Automobiles, Cars
The car pump is a necessary attribute of the car trunk
Any motorist knows about the need in the trunk of his car a number of accessories that will help in an unforeseen situation. After all, on the road, especially far, anything can happen. One of these assistants will serve as an automobile pump. If suddenly the car drove the wheel, do not have to use the services of an evacuator or an on-site technical service, it's enough to pump the bus yourself with this device.
The hand car pump is an oblong metal cylinder with a hose, on the one hand, and with a handle-piston for air injection, on the other. Rarely, which car enthusiast uses a hand pump - too much time and effort will be spent on swapping an automobile wheel.
The foot car pump consists of a metal body located on the landing pad, a hose connected to the body, and a piston with a foot operated mechanism. Most modern pumps also have a manometer. This allows you to monitor the pressure in the inflated tire.
There are membrane and piston electric pumps. Membrane devices are not very popular among motorists. For pumping the wheel with their help takes more time, while not providing the desired pressure in the tires. They are completely unsuitable for use in the cold season: the rubber membrane hardens at minus temperature and makes operation of the device more difficult.
Thanks to the availability of a number of adapters, auto pumps can be used for pumping motorcycles, bicycles, inflatable boats, balls, mattresses.
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