
Descends the wheel: what to do, solve the problem and recommendations of professionals

Every motorist knows that the flat tire at the car is quite unpleasant, and in some cases even a problematic situation, which requires an early decision to restore the car's performance. Today we will discuss in detail the issues related to the puncture of the wheel, we will learn why this problem arises, and also how to solve it and warn it.

Chamber or tubeless tires?

Most modern cars are equipped with tubeless tires. In the case of a puncture, unlike the tire tires, they allow you to keep the pressure in the wheel for a while, which is very important from a safety standpoint. There are situations when the owner of tubeless wheels rides with a nail in the tire for several months before the puncture will make itself felt. Of course, we are not talking about significant damage. In turn, the chamber wheel at the puncture immediately descends. Imagine only what it can be fraught with speed. Therefore, experts strongly recommend that anyone who still has a camera tire, abandon them.

Why does the wheel go down?

When they saw (or felt) that their favorite car was bent due to the fact that the tire broke through, each driver hastened to find the source of this problem. The main reasons why the wheel is lowered:

  1. The most common option is a tire puncture. This happens, as a rule, because of the impact on the nail, wire and other small metal objects. If a tubeless wheel is lowered due to a puncture, it is often possible to reach the nearest service station with periodic pumping, and sometimes even without them.
  2. Another fairly common problem is the cut of the wheel. If the puncture in most cases occurs on the tire protector, the cuts are also lateral. The cut of the running part (protector) is rare, since it consists of a fairly thick and dense layer of rubber. Much more often this problem occurs on the side of the tire, which is much thinner. This occurs when contacting sharp objects. These can be the edges of the rut, curbs (of which metal fittings often stick out) and other protrusions. If the cut does not reach the court, the wheel usually does not lower. But if the rubber is cut deep, then you will learn about this much faster than about puncturing, since the cut surface is larger. Unfortunately, if this problem happened on the side of the wheel and caused serious damage to the rubber, then, most likely, it will not be possible to eliminate it.
  3. Sometimes the wheel is lowered due to the deformation of the disc, which leads to the depressurization of the place in which the tire is attached to it. The disc may be damaged either due to poor road surface, or due to inexperience of the driver (punching the disc on the curb with parallel parking and other oversights). The alignment of the disc helps to solve this problem without damaging the tire itself.
  4. The depressurization of the spool or nipple (valve) is another reason why the wheel often goes down. This happens either because of the mechanical impact on these elements or because of their sloppy installation. The second reason is more common, since it is difficult to hit the nipple with the spool, because it "hides" behind the disc. By the way, the spools are of a long and short construction. The first option, as practice shows, is more reliable.

How to determine the place of damage

Sometimes it's rather difficult to know why a wheel is being lowered. And even experts are sometimes confused when they see that the tire is visually intact, but it does not hold the air. There are at least several solutions to this problem. First, try to pump the wheel to 1-1.5 atmosphere and listen where the air goes. If it does not work out, moisten it with soapy water and find a place where air bubbles appear. If this did not help, dip the wheel completely into the water. It happens that the removed wheel holds air, and if you install it on the car - it skips. In this case, it is necessary to disassemble it and carry a rag over the inner surface of the tire. If the wheel has at least a small protruding object, the rag must be hooked.

What causes driving on a flat tire

We have already figured out how much the wheel goes down in time, and as you understand, this time can be completely different. If the wheel is pierced by a nail or some other small object, it is possible that it will hold pressure for some time. On this wheel, you can easily reach the tire service. You need to go carefully. On the road it is desirable to periodically inspect the wheel and, if necessary, to pump it. The pump, or better the compressor, should always be in the trunk!

But what if the wheel has completely drained and the swap does not help? Is it possible to go on the deflated wheel? Theoretically, of course, you can, but this ride has some unpleasant moments. Firstly, the trip will be extremely uncomfortable. And secondly, both the tire and the disk, most likely, will become worthless.

