
Hamburg chickens: description and reviews

To date, a lot of people are breeding poultry. With proper care for livestock, it can still bring a stable income. The Hamburg chickens, which will be described below, are very popular with many farmers. This breed is characterized by a proud and majestic appearance, good egg laying and unpretentiousness.

A bit of history

The Hamburg breed of chickens was bred by German specialists who are trying to create an ideal bird that would show excellent productivity and could easily adapt to difficult climatic conditions. Thus, for the crossing, lunar Talakshire, Pheasant Yorkshire and Spanish chickens were taken . The first mention of the breed dates back to 1740, but it gained world fame much later.

General information about the breed

Hamburg chickens, whose photos look very attractive, have a slightly oblong medium-sized body. The chest is slightly raised, which gives the silhouette some greatness, and the head is slightly tilted down. Despite the small size of the body, the legs are quite strong. To distinguish these chickens from representatives of other breeds that have similar characteristics, one can have a very lush and long tail.

Characteristic features of the Hamburg breed are:

  • Thin neck of short length;
  • The scallop in its form resembles a rose, which in roosters and chickens differs in size;
  • Short, slightly rounded beak;
  • Brown eyes with a red tint;
  • Massive wings with great scope.

The above external signs are typical for all individuals of this breed, so if you notice any differences, this indicates the chicken's belonging to another kind of bird.

Plumage and color

Hamburg chickens, the standard of which is determined by many factors, have a very dense and thick plumage, which reliably protects the birds from the cold. Most individuals have a head, neck and tips of white wings, and the body - mottled. However, it should be noted that, depending on the species of the breed, there are certain differences in the color of the hens.

Common features with representatives of other breeds

The Hamburg chickens have much in common with representatives of some other breeds. For example, with their unpretentiousness and endurance, they resemble a chintz Leningrad hen, and in size and egg-laying - Russian white. As for the external signs and color, this breed is very similar to the Leygorne Veandot, which is known all over the world for its highest productivity.

Efficiency and egg production

Adult Hamburg dwarf chickens grow to two and a half kilograms, and the weight of cocks can reach 3 kg. With regard to egg production, the hens begin to bear eggs already at four months, bringing in 195 eggs per year, each weighing an average of 55 grams. In some cases, with proper care and proper diet, productivity can be higher.

What is needed to improve egg production?

According to experienced farmers, if you adhere to some rules and recommendations for the care and breeding of this breed of chickens, you can achieve higher egg production.

To have one bird carry 220 eggs each year, you should do the following:

  • Each spring should reduce the duration of daylight hours, and in autumn - increase;
  • To release for a summer poultry should be at 5 in the morning;
  • In winter, chickens should be let out into the street if the air temperature is not more than 15 degrees below zero;
  • In winter, the air temperature should be maintained at 10-12 degrees, which are considered ideal for this breed.

It is important to understand that the highest egg-laying lasts during the first year of life, after which it gradually decreases every year.

Breeding of Hamburg hens: recommendations for care

The Hamburg breed of chickens, the description of which was given above, is bred not only for the purpose of obtaining eggs, but also for obtaining meat. Many farmers choose this breed because the chickens grow very quickly and, with proper care, only a few months after hatching begin to sweep.

To ensure that chickens are healthy and maintain their attractive appearance, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for them:

  • In the henhouse must be clean, dry and warm;
  • The room should be equipped with ventilation, lighting and stools of sufficient size;
  • That the bird does not hurt, it is necessary to periodically change the litter;
  • Regardless of the time of the year, chickens should be released for free-range. In the cold months, its duration should not be more than three hours, and in summer it is better to let out for the whole day, while ensuring that the bird has free access to the coop.

Failure to comply with these simple recommendations not only can lead to a significant decrease in productivity, but also to the development of various diseases that can lead to the complete extinction of livestock.

The better to feed?

Hamburg chickens should receive food three times a day. One person needs 100 grams of food to fully saturate. As for the diet, the optimal solution will be the use of cereals mixed with soft food. In addition, the bird must constantly receive vitamins and minerals, so, together with the feed, it must be given specialized supplements. It is important to understand that representatives of the Hamburg breed are gaining weight very quickly, so they are not recommended to overfeed, as this negatively affects productivity.

Breeding Hamburg hens

This breed of chickens is completely devoid of maternal instinct, so if you plan to cultivate it, you will have to equip the incubator. If there is no such opportunity for some reason, then in this case it is possible to lay eggs to layers of other breeds.

Chickens of Hamburg hens grow very fast and develop, and in two months they have fully formed plumage. However, for a bird to grow healthy, it needs to create suitable conditions. If you do everything right, about 90 percent of chickens will survive.

For the first time, a separate aviary should be built for young animals with access to the coop. It must be of sufficient size to allow the bird to move freely along it. This is very important, because the Hamburg chickens are very active and love to run a lot. Giving feed to a young bird needs a small amount every three hours. In a diet it is necessary to include the combined forages which are preliminary steamed out, the crushed boiled egg and a green onion. This diet should be maintained for two and a half months, after which the chicken can be transferred to normal meals.

Hamburg breed of chickens: advantages and disadvantages

The Hamburg chickens differ in their unpretentiousness in their content and diet, as well as their high productivity, which are their main advantages.

In addition to the pluses, you can also include:

  • Small size and low feed intake;
  • High survival rate of chickens;
  • Rapid start of the egg-laying period;
  • High resistance to various diseases;
  • Quiet, calm and peaceful disposition of the bird;
  • The attractive appearance of the hens, making them an excellent decoration of the courtyard.

The main disadvantage of this breed is that the hens do not incubate the eggs, as well as the rapid cessation of the productive period.

What do farmers say about hamburg chickens?

If you decide to start farming and want to start with the breeding of chickens, then the best thing for this is the Hamburg breed. It is very popular among many farmers around the world and has collected quite a lot of positive feedback.

The overwhelming majority of people engaged in breeding and growing Hamburg hamburgers, note their high productivity, unpretentiousness and high resistance to severe climatic conditions. However, if your region has very harsh winters, then the hen house must necessarily be insulated and equipped with the heating system necessary to maintain the optimum air temperature in the house.

After the egg-laying of chickens noticeably decreases, they can be put on meat, which is of good quality and excellent taste. However, with proper care and use of quality feed, chickens will provide you with eggs for a fairly long period of time. The most important thing is not to forget about the proper diet and proper care for poultry, and then a good result is guaranteed.

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