old sticks, all garbage and hides it in the corners."

"What does she miss?"

And my daughter does not have enough imagination. For the flight of the imagination, she needs the simplest devices: stones, sticks, garbage. The kid remembers everything and is very upset when things disappear.

Do not throw things away, it's better to put them in a special box. Let him keep this "necessary" trash, and your baby will someday say thank you. Help the child see a plate in the cardboard box, and in the stick a sword.

Create images with him. Scraping forgeries from wood, such toys like children more than purchased, they appreciate and are proud of them. That your child grew attentive and caring, get a pet in the house.

Walk with it, play, feed and accustom to this kid. Fantasy should be kind. He should encourage your baby to do good, useful and good deeds.

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