Repair of tires with a harness

In addition to the means for swapping the wheels, it is desirable to put a tire repair kit in the trunk of the car. It will save you in the event of a wheel puncture. If there is such a "first aid kit for tires" and proper skills for repairing the wheel, it will take less than half an hour. There is a set of such elements:

  1. An awl with a cut eye.
  2. The awl in the form of a spiral.
  3. Special harness.
  4. Glue.

The repair operation is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The wheel is pumped up and the puncture site is determined. It is necessary to pump the wheel not only to identify the problem zone, but also for the convenience of repair.
  2. Now in the hole you need to carefully twist the spiral awl. It is necessary to develop a hole and prepare it for the harness. To expand the hole, you need to insert and remove the awl several times.
  3. When the hole is ready, an awl with an eye is taken. In the eyelet, a tourniquet is inserted up to 4 cm long so that the awl is in its middle.
  4. An awl with a bundle is gently inserted into the hole until you feel that the bend of the bundle has reached the inside edge of the tire.
  5. It remains only to sharply pull out the instrument and cut off excess pieces of the bundle.

When the front wheel is punched, it is possible to carry out such repairs without removing it. Simply turn the steering wheel to the side and open the access to the tire. But if the rear wheel has lowered, it still has to be removed. If, after carrying out this operation, the wheel keeps the pressure, it can safely go to the service station. However, what's the use of it, most drivers drive this wheel for several years and do not know the problems. A similar procedure can be made at the tire installation in the event that the driver does not have time for more reliable repairs.

Repairing tires with a spray

This is an alternative wheel repair option. A special spray splashes inside the tire. Thanks to the pressure created in the can, the liquid is evenly distributed over the inner surface, filling the hole and creating a sealed layer. If a foreign object sticks out in the wheel, it must be removed before using this composition. Spray sealant in the wheel, pump up the latter, and if everything is in order, you can go to the service station. Remember that the spray solves the problem only temporarily, and if you do not carry out more substantial repairs, you will soon notice that the wheel is lowered.

What to do to prevent the problem

Any problem is much easier to prevent than correct. As already mentioned above, in most cases the modern tubeless tire breaks through with a sharp object and does not immediately start to descend. In order for the active phase of this very descent to not take place on the road, when the sticking nail, for example, gets caught in something, you need to inspect the tires every day and at least once a week measure the pressure in them.

In order not to break through the wheel, try to avoid dangerous areas (construction, old tramways, heavily damaged roads, etc.). If it happens that you notice the obstacle, but do not have time to go round it, do not turn it sharply. The central part of the wheel is much thicker and denser than the side, so it's better to go straight to the obstacle.

What should be in the trunk

Be sure to bring a pump and a repair kit! The wheel can be lowered at the most inopportune moment, so it's better to be ready for it. Of course, no one canceled the stock either. If it so happens that you do not have a spare wheel or tools, a simple screwdriver will come to the rescue. It must be tightly screwed into the puncture site. With a screwdriver, most likely, it will be possible to get to the tire fitting. Screws in the car can always be found, most importantly, do not forget to return it to the place. Thus, the minimum tool that will be needed to repair the wheel after the puncture is a screwdriver. But it's better not to get involved with such methods.

The above tips for quick self-repair of the wheel are relevant only in case of a puncture. With a cut and other problems, only the reserve can become a salvation. In the garage, you can already try to seal the tire with special patches, similar to those used when the wheel is released on a bicycle or motorcycle, but it's better to turn to professionals.

How to keep the car on the road in case of sudden penetration

There are times when on the road for no reason at all descends the wheel. What can I do to safely stop the car? Let's analyze step by step:

  1. First of all it is worth noting the simple fact - the slower the car goes, the more likely that its passengers will remain unscathed when the wheel is lowered sharply. Therefore, violating the speed regime, remember this.
  2. If you sharply lower the wheel (you will surely feel it), do not rush to press the brake into the floor. The subconscious in any emergency situation will cause you to slow down, but this is the worst thing that can be done in this case. If you brake, the car will drive even more.
  3. If you have cruise control turned on, turn it off as soon as possible.
  4. Do everything to keep the car on a straight path. If it leads to the side, turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction. But do not overdo it, otherwise you will get the opposite effect.
  5. Let the car drive to the stopping place. The car will brake itself, because of the deflated wheel. You can help her with light pressure on the brake. It is best in this case to brake the transmission. If there is no curb next to you, do not stop on the road, it's better to drive some distance on the disk. Do not forget to turn on the alarm to let other participants know about your problem and be careful.


Today we figured out why it usually takes the wheel off the car, how to solve this problem and how to partially prevent it. Do not forget that:

  1. Tubeless rubber is safer than a chamber.
  2. In the trunk there must always be a necessary tool.
  3. Inspection of the car and checking the pressure in the tires will partially relieve you of surprises on the road.
  4. If the wheel comes down suddenly, keep your sanity.

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